Title: Unit 7 Common Diseases and Conditions of Body Systems
1Unit 7Common Diseases and Conditions of Body
2Common Diseases and Conditions of Body Systems
- This unit reviews the structure and function of
the body and its systems. - It presents common disorders of each system and
lists the normal changes that occur with the
aging process. - It includes signs and symptoms which should be
3Common Diseases and Conditions of Body
- A basic knowledge of normal anatomy and
physiology will help the nurse aide to understand
the signs and symptoms of disease, the reasons
for the care given, and the purposes of
procedures that are carried out for the
residents comfort, healing and recovery. - In-depth information is not provided.
4Common Diseases and Conditions of Body
- It is intended that upon completion of the unit,
the student will have rudimentary knowledge of
the body systems sufficient to enhance resident
5Body Systems
6- 7.0 Discuss the makeup of the male and female
body. - 7.1 Describe the relationship between cells,
tissues, organs, and systems of the body.
7Body SystemsCells
- Building blocks of body
- Microscopic in size
- Cells combine to form tissue
8Body Systems
- Cells organized into tissue to carry on
particular activities (connect, support, absorb,
secrete, protect, direct, coordinate, allow
movement) - Groups of tissues form organs
9- 7.1.1 List the organs of the body.
10Body SystemsOrgans
- Made up of several types of tissues
- Carry on special functions
- Some organs in pairs - kidneys and lungs
- Some organs single heart, brain, liver,
stomach, intestines, bladder - Organs combine to form systems
11- 7.1.2 Identify the systems of the body.
- A system is a group of organs that work together.
Body Systems
- Skeletal
- Muscular
- Circulatory
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Urinary
- Endocrine
- Nervous
- Reproductive
- Integumentary
- Sensory
13Body Systems
Systems combine to form the human body.
14The Skeletal System
15- 7.2 Identify functions of the skeletal system.
16The Skeletal System
- Comprises the bony framework of the body
17The Skeletal System(continued)
- Support
- Protect
- Movement
- Mineral storage
- Blood cell production
18The Skeletal System(continued)
- JOINTS - point where bones meet
- Immovable cranium
- Slightly movable - vertebral discs
- Freely movable - shoulder, knee, wrist
19The Skeletal System(continued)
- Ligament - connects bone to bone
- Tendon - connects muscle to bone
20The Skeletal System(continued)
- Bursa - fluid filled sac that allows bones to
move easily over others - Cartilage connective tissue that cushions the
joint at end of bones and between bones
21- 7.2.1 Discuss common disorders of the skeletal
22Common Disorders of Skeletal System
- Osteoporosis - porous bone that breaks easily
23Common Disorders of Skeletal System(continued)
- Fracture - break in bone
- simple - bone broken, skin intact
- compound - bone broken, penetrates skin
- comminuted - bone broken, fragments in tissue
- greenstick - incomplete break
24Common Disorders of Skeletal System(continued)
- Arthritis - inflammation of the joints
- osteoarthritis due to stress on joints
- usually affects weight bearing joints knees,
hips, vertebrae and fingers - aching, stiffness, limited motion
25Common Disorders of Skeletal System(continued)
- Arthritis - inflammation of the joints
- rheumatoid arthritis - systemic disease
- causes inflammation, deformity and crippling
- joints painful, stiff, swollen, red and warm
26Common Disorders of Skeletal System(continued)
- Amputation removal of all or part of limb
- Sprain - stretched or torn ligaments or tendons
- Bursitis - inflammation of bursa causing pain on
27- 7.2.2 Discuss changes that take place in the
skeletal system due to aging.
28Skeletal System Changes Due To Aging
- Bones more porous or brittle
- Joints less flexible
- Postural changes
- Awkward walking patterns
- Slowed recovery from position changes and sudden
29- 7.2.3 List observations/situations relating to
skeletal system.
30Observations/Situations Related to Skeletal System
- Slow and unsteady body movement
- Difficulty holding objects
- Complaint of pain in joints
- Swelling, redness and warmth in joints
- Inability to move joints
31Observations/Situations Related to Skeletal
- Complaint of pain with movement
- Complaint of neck or head pain
- Resident who has fallen (stay with resident, call
for help, do not move resident or allow resident
to move)
32Observations/Situations Related to Skeletal
- Resident with cast on arm or leg
- complaint of pain in limb
- swelling of fingers or toes
- pale skin of fingers or toes
- cyanosis and coolness of fingers or toes
33Observations/Situations Related to Skeletal
- Resident with cast on arm or leg
- odor or drainage from cast
- inability to move toes or fingers
- complaint of numbness of fingers or toes
- drainage from cast
34The Muscular System
35- 7.3 Identify functions of muscles.
36The Muscular System
- Provides body with ability to move
- Over 650 different muscles that comprise nearly
half the body weight
37The Muscular System(continued)
- Functions of muscles
- Allow movement
- Help body stay erect posture
- Produce most of bodys heat
- Give body form
- Provide movement of internal organs
38- 7.3.1 Discuss common disorders of the muscular
39Common Disorders of Muscular System
- Paralysis - loss of voluntary movement due to
neurological damage such as stroke or trauma - Multiple sclerosis weakness of muscles due to
loss of covering on nerves that control them - Atrophy muscle mass decreases in size
40Common Disorders of Muscular System(continued)
- Contracture - permanent shortening of muscle
joints become ankylosed (frozen) - Muscle strain damage caused by trauma
- Myalgia - muscle pain
- Torn muscle - tear caused by trauma
41- 7.3.2 Discuss changes in the muscular system due
to aging.
42Changes in Muscular System Due to Aging
- Poorer response to stimuli
- Pain when moving, therefore muscles not used as
often - Less active
- Muscle strength and bulk loss
- Slower muscle - nerve interaction
43- 7.3.3 List observations relating to the muscular
44Observations of Muscular System to Report
- Difficulty holding or lifting objects
- Inability to move a body part
- Difficulty walking
- Loss of muscle strength and tone
45Observations of Muscular System to
- Edema of tissue or joint
- Complaint of muscle pain
- Generalized weakness and fatigue
- Slow, unsteady body movement
46The Circulatory System
47- 7.4 Identify functions of the circulatory system.
48Circulatory System
- Circulation is continuous movement of blood
throughout body
49Circulatory System(continued)
- Functions of circulatory system
- Arteries carry blood with oxygen and nutrients
away from heart and to cells - Veins carry waste products away from cells and to
- Adult has 5 to 6 quarts (liters)
- Consists of
- water - 90 (plasma)
- blood cells
- carbon dioxide and oxygen
- nutrients, hormones and enzymes
- waste products
- Types of blood cells
- Red blood cells - erythrocytes
- carry oxygen from blood to cells
- White blood cells - leukocytes
- fight infection
- Platelets - thrombocytes
- required for clotting to stop bleeding
52Blood Vessels
- Arteries - carry blood away from heart
- Veins carry blood to heart
53- 7.4.1 Discuss how the blood vessels relate to the
pulse and blood pressure.
- Tissue (three layers)
- endocardium - smooth, inner layer
- myocardium thick, muscular middle layer
- pericardium double-walled membrane that covers
outside of heart
55Heart Chambers
- Heart divided into right and left side
- Atria upper chambers receive blood
- Ventricles lower chambers pump blood to lungs
and body
56Heart Chambers
- Four chambers
- right atrium (1) - receives blood from two large
veins - superior vena cava
- inferior vena cava
- right ventricle (2) - receives blood from right
atrium and pumps it to lungs through pulmonary
57Heart Chambers(continued)
- Four chambers
- left atrium (3) - receives oxygenated blood from
left and right pulmonary veins - left ventricle (4) - pumps blood to aorta, which
delivers blood to all body parts (except lungs)
58Heart Valves
- Located at entrance and exit of each ventricle
- Four heart valves
- Systole - contraction of heart muscle
- Diastole - relaxation of heart muscle
- Blood pressure highest and lowest pressure
against walls of blood vessels as heart contracts
and relaxes - Pulse - expansion and contraction of artery
60- 7.4.2 Discuss common disorders of the circulatory
61Common Disorders of the Circulatory System
- Arteriosclerosis - walls of arteries become thick
and harden - Hypertension - high blood pressure
- Peripheral vascular disease - decrease in flow of
blood to extremities and brain - Angina pectoris - chest pain
62Common Disorders of the Circulatory
- Varicose veins - enlarged, twisted veins usually
in legs - Congestive heart failure - circulatory congestion
caused by weak pumping of heart muscle - Myocardial infarction (MI) - heart attack due to
blockage in coronary arteries
63Common Disorders of the Circulatory
- Anemia low red blood cell counts
- Thrombus blood clot
- Phlebitis inflammation of vein
- Atherosclerosis - fatty deposits on walls of
arteries that reduce blood flow
64- 7.4.3 Discuss changes that occur in the
circulatory system with aging.
65Changes of the Circulatory System Due To Aging
- Heart muscle less efficient
- Blood pumped with less force
- Arteries lose elasticity and become narrow
- Blood pressure increases
- Blood chemistry less efficient
- Capillaries become more fragile
66- 7.4.3 List observations relating to the
circulatory system.
67Observations of the Circulatory System
- Changes in pulse rate and blood pressure
- Changes in skin color
- Changes in skin temperature coldness
68Observations of the Circulatory System(continued)
- Complaint of dizziness and headaches
- Complaint of pain in chest and/or indigestion
- Edema in feet and legs
- Shortness of breath
69Observations of the Circulatory System(continued)
- Sweating
- Blue color to lips and/or nail beds
- Complaint of tingling sensations
- Memory lapses
- Lack of energy
- Irregular respirations
- Anxiety
- Staring and lack of responsiveness
70The Respiratory System
71- 7.5 Identify the function and structure of the
respiratory system.
72The Respiratory System
- Respiration means to breathe in oxygen and
breathe out carbon dioxide - Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide necessary
for life
73The Respiratory System(continued)
- Process
- External respiration - oxygen and carbon dioxide
exchanged between lungs and blood - Internal respiration - oxygen and carbon dioxide
exchanged between blood stream and cells
74The Respiratory SystemStructure
- Oral cavity mouth
- Pharynx throat
- Larynx - voice box
- Trachea windpipe
- Bronchi - right and left
- Bronchioles - smallest branches of bronchi
- Alveoli - air sacs covered with capillaries
75The Respiratory SystemStructure(continued)
- Nose - lined with mucous membrane
- air filtered by cilia
- mucous membrane warms and moistens air
76The Respiratory SystemStructure(continued)
- Lungs
- right - 3 lobes
- left - 2 lobes
77The Respiratory SystemStructure(continued)
- Pleura membrane that encloses lungs
- Diaphragm - muscle that separates the chest and
abdomen - contraction - draws air into lungs
- relaxation - forces air out of lungs
78- 7.5.1 Review common disorders of the respiratory
79Common Disorders of Respiratory System
- URI Upper Respiratory Infection - infection of
nose, throat, larynx, trachea - Pneumonia - inflammation or infection of the lungs
80Common Disorders of Respiratory System(continued)
- Emphysema (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPD) alveoli become stretched and stiff
preventing adequate exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide - Asthma spasms of bronchial tube walls causing
narrowing of air passages usually due to allergies
81Common Disorders of Respiratory System(continued)
- Allergy reaction to substances that leads to
slight or severe response by body. - Influenza highly contagious URI
- Pleurisy inflammation of the pleura surrounding
the lungs
82Common Disorders of Respiratory System(continued)
- Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi
- Lung cancer - malignant tumors in the lungs that
destroy tissue
83- 7.5.2 Discuss changes in the respiratory system
due to aging.
84Changes in Respiratory System Due To Aging
- Lung tissue becomes less elastic
- Respiratory muscles weaken
- Number of alveoli decrease
- Respirations increase
- Voice pitched higher and weaker due to changes in
larynx - Chest wall and structures become more rigid
85- 7.5.3 List observations relating to the
respiratory system.
86Observations Of Respiratory System
- Rate and rhythm of respirations
- Respiratory secretions character
- Character of cough
- Changes in skin color - pale or bluish gray
- Temperature changes
- Difficulty breathing
87Observations Of Respiratory System(continued)
- Color of sputum
- Complaint of pain in chest, back, sides
- Shortness of breath
- Noisy respirations
- Sneezing
- Gasping for breath
- Anxiety
88The Digestive System
89- 7.6 Identify functions and structures of the
digestive system.
90Digestive System
- Also called the gastrointestinal system
- Extends from mouth to anus
- Functions
- Digestion
- Absorption
91Digestive SystemStructures
- Mouth
- Stomach holds food until digestive juices
chemically break it down into liquid chyme
92Digestive SystemStructures
- Intestines
- small intestine
- about 20 ft. long
- food digestion completed and nutrients absorbed
into bloodstream
93Digestive SystemStructures(continued)
- Intestines
- large intestine
- 6 ft. long
- absorbs water, mineral salts and vitamins
- secretes mucus to aid in movement of feces
- has ability to add or remove water from feces
94- 7.2 Identify functions of the skeletal system.
95Digestive System
- Accessory Organs
- Liver produces bile for breakdown of fats
- Gallbladder stores bile produced by liver
- Pancreas - manufactures insulin and digestive
96- 7.6.1 Discuss common disorders of the digestive
97Common Disorders Of The Digestive System
- Ulcer - a lesion or erosion of the lining of the
stomach or small intestine - Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
- Cirrhosis chronic disease of liver where scar
tissue replaces liver tissue - Cholelithiasis - stones in the gallbladder
98Common Disorders Of The Digestive
- Pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas
- Cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
- Colitis inflammatory disease of the colon
99Common Disorders Of The Digestive
- Hemorrhoids - enlarged veins in anal area
- Constipation - difficulty in expelling fecal
material incomplete or infrequent bowel
movements - Diarrhea watery bowel movements
100Common Disorders Of The Digestive
- Gastritis inflammation of the stomach lining
- Enteritis inflammation of the intestines
- Gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach
lining and intestines
101Common Disorders Of The Digestive
- Cancer - may occur anywhere along digestive tract
- Hernia protrusion of organ through wall of
cavity where it is normally contained
102Common Disorders Of The Digestive
- Diverticulosis - chronic disease in which many
diverticula (small blind pouches) form in the
lining and wall of the colon - Diverticulitis inflammation of diverticula
103- 7.6.2 Discuss changes in the digestive system due
to aging.
104Changes In Digestive System Due To Aging
- Decreased number of taste buds
- Slowing of peristalsis causing constipation
- Slower absorption of nutrients
- Difficulty chewing and swallowing
105Changes In Digestive System Due To
- Loss of bowel muscle tone
- Decrease in amount of digestive enzymes and
saliva production - Decreased appetite
- Loss of teeth
- Altered taste and smell
106- 7.6.3 List observations relating to the digestive
107Observations Of The Digestive System
- Stool color and consistency
- Abdomen flat or distended
- Date and time of last bowel movement
- Nausea and vomiting
108Observations Of The Digestive System
- Blood in emesis or stool
- Complaint of pain in stomach
- Difficulty swallowing
- Poor appetite
- Constipation and diarrhea
109The Urinary System
110- 7.7 Identify functions and structure of the
urinary system.
111Urinary System
- Also known as excretory system
112Urinary System(continued)
- Functions
- Filter waste products from blood
- Produce urine
- Aid in maintenance of water balance
- Regulate acid-base balance of body
- Store urine until passed from body
113Urinary SystemStructure
- Kidneys
- purplish brown, bean-shaped organs
- located at back of abdominal cavity
- weight 4-6 ounces each
- filter waste products from blood
114Urinary SystemStructure(continued)
- Ureters - tubes that carry urine from kidneys to
bladder - Urinary bladder - muscular sac that expands to
hold urine received from the kidney - Urethra - tube extending from bladder to outside
of body
115- 7.7.1 Describe the characteristics of normal
116Urinary System
- Characteristics of normal urine
- Pale yellow to amber
- Clear
- Acidic
- Quantity 1000-1500 ml. per day
- pH 5.0 7.0
117- 7.7.2 Discuss common disorders of the urinary
118Common Disorders of Urinary System
- Nephritis - inflammation of kidney due to
infection - Cystitis - inflammation of urinary bladder due to
infection - Calculi kidney or bladder stones
119Common Disorders of Urinary System(continued)
- Uremia - accumulation of urea in blood due to
kidney disease - Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra
120Common Disorders of Urinary System(continued)
- Kidney failure decreased ability of kidney to
filter waste products from the blood - Urinary incontinence -inability to control
121Common Disorders of Urinary System(continued)
- UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
- Retention - inability to completely empty the
bladder - Hematuria - blood in the urine
122- 7.7.3 Discuss changes of the urinary system due
to aging.
123Changes In Urinary System Due to Aging
- Decreased kidney size
- Decreased elasticity of ureters, bladder and
urethra - Decreased muscle tone
- Diminished blood flow to kidneys
124Changes In Urinary System Due to
- Decreased ability of kidneys to concentrate urine
- Difficulty emptying urinary bladder
- Enlarged prostate in males which presses on
125- 7.7.4 List observations relating to the urinary
126Observations of Urinary System
- Elevated temperature
- Sugar and/or acetone in urine
- Urine color other than clear, pale yellow
127Observations of Urinary System(continued)
- Complaint of burning on urination
- Incontinence
- Polyuria - excessive amounts of urine per voiding
128Observations of Urinary System(continued)
- Hematuria - blood in urine
- Nocturia excessive urination at night
- Urine having strong odor or cloudy appearance
- Voiding small amounts of urine frequently
129The Endrocrine System (Glands)
130- 7.8 Identify functions of the endocrine system.
131Endocrine System (Glands)
- Endocrine glands secrete chemicals called
hormones directly into the blood stream
132Endocrine System (Glands)
- Functions of endocrine system
- secretes hormones that regulate growth and
development - secretes hormones that regulate metabolism and
reproduction - secretes hormones that regulate the immune
133- 7.8.1 Discuss the most common disorder of the
endocrine system.
134Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetes mellitus the most common disorder of
the endocrine system
- 80 of diabetics over 40 years of age
- incidence increases as people age
- 5 of people over age 65 require treatment
135Diabetes Mellitus(continued)
- Diabetes mellitus the most common disorder of
the endocrine system
- USA has highest morbidity and mortality rates
- disorder of carbohydrate metabolism with
decreased insulin production from pancreas
136Diabetes Mellitus(continued)
- Uncontrolled diabetes leads to damage to eyes,
kidneys, circulation - Diabetes characterized by consistent, elevated
blood glucose levels requiring oral medication
to stimulate pancreas or insulin injections
137Diabetes Mellitus
- Hypoglycemia
- low blood sugar
- Hyperglycemia
- high blood sugar
138- 7.8.2 Discuss the changes in the endocrine system
due to aging.
139Changes In The Endocrine System Due To Aging
- Decrease in thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and sex
hormone secretions - Decreased glucose tolerance (Diabetes)
- Multiple physical changes due to decrease of sex
140- 7.8.3 List observations relating to endocrine
141Observation Of The Endocrine System
- Irritability restlessness
- Nervousness
- Confusion
- Weight loss
- Diaphoresis
- Edema
- Excessive thirst
- Sweet, fruity odor to breath
142Observation Of The Endocrine System(continued)
- Complaint of headache
- Drowsiness
- Rapid, weak pulse
- Low blood pressure
- Nausea or vomiting
- Flushed, dry, hot skin
- Excessive urination
143The Nervous System
144- 7.9 Identify functions of the two major parts of
the nervous system. - 7.9.1 Explain how damage to the nervous system
differs from damage to other body systems.
145Nervous System
- Controls and organizes all body activities
- Divided into two parts
- Peripheral nervous system
- Central nervous system
- brain
- spinal cord
146Nervous System(continued)
- Basic unit of structure - neuron or nerve cell
- Most complex cell in body
- Does not reproduce if destroyed, it is not
147Nervous System(continued)
- Nervous system enables you to
- Speak
- Hear
- Taste
- See
- Smell
- Think
- Respond/move
- Learn
- Remember
148Structure of Nervous System
- Central nervous system
- brain
- cerebrum
- largest portion of brain
- responsible for judgment, memory, association and
discrimination - divided into left and right hemispheres
149Structure of Nervous System(continued)
- Central nervous system (continued)
- brain
- cerebellum - responsible for coordination of
muscles, balance and posture, and muscle tone - thalamus - monitors sensory stimuli
150Structure of Nervous System(continued)
- Central nervous system (continued)
- brain
- hypothalamus - controls the autonomic nervous
system, the cardiovascular system, body
temperature, appetite, water balance, the GI
system, sleep, emotional state
151Structure of Nervous System(continued)
- Central nervous system (continued)
- brain
- pons - responsible for reflex actions like
chewing, and production of saliva - medulla oblongata - regulates heartbeat,
respirations, swallowing, coughing, blood pressure
152Structure of Nervous System(continued)
- Central nervous system (continued)
- spinal cord
- 18 inches long
- extends from brain to small of back
- carries messages to and from brain
- relays messages to body through spinal nerves
- handles reflexes
153Structure of Nervous System(continued)
- Peripheral nervous system nerves leaving the
spinal cord and going throughout the body - digestion
- secretion of glands
- heart beat and breathing
154- 7.9.2 Discuss common disorders or conditions of
the nervous system.
155Common Disorders Or Conditions Of The Nervous
- CVA Stroke or cerebrovascular accident - damage
to part of brain due to blood clot or hemorrhage
cutting off blood supply - Head or spinal cord injuries
156Common Disorders Or Conditions Of The Nervous
- Dementia from nutritional deficiencies, exposure
to toxic substances, reduced blood flow to brain
or unknown causes - Alzheimers disease - common cause of organic
157Common Disorders Or Conditions Of The Nervous
- Parkinsons disease progressive nervous disease
associated with destruction of brain cells - Multiple sclerosis - loss of covering around
nerve fibers interfering with nerve impulses to
and from brain
158- 7.9.3 Discuss changes in the nervous system due
to aging.
159Changes In The Nervous System Due To Aging
- Loss of nerve/brain cells
- Increase in reaction time
- Changes in memory
- Receptors become less sensitive, so require
increased stimuli for response
160Changes In The Nervous System Due To
- Reduced sense of touch and sensitivity to pain
- Reduced blood flow to brain
- Forgetfulness
161- 7.9.4 List observations relating to the nervous
162Observations Of The Nervous System
- Jerking motions
- Speech changes
- Complaint of numbness
- Complaint of dizziness
- Complaint of nausea
163Observations Of The Nervous System(continued)
- Confusion
- Complaint of loss of feeling on one side
- Incontinence
- Deranged thought processes
- Tremors
164Observations Of The Nervous System(continued)
- Muscular rigidity
- Complaint of visual disturbances or changes
- Paralysis
- Seizures
165The Sensory Organs
166- 7.10 Identify functions of the sensory organs.
167Sensory Organs
- Part of nervous system
- Sensory neurons make one aware of changes in the
environment - Changes known as stimuli
168Sensory Organs(continued)
- Functions of the sensory system
- Vision
- Hearing
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch
169Sensory Organs
- Specialized functions
- Eye
- sense of sight
- receives images and sends to brain
- Ear
- sense of hearing
- transmits sounds to brain
170Sensory Organs(continued)
- Nose - (sense of smell) allows recognition of
odors and improves taste of food - Taste buds on tongue - (sense of taste) allows
recognition of sweet, sour, bitter, salty
171Sensory Organs(continued)
- Skin - (sense of touch) allows recognition of
objects, pressure, heat, cold, pain, and pleasure
172- 7.10.1 Discuss common disorders of the sensory
173Common Disorders Of The Sensory Organs
- Cataract - lens of eye loses its transparency
- Glaucoma - increased pressure in the eye due to
an excess of aqueous humor - Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eyelid lining
174Common Disorders Of The Sensory
- Sty - tiny abscess at the base of an eyelash
- Otitis media - infection of the middle ear
- Deafness - partial or complete hearing loss
175- 7.10.2 Discuss changes in the sensory organs due
to aging.
176Changes In Sensory Organs Due to Aging
- Lens in eye becomes thick and cloudy
- Sclera becomes more yellow
- Less light reaches inner eye
- Hearing structures of ear become less moveable
- Soft wax production decreases
177Changes In Sensory Organs Due to
- Progressive hearing loss of high-pitched sounds
occurs - Peripheral vision and night vision decreases
- Eye adjusts more slowly to changes in distance
- Sense of smell decreases
178Changes In Sensory Organs Due to
- Sense of taste (sweet and salty first) decreases
- Accommodation to light and dark decreases
- Sense of touch, heat, cold, pain and pressure
awareness decreases
179- 7.10.3 List observations relating to the sensory
180Observations Of The Sensory Organs
- Sclera (white of eye) suddenly reddened or yellow
- Lens of eye becomes cloudy
- Complaint of pain in or around ear or eye
- Red, swollen eye lid
- Drainage from eyes
- Complaint of difficulty seeing objects
181Observations Of The Sensory Organs(continued)
- Comment that rainbows apparent around lights
- Drainage from ear canal
- Complaint of feeling of fluid or noise in ear
- Complaint of sudden flashes of light or loss of
182The Integumentary System
183- 7.11 Identify functions of the integumentary
184The Integumentary System (Skin)
- Skin is bodys largest organ
185The Integumentary System (Skin)(continued)
- Functions
- Protects body from injury and pathogens
- Regulates body temperature
- Eliminates waste through perspiration
- Contains nerve endings for cold, heat, pain,
pressure and pleasure - Stores fat and vitamins
186The Integumentary System (Skin)(continued)
- Hair and nails are appendages of skin
187- 7.11.1 Discuss common disorders of the skin.
188Common Disorders Of The Integumentary System
- Athletes foot - caused by a fungus, involves toes
and soles of feet - Boils caused by bacteria entering hair
follicles or sebaceous glands - Eczema - red, itchy areas on the surface of skin
- Skin cancer
189Common Disorders Of The Integumentary
- Dermatitis - inflammation of skin
- Tears due to fragile skin
- Warts viral infection of skin
- Burns first, second, or third degree, depending
on amount of skin tissue destroyed - Bruising due to fragile skin and/or effects of
190Common Disorders Of The Integumentary
- Pressure sores - caused by poor circulation
resulting from pressure that destroys skin and
creates ulcer - Shingles - skin eruption due to viral infection
- Gangrene - necrosis of tissue cells due to
blockage of blood supply to an area, or blockage
from disease or direct injury
191- 7.11.2 Discuss changes in the integumentary
system due to aging.
192Changes In The Integumentary System Due To Aging
- Compromised circulation
- Less active glands
- Drying, thinning and scaling of skin
- Thickening of nails
- Loss of fat and elasticity of skin
- Loss of hair color and thinning of hair
193Changes In The Integumentary System Due To
- Development of skin tags, moles and warts
- Folds, lines and wrinkles in skin
- Nails harden, become more brittle
194- 7.11.3 List observations relating to the
integumentary system.
195Observations Of The Integumentary System To Report
- Breaks
- Rash
- Complaint of itching
- Black and blue areas
- Redness
- Ulcers, sores or drainage
196The Reproductive System
197- 7.12 Identify functions of the reproductive
198Reproductive System
- Organs have dual functions
- Produce reproductive cells
- Produce hormones responsible for sex
characteristics - females - estrogen and progesterone
- males - testosterone
199- 7.12.1 Discuss common disorders of the
reproductive system.
200Common Disorders of the Reproductive System
- Rectocele and cystocele hernias
- rectocele - weakening of wall between vagina and
rectum - constipation results
- hemorrhoids form
- cystocele - weakening of wall between urethra and
vagina - causes urinary incontinence
201Common Disorders of the Reproductive
- Tumors - benign and malignant tumors of uterus,
ovaries and breasts - pap smear
- self breast exams
- biopsy
202Common Disorders of the Reproductive
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- gonorrhea
- syphilis
- herpes
- Prostatic hypertrophy - enlargement of prostate
gland - Vaginitis
203- 7.12.2 Discuss changes in the reproductive system
due to aging.
204Changes In Reproductive System Due To Aging
- Decreased size of testes
- Decreased production of sperm
- Delayed or less forceful ejaculation
- Slower sexual response
- Enlargement of prostate
- Decreased sexual desire
205Changes In Reproductive System Due To
- Sagging breasts
- Stopping of ovulation
- Decreased vaginal secretions
- Thinning of tissue of vaginal lining
- Decreased sex hormone production
- Loss of hair in vulva area
206- 7.12.3 List observations relating to the
reproductive system.
207Observations of Reproductive System
- Bleeding
- Complaint of pain
- Vaginal discharge
- Complaint of itching
- Lumps
208CANCER Second Leading Cause of Death in U.S.
209- 7.13 Define and discuss cancer.
- Definition abnormal growth of cells that can
invade surrounding tissue and spread to other
parts of body - Cancer cells can originate in any body tissue
211Two Main Types Of Cancer
- Sarcoma
- bone
- muscle
- lymph system
- cartilage
- Carcinoma
- skin
- lining of hollow organs and passageways
212- 7.13.1 List two types of tumors and explain how
they are different.
213Tumor Growth Of Abnormal Cells
- Benign tumor
- grows slowly
- localized area
- Malignant tumor
- grows slow or fast depending on type of cancer
- invades other tissues and/or travels to other
parts of body - causes death if not treated and controlled
214Cancer Most Common Sites
215- 7.13.2 List the seven warning signs of cancer.
216CAUTIONSeven Early Warning Signs Of Cancer
- Change in bowel or bladder habits.
- A sore that does not heal
- Unusual bleeding or discharge
- Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
- Obvious changes in a wart or mole
- Nagging cough or hoarseness
217- 7.13.3 Describe the three most common types of
treatment for cancer.
218Standard Cancer Treatment
- Surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- oral
- intramuscular
- intravenous
219- 7.13.4 Discuss the guidelines for care of
residents with cancer.
220Guidelines For Care Of Residents Being Treated
For Cancer
- Fatigue - provide time for rest and recognize
- Loss of appetite
- smaller meals
- nutritious snacks
- report requests for medications promptly
221Guidelines For Care Of Residents Being Treated
For Cancer(continued)
- Skin keep clean and dry
- eliminate irritation or pressure
- report rashes, irritation, broken areas
222Guidelines For Care Of Residents Being Treated
For Cancer(continued)
- Mouth - keep very clean
- provide frequent mouth care
- encourage liquids
223Guidelines For Care Of Residents Being Treated
For Cancer(continued)
- Alopecia (loss of hair)
- emotional support needed
- help resident to select head covering
- wig
- scarf
- turban
- hat
224Guidelines For Care Of Residents Being Treated
For Cancer(continued)
- Supportive actions
- be positive but realistic
- help to feel as attractive as possible
- dont offer false hope
- listen to concerns
- be understanding of fears and frustrations
225- 7.13.5 List observations relating to cancer.
226Cancer Observations To Report
- Behavioral changes
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sores in mouth
- Fever
- Changes in weight
- Bleeding
- Changes in vital signs
- Complaint of pain
227The End