Title: Integumentary System and Body Temperature
1Chapter 7
- Integumentary System and Body Temperature
.Integumentary System Cutaneous membrane
Accessory structures .Functions Protection
Excretion of waste Synthesis of Vitamin
D Sensation Body temperature regulation
3The Integumentary System Skin and associated
structures form integumentary system
4- Structure of the Skin
- Skin consists of two layers
- Epidermis
- Strata
- Dermis
- Blood vessels, nerve endings, and glands
5Cross section of the skin.
6- Epidermis
- Surface portion of the skin
- Stratum basale or stratum germinativum
- Stratum corneum
7- Dermis
- Contains most of the accessory structures of the
skin - Blood vessels
- Nerves
- Sweat glands
- Oil glands
- Hair
- Dermal papillae
8Checkpoint 7-1 The skin and all its associated
structures comprise a body system. What is the
name of this system? Checkpoint 7-2 The skin
itself is composed of two layers. Moving from the
superficial to the deeper layer, what are the
names of these two layers?
9- Subcutaneous Layer
- Connects the skin to the surface muscles
- Loose connective tissue
- Adipose (fat) tissue
- Blood vessels
- Nerves and nerve endings
10Checkpoint 7-3 What is the composition of the
subcutaneous layer?
11Accessory Structures of the Skin Some
structures of the integumentary system protect
the skin and have some more generalized functions
as well
12- Sebaceous (Oil) Glands
- Produce a variety of secretions
- Sebum
- Vernix caseosa
- Eye lubrication
13- Sudoriferous (Sweat) Glands
- Located in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
- Eccrine type sweat glands
- Apocrine sweat glands
- Ceruminous glands
- Ciliary glands
- Mammary glands
Sebaceous glands (oil) Sudoriferous glands
15Checkpoint 7-4 Some skin glands produce an oily
secretion called sebum. What is the name of these
glands? Checkpoint 7-5 What is the scientific
name for the sweat glands?
16- Hair
- Composed mainly of keratin and is not living
- Hair follicles
- Melanocytes
- Arrector pili
17Portion of skin showing associated glands and
hair. ZOOMING IN How do the sebaceous glands
and apocrine sweat glands secrete to the outside?
What kind of epithelium makes up the sweat glands?
18- Nails
- Made of keratin produced by cells that originate
in - the outer layer of the epidermis
- Nail root
- Nail plate
- Nail bed
- Lunula
- Cuticle
19Nail structure.
20- Functions of the Skin
- Four major functions
- Protection against infection
- Protection against dehydration (drying)
- Regulation of body temperature
- Collection of sensory information
21- Protection Against Infection
- Intact skin forms a primary barrier against
invasion - Interlocking pattern resists penetration
- Shedding removes pathogens
- Protects against bacterial toxins
- Protects against some harmful environmental
22- Protection Against Dehydration
- Skin prevents water loss by evaporation
- Keratin in the epidermis
- Sebum release from the sebaceous glands
23- Regulation of Body Temperature
- Loss of excess heat and protection from cold are
important - functions of the skin
- Constriction of blood vessels
- Dilation of blood vessels
- Evaporation of perspiration
24Body temperature regulation
25- Collection of Sensory Information
- Skin has many nerve endings and other special
receptors - Free nerve endings
- Touch receptors
- Deep pressure receptors
26- Other Activities of the Skin
- Absorption of substances such as medications
- Excretion
- Water
- Electrolytes
- Wastes
- Manufacture of Vitamin D
27Checkpoint 7-6 What two mechanisms are used to
regulate temperature through the skin?
28Observation of the Skin Skin attributes can
indicate a serious systemic disorder
29- Color
- Factors that influence skin color
- Amount of pigment in the epidermis
- Melanin
- Carotene
- Discoloration
- Blood in surface blood vessels
- Oxygen in blood
- Hemoglobin in blood
- Other chemicals in blood
30Checkpoint 7-7 What are some pigments that
impart color to the skin?
31- Lesions
- Any wound or local damage to tissue
- Surface lesions
- Macule
- Papule
- Vesicle
- Pustule
- Deeper lesions
- Excoriation
- Laceration
- Ulcer
- Fissure
32Checkpoint 7-8 What is a lesion?
33- Burns
- Categorized by
- Depth of damage
- Superficial partial-thickness
- Deep partial-thickness
- Full-thickness
- Amount of body surface area (BSA) involved
- Rule of nines
- Lund and Browder method
34- Tissue Repair
- Wound healing
- Occurs only in areas with actively dividing cells
- Epithelial tissues
- Connective tissues
- Minimally in muscle and nervous tissue
- Is affected by
- Nutrition
- Blood supply
- Infection
- Age
35- Effects of Aging on the
- Integumentary System
- Changes in
- Skin
- Tissues
- Pigment
- Hair
- Sweat glands
- Circulation
- Fingernails and toenails