Title: SilverPlatter Ovid 2001
1SilverPlatter Ovid 2001
- New Horizons for Information Products
- Presented by Bianca Saporiti
- Regional Manager
- Eastern Europe, Mediterranean
- Ovid Technologies
- bsaporiti_at_silverplatter.com
- Ovid Technologies Today
- Synoptic Look at ERL 5 - New Tools from
SilverPlatter - Journals_at_Ovid
- Books_at_Ovid
- Synopsis of Ovids EBM Resources
- Questions
3Mission Statement
- Become the Global leader in STM
- Knowledge Management to improve
- Research, Education and Patient care
- Knowledge Management integration of content,
technology and services - STM Science, Technology, Medicine
4Ovid Technologies TODAY
- Part of Wolters Kluwers International Health and
Science group (WK, LWW, OT, ADIS) - One company, two platforms Ovid and as of 15th
June 2001, SilverPlatter - Global company with offices in Australia, Hong
Kong, United States (3), as well as 6 European
cities, i.e. London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid,
Paris, Bologna - Extensive sales and technical support via
in-country distribution partners - 12,000 institutional customers
- Relationships with 100 information
publishers -
5Ovid Technologies You have a Choice
- 250 Bibliographic databases covering STM, Social
Sciences and Humanities, Health Safety, Food
and Agriculture, General Reference and Business - 476 (to date) e-journals
- 53 (to date) e-books
- 2 interfaces
- Access via cd-rom, intranet, PHS, or 2 internet
servers - Linking from SilverPlatters platform to full
text via SilverLinker - Linking from Ovids platform to non-Ovid full
text via OpenLinks - Linking to web resources via LinkWizard
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7SilverPlatters New Tools
- ERL Server 5
- dbserverTM
- WebAdminTM
- QUIKdataTM
- ERL Linking Suite
- SilverLinkerTM
- NEW LinkWizard
8Features of WebSPIRS 5
- New User Interface
- Customizable database menus, pull-down menu
headers, and limit screens - Enhanced thesaurus navigation
- Default search modes for different user groups,
i.e. advanced search and automatic subject
searches - De-duplication capabilities when searching across
several databases - Personal user names and passwords to ensure
confidential SDI requests - Filter option to show only the documents
available through the library - Enhanced administration modules
9Features of LinkWizard
- LinkWizard
- Holdings (local, union, national)
- Document Delivery systems - default AYO
- Anything on the web - default AYO
- Template provided for adding web resources
- OpenURL support
10Features LinkWizard cont.
- Related Internet Resources - use best of the
web default links to connect users to the most
valuable content on the web - Internet Search engines
- drug and genome information
- knowledge management systems
- third party databases
- chemical structures
- patent information
- and create your own customized links to related
free as well as subscription based resources
available on the web
11LinkWizards Default Internet Links
- ARC - http//arc.cs.odu.edu8080/oai
- Humboldt University of Berlin -
http//dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/docserv-en.html - Langley Technical Reports Server -
http//techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/ltrs.html - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics -
http//naca.larc.nasa.gov/ - Networked Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations - http//www.ndltd.org/ - Los Alamos arXiv - http//www.arxiv.org
- OCLC Theses and Dissertations
- MIT Theses
- Networked Comp. Sci. Technical Reference Library
- http//cs-tr.cs.cornell.edu/
12LinkWizards Default Internet Links cont.
- EEVL SG - http//www.eevl.ac.uk/
- AVEL SG - http//avel.edu.au/
- BIOME SG - http//biome.ac.uk/
- SOSIG SG - http//www.sosig.ac.uk/
- Education Line preprints - http//www.leeds.ac.uk/
educol/ - CERN reports - http//cds.cern.ch/
- CogPrints - http//cogprints.soton.ac.uk/ RePec
preprints - NCBI Genbank, Taxonomy - http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g
ov/ - BIOSIS MethodsFinder - http//www.methodsfinder.or
g - RxList Drugs - http//www.rxlist.com/
- ChemFinder structures - http//www.chemfinder.com/
- Delphion Patents - http//www.delphion.com/
- SCIRUS SE - http//www.scirus.com
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15Aggregation, Integration,
- Aggregation
- Databases
- Books
- Journals
- Integration
- Document Delivery/ILL
- Non-Ovid Full Text via OpenLinks, or SilverLinker
- Web resources with LinkWizard
16Customization, Utilization
- Local Customization
- Authentication
- Local Messages
- Multiple Search Modes
- Auto Alerts and SDIs
- Utilization
- Clinicians
- Faculty
- Students
- Researchers
17(No Transcript)
18Journals_at_Ovid Aggregation
- 476 titles to date now live, plus an additional
24 licensed from 65 publishers - Rich content, highly cited, prestigious
publishers - Superior medical content
- Annals, JAMA, BMJ, NEJM, Journal of Bone Joint
Surgery - Great nursing content
- RN, AJN, Nursing 2001
- Key series such as Current Opinions
- Packages and Collections
- Linked to Ovid databases
- Medline and all remaining NLM databases
- Biosis Previews weekly
- PsycINFO
- Cinahl
- Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews
- Current Contents
20Journals_at_Ovid Exemplary Features...
- Linking bibliographic and full text data
- 100 searchable -- every word in the full text
- Links to and from bibliographic databases and
other full text through the references -- Over
10,000,000 links - Support both HTML for on-screen viewing and
linking AND PDF when available from publishers
(175 J_at_O to date) - Significant archival data to support research
- Increases utilization of existing print
collections - and more...
21Journals_at_Ovid ...Features
- Includes items not indexed in Medline, i.e. Book
Reviews - Includes caption text fields
- TOC access to all J_at_O titles
- 873,626 documents
- Subjects - Biomedicine, Nursing, Mental Health,
Life Sciences - Easy to use interface
- Ability to pick and choose titles (ala carte)
22Journals_at_Ovid Aggregation
- Buy one title get the backfile automatically
- Extensive backfiles for many titles
- Premier journals from 1993 forward
- Most journals from 1995/1996 forward
- Backfiles provide access to seminal articles
- Researchers, students and clinicians need to
review key studies even if they were published 5
or more years ago. - Increases number of full text links in databases
and Journals_at_Ovid
- TOC access for all Journals_at_Ovid
- Subscribe to only one title for access to all
TOCs - Obtain maximum utility from theme-oriented
special subjects and issues - Use Auto-Alert with TOCs to keep up with the
newest literature
24Journals_at_Ovid - Collections
- Core Biomedical Collection from 1993
- BCII, BCIII and BCIV from 1995
- Mental Health from 1995
- Nursing Collections I and II from 1995/96
- LWW Collection (for consortia available online
only) - Cardiology FT Collection
- e-journals Science Collection
- More coming soon!!
25Journals_at_Ovid Archive Policy
- In local environment last CD acts as archive
- Bibliographic to Collection links will still be
available (e.g. Medline to CBC) - Hybrid customers can have online archive access
- Online customers will have online access
- For more details visit www.ovid.com
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27Books_at_Ovid Aggregation
- Easy access to prestigious clinically oriented
texts - Covering medicine, nursing and drug
information - Addresses critical needs for
- background information
- quick clinical consults
- drug lookups
- High quality content from authoritative sources
- 53 best-selling, most authoritative textbooks
live - 80 by end of 2001 - Five broad subject areas
- Medical texts
- Nursing titles
- Laboratory Information and Tests
- Drugs and Pharmacy
- Alternative Medicine
29Books_at_Ovid Exemplary Features
- Quality plus volume content
- 100 searchability
- Cover-to-cover coverage
- High quality conversion
- Ability to pick and choose titles (ala carte)
30Books_at_Ovid Three Source Types
- Quick Reference (Manuals)
- Griffiths 5 Minute Clinical Consult
- Drug alternative medicine handbooks
- Washington Manual
- Quick Review
- Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
- Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice
- Comprehensive Texts
- Kaplan Textbook of Psychiatry
- Kelleys Textbook of Internal Medicine
31Books_at_Ovid OUP Textbook Titles
- Davison, Alex M., Oxford Textbook of Clinical
Nephrology, 2nd ed., OUP, 1998 - Evans, J. Grimley, Oxford Textbook of Geriatric
Medicine, 2nd ed., OUP, 2000 - Gelder, Michael G., New Oxford Textbook of
Psychiatry, OUP, 2001 - Maddison P.J., Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology,
2nd ed., OUP, 1998 - Morris, Peter J., Oxford Textbook of Surgery, 2nd
ed., OUP, 2001 - Webb, Andrew J., Oxford Textbook of Critical
Care, OUP, 1999 - Weatherall, Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 3rd ed.,
OUP, 1998
- Offers a variety of searching approaches TOC,
Text, and Index, to support different users
search styles - Search titles, text, authors, captions,
references - Search every word of the text, or phrases
- Select and search across all books or select
individual titles - Up to date -- No one has more up to date titles
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34EBM Reviews
- A unique and robust EBM solution -- for
Researchers, Academicians and Clinicians - EBM Reviews (EBMR), consists of
- 1.The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
(Produced by Cochrane Collaboration) - 2.Best Evidence (Produced by the American
College of Physicians) - 3.The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of
Effectiveness (DARE), (Produced by the National
Health - Service's Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination (NHS CRD) - and coming soon The Cochrane Controlled
Trials Register (CCTR) (Produced by Cochrane
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36Ovid Technologies Summing Up
- In summation, and what I hope you will recall
from - this presentation are these four words
- Aggregation Integration Customization
Utilization - Questions??
- Thank you for listening!