Title: De vier elementen
1I wish you The Power of all Elements.
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Air, Fire, Water Earth
2Think of the one you love
A true friend is one who walks with you and
touches your heart.
3Think of the one you love
We seldom think of what we have. We always think
of what we dont have.
4Think of the one you love
Dont cry because its over. SMILE and be glad
things happend.
5Live the life youare suppostto live from deep
The more precise you plant, the more things
happen that way.
6Live the life you are suppostto live from deep
Everything happens because things have to happen.
7Live the life you are suppostto live from deep
Dont make a fuzz about everything. The best
things happen anyway.when you least expect it.
8Become SILENT inside
The greatest, deepest experience happens in
Silence, not in those loud moments. .
9Become SILENT inside
The toughest part of life? ... To learn which
paths to go and which ones to ignore.
10Become SILENT inside
Others first see what you show, not who you
really are.
11Become SILENT inside
Want something you never had before? Do
something!!! ... Do what you have never done
12Love the ones you are with
In the walk of life you wil meet good and wrong
people!Recognize the good ones Appriciate
them and be gratefull you were lucky to meet
13Become the dream
Give something a name and it wil happen.
14Become SILENT inside
Love does not mean ... looking at each other.
Love means ... Together, looking in the same
direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).
15Become SILENT inside
Life is ... To draw without gum.
16Its my wish you always ... Have AIR to
breath, Have FIRE to warm yourself, Have WATER to
drink en have EARTH to live. (South-American