Title: Ovid CINAHL
1Ovid CINAHL Ovid Medline Search Strategies
- Helena VonVille
- UTSPH Library Director
- June 15, 2007
- Patient Newborn infants born to mothers with
HIV/AIDS - Intervention Drug therapy
- Comparison which drug? best time to deliver?
impact on future treatments? - Outcome Prevent transmission of HIV/AIDS
3From the HAM-TMC Library
Click on Databases from the menu on the left side
4Select Your Database
Click on C (for CINAHL)
Scroll down the list until you come to it
5Find articles on HIV
Enter one term. Notice Map Term to Subject
Heading is checked
6Mapping Display
7Mapping Display
A description of each column sits below the terms.
8Click on the term to go to the Tree
Scroll down just a tad to get to HIV
Explode the term to get the narrower heading as
10Select sub-headings
Select Include All Subheadings even if some of
the subheadings are irrelevant to your search.
By combining the 3 concepts, you will get rid of
irrelevant items. Click
11Search Results
There are nearly 1,780 citations that had the
term Human Immunodeficiency Virus applied to
them. Enter next search term.
12Mapping Display
You can Explode and Include All Subheadings from
here. You do not have to go into the tree
although it can be beneficial at times.
13Search Results
1 or 2
The search for AIDS yielded almost 8500 hits.
Now find the UNION of the two terms by combining
with OR.
14Begin Next Concept
15Mapping Display
Explode, then select Include All
Subheadings. Click on Continue.
16Search Results
Note the use of apostrophes around the term.
This will send the term to the mapping display
rather than search for those two terms within
labor and delivery
17Search Results
3 and 6
This yielded over 74,400 hits. The next step is
to find the INTERSECTION of the two terms. Then
well add the 3rd concept to the search strategy.
18Limit to English
19Search Results
While 480 is not to large a number of hits, we
can narrow even more by adding additional terms.
20Tree for Disease Transmission
Its okay to be broad. The other terms will
remove most of the non-relevant items.
21Final Results
22Display Results
Scroll down to view first 10 citations
23Anatomy of the Brief Display
Complete citation (author(s), title of article,
publication type, source, year (month), volume,
issue, pages) Find Similar button and Find Citing
Articles button Links to Abstract, Complete
Reference, Ovid Full Text (if available), and
HAM-TMC journal search site
24Item Display
As you view your results, see if there are other
terms you need to throw into the search. In this
case, Antiviral Agents and Drug Resistance are
terms that could be added.
25Ovid Menu Bar
When you are done viewing the citation, use the
Results Display or Main Search Page links rather
than the back arrow!
26Which is the best way to combine the terms? Line
18 is the broadest strategy.
27Save Your Search
From Main Search Page, lick on Personal Account
(for Searches)
28Create Personal Account
29Once Account Created
Your account name is displayed above the Search
30Save Search
Click on Save Search/Alert
31Name the Search
Give it a name that makes sense
Indicate which database was searched
Click Save
32Voilà !
33To Retrieve the Search Later
- Go to CINAHL as described on the first few slides
- Click on Personal Account and login
- Click on Saved Searches
- Next to Personal Account
Check box next to the search you want to run and
click the RUN button
35When Finished Running
Click on Main Search Page once search is finished
36Ovid Medline
- Same strategies apply
- Some differences in vocabulary
- MeSH (Medical Subject Heading)
37Results of Medline Search
Significantly more hits Needs more refining!
38Limit to Clinical Trials
clinical trial
Clinical trials is both a MeSH term and a
publication type. Access publication types by
clicking on More Fields but you can also do a
search for clinical trial.
39Search for Publication Type
Because clinical trial is a publication type, the
term got mapped.
40Search for Type of Study
clinical trials
Enter clinical trials (notice its plural) to
find items with this as a MeSH term.
41Final Results
By combining the two, the search was greatly
expanded, then limited with the addition of the
(HIV/AIDS)newbornsdisease transmission cluster.
42Keeping Track of Search Strategy
HIV/AIDSnewborns in English
Infection control or antivirals
Not sure what each line represents? Print out
the search strategy, then write in the terms to
help keep track.
43Dont Forget.
- Contact Helena VonVille at
- Helena.M.VonVille_at_uth.tmc.edu
- 713-500-9131 OR
- HAM-TMC Library
- 713.799.7161
- http//resource.library.tmc.edu/reference/referenc