Title: Welkom
1(No Transcript)
- Developer Days 2006
- Arie Leeuwesteijn
- Developer Platform Group, Microsoft BV
- ariele_at_microsoft.com
- http//blogs.microsoft.nl/blog_arie_leeuwesteijn
3Developer Days 2006
- 9e Editie, groter dan ooit!
- 2400 deelnemers
- 2 dagen
- Meer themas
- Programmeer Talen en Tools
- Applicaties
- Database
- Architectuur
- Web Development
- Security
- Workflow
- Meer content
- 6 Parallelle tracks
- 47 Sessies
- 32 Sprekers
- 2 Trainingen
- Academic Track
4Developer Days 2006
- Alle aspecten van software development
- Architectuur
- Project Management
- Programmeren
- Testen
- Technologieën van vandaag
- Visual Studio 2005
- SQL Server 2005
- ASP.NET 2.0
- Nieuwe ontwikkelingen
- Windows Vista
- WinFX framework
- Office 12
5 Windows Vista en Office 12 Beta Experience
- Bètaprogramma voor Developers
- Software
- Beschikbaar via Download (gratis)
- Als kit op DVD (tegen vergoeding van mediakosten)
- Informatie
- Elke 6 weken een nieuwsbrief met de laatste
informatie - Deelname aan de Experience is gratis!
- Registreer nu microsoft.com/betaexperience/nlnl/
6MSDN InTrack Sessies
- Nieuwe naam voor FastTrack sessies
- Eéndaagse technische seminars
- Compleet beeld van van nieuwe technologieën
- 18 april - Windows Presentation Foundation
- 21 april - Windows Communication Foundation
- Inschrijven en compleet overzicht
- http//www.microsoft.com/netherlands/msdn/events/
7Product Tour Seminars
- Microsoft Corporate Product Teams komen naar
Nederland! - In samenwerking met Software Developer Network
- 5 april 2006 Visual Basic 2005
- De Meervaart Amsterdam
- 20 april 2006 ASP.NET 2.0
- De Doelen - Rotterdam
- Registreer nu www.sdn.nl/vb-asp
8Speciale DevDay Actie
- Microsoft stelt 1500 Examen vouchers
- t.w.v. 145 euro beschikbaar
- Verkrijgbaar bij de stands van
- Info Support
- Twice IT Trainingen
- Oosterkamp Training Consultancy
- Compu'Train
- Global Knowledge
- New Horizons
9Met dank aan de sponsoren
Info Support Class-A PEAK IT Sogeti Ceasar
Groep New Horizons IlionX Group BV Twice IT
Unisys Nederland NV QuriusETX HostBasket Aladin Co
mpu'Train PDS Sequint Roodveldt
The Future Group Optiver IBM Global
Knowledge Oosterkamp Training
Consultancy Compuware Europe BV Yacht
- Discuss a few important technologies that will
shape 2006 - Excite you about their potential for your
personal and professional development - Observe some of their competitive advantages due
to their innovative nature
- 2006 is shaping as one of the most exciting years
in IT of the entire decade - Microsoft has just released and will release a
number of key technologies - Healthy competition in most non-Microsoft
environments - New generation processors and hardware coming to
mainstream - Broadband connectivity becoming a reality
- Web 2.0 Business Models becoming accepted
12Visual Studio 2005
- Its all about architectures and mission-critical
team work amongst developers - Language innovations
- C J Improvements
- Major C overhaul
- New .NET Framework 2.0
13Team System
- The secret of most successful software
development company in the world - Development Process
- MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) 4.0
- Build Lab Its Tools
- VS Team Foundation Server
- Role-specific VS Team editions
- VS Team Test
- VS Team Architect
- VS Team Developer
14Evolution to MSF v4
15MSF v4 Governance
16Team Productivity
- MSF model is implemented through Visual Studio
Team Foundation - Shipping in 2006
- Effectively
- Product and Project Management for both agile and
more formal development
17.NET Framework 2.0
- Evolution towards Windows Vista and Longhorn
Server - Maturity
- Reliability
- Security
- Performance
- Language Improvements
- First time fully native support for VC
- Convergence with the Connected Systems vision and
Service Oriented Architectures
18Domain Specific Languages
- Innovation in software design and modelling
- Continues legacy of UML into the new world of
service orientation - Direct support for design activities throughout
development process, including debugging - Add-on to Visual Studio 2005
19Dynamic Systems InitiativeA Formal Interface
Between Developers and IT Operations
- Imagine parametrising all the -bilities in the
software you build - Scalability, load balancing, security,
operational requirements - Achieving a full separation of software from a
policy-based management module - So many benefits!
- Faster and simpler development
- Easier administration and management
- Dynamic and automatic adjustments
- Software that can manage itself
20Operations Management
- MOM, SMS and other management systems are
converging onto the DSI paradigm - System Center is aligning with MOF (Microsoft
Operations Framework) - Next 3-4 years will bring major innovation in
operational support
21SQL Server 2005
- A milestone in database systems development
through full integration with Visual Studio 2005 - Enormous performance improvements
- New forms of caching
- Native XML support
- New Business Intelligence support
- .NET Framework CLR in its core
22SQL Server 2005 Security
- For the first time, full cryptographic support,
designed for DBAs and DB Developers - It "thinks" your way
- Modern protection at the innermost data layer
- Additional protection at the application layer
23Vista Longhorn
- The next operating system platform from Microsoft
- Built on .NET Framework 2.0
- Heart of WinFx
- New GUIs - exploiting new hardware abilities
- Metro document interoperability
- WCF (Windows Communications Foundation, "Indigo")
for interoperability and software modelling
24New Cryptography!
- CAPI 1.0 is deprecated
- May even be removed in further-future versions of
Windows - CNG Open Cryptographic Interface for Windows
- Ability to plug-in new implementations for
- Proprietary cryptographic algorithms
- Replacements of standard ones
- Key Storage Providers (KSPs)
- Support for Common Criteria
- Implementation of Suite-B Protocols
25IAMIdentity and Access Management
- IAM resolves the current mess and identity chaos
present in many organisations - Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003 R2
- Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) for
interop with any identity system (through WS-) - Authorization Manager (AzMan) for Role-Based
Access Management (RBAC) with rules - Windows Vista and "Longhorn"
- InfoCard for consistent user-selection of
identities and its provisioning - Identity Integration Server for putting order to
the chaos - today!
26Identity Metasystem
- A major direction for this decade in IT
- Convergence of identity systems onto a common set
of meta-data structures and protocols - Not a system but a meta-system
- Adhering to open standards and Laws of Identity
- Today
- WS- Security Guidelines (cf. ADFS)
- 7 Laws of Identity (www.identityblog.com)
- InfoCard of WinFX
27Connected Systems
- An approach to Service Orientated Architecture
(SOA) to leverage value from softwares - Connectivity
- Decomposition
- Business process awareness
- Resiliency to change
- Modular structure
- Reusable interfaces
28Exciting Architectures
- The most important innovation
- Good architecture as a primary influence on the
software development process - Service Orientation in several forms of
abstraction - Motion the overall conceptual value
- WCF DSL developers perspectives
- DSI operational perspective
29Realise Your Potential
- With all the technologies and innovations there
is plenty to build on - Learn, study and enjoy the new paradigms
- Implement better IT Operations with the new
systems and methodologies - Above all benefit from the opportunity that
presents itself in 2006