Title: Masters In Mass Communication Chandigarh
- Masters In Mass Communication Chandigarh
Vidya Jyoti Eduversity located in Chandigarh, is
a renowned educational institution that offers a
wide range of programs in various fields. The
institution specializes in providing diploma,
bachelor's, and master's degrees in Hotel
Management, Catering, Tourism, Aviation, Business
Administration, Accounting, Animation, and
3Masters in Journalism Mass Communication
- Masters in Journalism Mass Communication
(MA-JMC) - Duration 2 Year (4 Semester)
- Eligibility Graduate in Any Stream
- Internship 6 Months within Course
- Teaching Methodology Events Assignments
Live Presentations Visits Group Discussions
Guest Lectures Survey Research
- Certifications Adobe Photoshop, Premier
- International Career Options (Conditions Apply)
- International Qualification with Pathway to
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore,
Thailand, UK, USA - International Study Tour (Annual) (3-4 days) to
Dubai / Singapore Thailand / Malaysia / Europe
- Introduction to Communication
- Print Media in India
- Growth Development
- Print Media Reporting Desk
- Electronic Media Photography
- Advertising
- Current Affairs
- Development Communication
- Media Management
- Media Law and Ethics
- Public Relations and Corporate Communication
- Current Affairs
- Project work
- Media and Human Rights
- Film Studies
- Current Affairs
- Dissertation
- Internship
- Mass Communication Research-I
- Radio TV Production Tech niques
- Current Affairs
- Mass Communication Research-II
- New Media Technology
- Print Media-II - Reporting, Desk and
Specialization - Inter-cultural and International Communication
6Jobs Avenues
- Theatre Director
- TV / Film Director / Producer
- Corporate Video Producer
- Sound Engineer
- Executive Producer
- Lighting Engineer
- Mixing Engineer / Music Producer And Many More...
- Writer / Journalist
- Film/Video Editor
- Online Editor / Broadcast Journalist
- Proof-reader / Web Content
- Editor
- Reviewer / Poet / Novelist
- Screenwriter / Scriptwriter
- Magazine / Newspaper Journalist
7Our Recruiting Companies
- We are pleased to announce our annual scholarship
program. We give scholarship funds to deserving
students from all over India. We look forward to
receiving the applications from your students and
reading about their accomplishments. The
competition for these scholarships is always
keen, and we take great satisfaction in knowing
that we have...
9805 533 0550
- Do you have any questions?
- vjes.adms_at_gmail.com
- 91 805 533 0550
- https//vjes.org
- Campus Address VPO, Gholumajra, Near Dappar NHAI
Toll Plaza, Chandigarh - Ambala Highway,
Derabassi, Punjab - 140508, INDIA - Admission Office SCO 85, Adjoining Mangaldeep,
Sector 17 C, Chandigarh - 160017, INDIA