Integumentary system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integumentary system


Integumentary system Function Of Skin Protection - Prevent drying (lipids), outside agents from inside (barrier and pH), UV rays (melanin) Body temperature regulation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Integumentary system

Integumentary system
Function Of Skin
  • Protection - Prevent drying (lipids), outside
    agents from inside (barrier and pH), UV rays
  • Body temperature regulation (Thermoregulation)
    Dilation / contraction of blood vessels, sweating
  • Sensation - Receive sensory information-
    receptors for temperature and pressure
  • Secretion sebum, excretion too sweat, vitamin
    D production due to UV rays (low dose)

  • Skin cell process of being keratinized newly
    formed cells in the stratum germinativum divide
    and push upward to the surface, they fill up with
    keratin, a protein. They move upward and lose
    their nucleus and die. The cells become horny.
    Takes 28 days.

Structure Of Skin

  • Epidermis-Top Layer, Stratified Squamous
    epithelial, no blood vessels, diffusion (O2 ,
    nutrients) Has five layers
  • Stratum Corneum- (horny Layer) outer layer. Scale
    like cells (dead) that continually shed. barrier
  • Stratum lucidium- (clear Layer) transparent layer
    under the stratum corneum. Small cells that light
    can pass through.
  • Stratum Granulum (granular layer) layer, the
    cells look like distinct granules. The cells are
    almost dead (keratinization), they are pushed to
    the surface to replace the cells that were shed
    from the stratum corneum. Lost nuclei and become
  • Stratum spinosum (spiny lavers) desmosomes
    interlocking cellular bridges, polyhedron shape.
  • Stratum Germinativum (regenerative layer)
    Basal, deepest layer. Responsible for the growth
    (mitosis) of the epidermis. Melanocytes skin

Skin structure picture cont
  • Dermis- Corium, true skin, Middle Layer, Dense
    connective tissue, blood, lymph vessels, nerves,
    muscles, glands, hair follicles, papillar below
    epidermis, reticular above subcutaneous
  • Hypodermis / subcutaneous- Bottom layer, Adipose
  • Sebaceous Gland- Oil, Near hair, rich in lipids
  • Sudoriferous- Sweat, pore to outside, water and
  • Arrector Pili- Smooth muscle, Contracts to form
    goose bumps (hair stands on end)
  • Nerve- Pain, Pressure, temperature

Sebaceous gland
  • The Sebaceous gland is an oil gland. It is
    connected to the hair follicles. Everywhere on
    your body has an oil gland except for your palms
    and the soles of your feet. Sebum flows through
    the oil ducts leading to the mouths of the hair
    follicles. Sebum lubricates and protects hair /
    skin. Acne pore clogged with sebum. Oxidizes
    blackhead, Pus filled white head / pimple. Deep
    clog boil,holocrine

Sudoriferous gland
  • The sudoriferous gland is a sweat gland. 2 types
    Eccrine produce sweat, Apocirne bodys
    natural scent. Both merocrine All the parts of
    your body have sweat glands. It regulates body
    temperature. The excretion of sweat is controlled
    by the nervous system. Sweating is important for
    survival because it keeps temperature from going
    really high. It allows the body to be cooled by
    the evaporation of sweat.
  • Some things that can make your temperature go
    high is Exercising ,Being sick

Skin coloring differences
  • Skin Differences
  • The color differences depend primarily on the
    amount of melanin (blood supply too). The tiny
    grains of pigment (melanin) deposited in the
    stratum germinativum of the epidermis and the
    papillary layers of the dermis. The color of
    pigment varies from person to person. The
    distinctive color of the skin is a hereditary
    (genetic) trait and varies among races and
    nationalities. Dark skin contains more active
    melanin Albinism, genetic, absence of melanin.

Skin Coloring
  • Melanin- Pigments responsible for coloring,
    Protects from UV light
  • Albinism- Lack of Melanin, Genetic
  • Carotene- Yellow pigment, Source of Vitamin A,
    Skin yellow by consumption
  • Cyanosis- Bluish color, Lack of O2
  • Birth Marks- congenital (at birth), Disorder of
    blood vessels in dermis
  • Jaundice yellow skin (billirubin build up)
    impared liver function
  • Rash / lesion Scarlet fever, strep infection
    due to toxins released allergic reaction

  • 12 scales / cuticle
  • 13 cortex
  • 14 medulla
  • 15 melanocytes
  • 16 keratinocytes
  • 17 dermal papilla

Hair- Trichology
  • Main characteristic of mammals, none palms, soles
    ,external genitalia
  • Shaft- Hair above the surface
  • Roots- Below the surface
  • 3 Layers of hair- Cuticle (outer layer,), Cortex
    (hard inner layer, pigment), Medulla (soft
  • Hair Follicle- Where hair is found in dermis
  • Dermal Papilla- Blood vessels provide hair with
    nutrients to grow

Anatomic parts of hair
  • Cortex
  • Cuticle
  • Medulla
  • Hair root
  • Hair shaft
  • Follicle
  • Hair bulb
  • Dermal papilla
  • Arrector pilli
  • Sebaceous gland

Hair Growth
  • Begin with cells deep in follicle at bulb growing
    by mitosis
  • Anagen- Growth phase, hair makes new keratinized
    cells, ½ an inch per month, 3-5 years
  • Catagen- The transition phase, the follicle
    shrinks and detaches from papilla(1-2 Weeks)
  • Telogen- Resting phase, hair is shed(3-6 Months)
  • Entire Cycle- Every 4-5 years

Hair texture
  • Straight, wavy or curly (kinky)
  • Alpha keratin cross links.
  • Permanent wave Chemical reducing agent break
    disulfide bonds, chemical oxidizing agent make
    new cross links.

Hair color
  • Pigment in cortex give the colors
  • Gray lack of pigment in cortex
  • White no pigment and air bubbles in shaft
  • Trauma cause premature gray / white

Nails- Onyx
  • Nail Bed- Nail attaches to skin
  • Nail Root-(Matrix) where nail is formed
  • Lunula- white cresent, half-moon, visible matrix,
    air mixed with keratin
  • Nail Body- Plate- visible part of nail
  • Cuticle- Overlap skin (stratum corneum) around
    the nail, eponychium
  • Grows 1/8 in. per month, grows continuously, no
    resting stage

  • Acne- Disorder of the hair follicle and sebaceous
  • Impetigo- Bacteria making blisters that break to
    form a yellow crust
  • Measles- A rash, by virus, damage fetus
  • Cold Sores- Herpes simplex 1, Virus
  • Warts- Uncontrolled growth of epidermis papilloma
  • Ring Worm- Fungal infection, scaly patches

  • Eczema- Inflammation of the skin
  • Psoriasis- Increase cell division in the stratum
    basal, thicker skin
  • Chicken Pox/Shingles- Virus, remains dormant with
    the nerve cells, painful lesions along dermatones
  • Dandruff (Pityriasis)- Excessive shedding of
    epithelial cells
  • Lice (Pediculosis)- Itching, slight rash
  • Vitiligo irregular patches of skin lacking

Burns description
  • First Degree- Only epidermis, red painful, slight
    edema (swelling) Heal without scaring in a week,
  • Second Degree- Into the dermis, blisters,
    epidermis from hair follicle
  • Third Degree- Tissue completely destroyed, Heals
    from edge of burn, painless because receptors are
    damaged, scaring, sometimes skin graphs

Burns diagrams
  • Skin becomes thinner
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Wrinkles sagging
  • Less oil and sweat production
  • Age spots loss of melanocytes around it
  • Gray in hair lack of melanin

  • Uncontrolled growth
  • Skin cancer (most common type)
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma- (Most frequent) Stars in
    Stratum Basal
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma- Cells above stratum
    basal- Keratin bumps
  • Melanoma- Rare but deadly in melanocytes- in a
    mole (group of melanocytes)

Skin cancers
Skin cancers
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