Title: Human Anatomy
1Frog Anatomy
Human Anatomy
BY Jennifer McCool
The Human anatomy is in many ways similar to the
anatomy of a frog in the fact that the frog has a
small intestine witch like ours in placed in the
middle of our body and is connected to our large
intestine. The difference other than the size is
that while our small intestine curls up and down
and goes back and fourth. On the frog it only
goes up and down.
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5The heart of a frog and the heart of a human is
very similar in the way that they both have right
and left atriums, an aorta, and a palmary artery.
What's different is that on an frog there is only
one ventricle. With this information there is
evidence that the oxygenated blood is being mixed
with the deoxygenated blood witch makes the frog
much more primitive.
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7 You can tell the difference
between a frog brains by the amount of wrinkled
mass called the cortex. Frogs and most primates
arent as wrinkled as mans and the cortex is not
as well developed. Also simply because of its
8The hind legs of the frog are highly specialized
for leaping. The single "shinbone" is the
tibiofibula. Man has two lower leg bones, the
tibia and the fibula. In man and in the frog, the
femur is the single upper leg (thigh) bone. A
third division of the frog's leg consists of two
elongated anklebones, or tarsals. These are the
astragalus and the calcaneus. The astragalus
corresponds to the human talus. The calcaneus in
the human skeleton is the heel bone.
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