Title: High School Task Team Recommendation
1High School Task Team Recommendation
Board of Education June 11, 2007
2Michigan Merit Curriculum
- Signed into law April 2006
- Comprehensive set of high school graduation
requirements - High School Content Expectations
- Michigan Merit Exam (MME)
- Effective Class of 2011 (current 8th grade)
- 2 credits of World Languages effective Class of
2016 (either in grades 9-12 OR K-12)
Rigor ? Relevance ? Relationships
3Trenton Graduation Requirements
4(No Transcript)
5THS Graduation Requirements Classes of 2008, 09,
6Graduation RequirementsClass of 2011 and Later
7Graduation RequirementsClass of 2016 (or earlier)
8Purpose of HS Task Team
- The purpose of the High School Task Team is to
recommend a schedule that best implements the
Michigan Merit Curriculum and meets the needs of
Trenton High School students.
Board of Education June 2007
75 consensus needed for recommendation
9High School Task Team Membership
- High School Staff
- Melissa Azeez
- Becca Caldwell
- Mike Doyle
- Hector Garcia
- Michelle Gray
- Marcia Ham
- Angie Inman
- Rob Lindsay
- Debbie Romo
- Angie Siggia
- James Trush
- Luke Thompson
- Rod Wakeham
- Mike Walters
- Middle School Staff
- Terri Faitel
- Ajser Miftari
- Stephanie Spurr
- Brooke Tucker
- Parents
- Stephanie Lazarski
- Joann Osborn
- John Reeber
- Administration
- Glenn Czajka
- Ann Deneroff
23 Members
10Implications of the Michigan Merit Curriculum
- Curriculum Adjustments
- Alignment to Course/Credit Expectations
- Common End-of-Year Assessments
- Course/Credit Alignment Math Related, VAPP, LA,
CTE - Impact on Student Choices
- Interventions
- Approximately 70 THS students take Algebra II
- Approximately 68 THS students take Physics or
Chemistry - Professional Development
11High School Task TeamProcess
- Trimester Presentation
- Team attended Mark Westerburgs presentation in
Woodhaven - Mark Westerburgs presentation to THS staff
- Team Meetings
- November 30, 2006
- December 14, 2006
- January 18, 2007
- February 15, 2007
- March 21, 2007
- May 10, 2007
- May 16, 2007
- Visitations
- Clarenceville High School
- Dr. Artis, Superintendent, Dearborn Public
Schools - Adrian High School
- Teacher/ Parent/Student/ Involvement
- Task Team presentation to THS
- Parent Forum Survey
- Middle School High School Student Forum Survey
Research ? Data ? Conversations
12Data on Class of 2006256 Students
- 52 met new graduation requirements (132
students) - 59 met new requirements counting math related
course (150 students) - 46 met all new requirements and 2 credits of
World Language (117 students) - 23 were short 1 credit either Math or Science
(59 students) - 17 were short 2 credits Math and Science (44
13Data on Class of 2006Credits Earned Beyond
14Data on Class of 2006 Students Earning Credit
by Department
15Post-Graduate DataClass of 2006
- 64 four-year college
- 21 two-year college
? How many complete college
7 technical school
3 military
5 work
16Schedules Considered
- Schedule Options
- 6 Period Day
- (with modifications)
- 7 Period Day
- Trimesters
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Cost
- Class Size
- Staffing / Certification
- Academic Achievement
- Professional Agreement
- Student Teacher Load
- Assessment
- Student Choice
- Curricular Adjustments
Parameter of no increased cost therefore block
scheduling was not a schedule option considered
17 Schedule Options Considered
18NCAA / DCTC Class Size / Cost
19Professional Agreement
20Staffing Certification
- Total number of staff should not be affected by
- one scheduling option over the next.
- Budget and number of students are the
- major factors impacting staffing.
Staffing needs may shift... Currently 70
students take Algebra II 7 sections of Algebra
II offered New requirements 100students take
Algebra II 9 to 10 sections of Algebra II needed
21Academic Achievement
- Research
- Student achievement is not significantly affected
adversely or positively - Schedule may influence student learning
- Scheduling is not the most critical factor in
maintaining quality - Factors affecting student achievement
- Teacher
- Class Size
- Instructional Leadership
- Curriculum Alignment
- Instructional Strategies
- Parent Involvement
22Student and Teacher Load
23AssessmentsReport Cards Conferences
24Student Choice
25Required Choice Courses
- Required Courses
- 4 credits Language Arts
- 4 credits Math
- 3 credits Science
- 3 credits Social Studies
- .5 credit PE
- .5 credit Health
- 1 credit VPAA
- Class of 2016 addition of 2 credits of
Language other Than English (LOTE)
- Choice Courses
- LA Electives
- Math Electives
- Science Electives
- Social Studies Electives
- World Language
- Art
- Business
- Music
- Physical Education
- Life Management
- Career Technical Education
16 credits
26Sample 6 Period Schedule
27Sample 7 Period Schedule
28Sample Trimester Schedule
29CurriculumInstructional Time
31CurriculumInterventions / Acceleration
32Summary of QuestionnairePercentage Ranking
Attribute as Most Important or Important
33Summary of Questionnaire
346 Period Day - Comments
357 Period Day - Comments
36Trimesters - Comments
377 Period Day Eliminated Option
- Increased load on students 7 classes per day
- Increased load on teachers 6 classes per day
- Shorter class period 51 minutes
- Less total instructional time 13.5 hours per
semester - More transitions per day
- Changes in Professional Agreement
38Six Period Day
- Advantages
- Greater amount of instructional time (90 hours
versus 72 hours per semester) - Familiarity and minimal change
- Focus on core requirements
- Concerns
- Reduction of course offerings
- Limited choice and flexibility for students
- Interventions/credit recovery and acceleration
more challenging - Student interest in zero and 7th hour options
- Middle school students takings courses for high
school credit
- Advantages
- Greater choice and flexibility for students
- Opportunities for intervention/credit recovery
and acceleration - Fewer classes per term for students and teachers
- 72 minute class period
- Concerns
- Reduction of instructional time per course (72
versus 90 hours per semester) - Gap between some courses
- Consistency between courses
- 72 minute class period
- Investment in transition
40High School Task Teams Consensus
RecommendationImplementation of Trimesters at
Trenton High Schoolstarting in the 2008-09
school year
41Why Trimesters
- Well-rounded high school education and experience
- Maintain and expand current course offerings
- Meet the needs of all students struggling,
advanced, and average - Options for assistance and interventions
- Recover credit more readily
- Opportunities for enrichment / acceleration
- Potential for flexibility and creativity in
schedule - Student and teacher load
42Still to Come...
- Policy
- Graduation requirements
- Courses
- Length of specific courses
- Schedule
- Minimize interruptions
- Minimize gapping
- Terms
- Half days
- Procedures
- Professional Agreement
- Conferences
- Calendar
- Curriculum
- Align to fit the trimester format
- Consistency between courses
- Course offerings
- Intervention
- Acceleration
- MME Prep
- Gap issues
- Professional Development
- Utilization of longer class periods
- Teaching for retention
43- Upon Board approval of the recommendation, the
High School will develop a detailed plan for
the implementation of trimesters. - In 2007-08, the plan will be brought to the
Board of Education for approval.
Thank you to the members of the High
School Task Team for their time, diligence, and
commitment to ensure the best educational setting
for Trenton students.