Title: Diploma In Digital Marketing Colleges Chandigarh
Diploma In Digital Marketing Course
Vidya Jyoti Eduversity located in Chandigarh, is
a renowned educational institution that offers a
wide range of programs in various fields. The
institution specializes in providing diploma,
bachelor's, and master's degrees in Hotel
Management, Catering, Tourism, Aviation, Business
Administration, Accounting, Animation, and
3Digital Marketing Course
Diploma in Digital Marketing course at Vidya
Jyoti Eduversity, I recommend visiting the
official website of the institution or contacting
the admissions office directly. Look for details
such as the curriculum, faculty, admission
requirements, and any other relevant information.
4Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Marketing
Duration 1 year/ 2 semester Eligibility Graduate
in any stream Admission
First Come First Serve Basis Limited
seats Admission Process Admission on Entrance
Test Basis Awarding University IKG Punjab
Technical University (A State Govt. University)
5Optional International Exposure International
Study Tour (Annual)(3-4days) to Dubai / Singapore
/ Thailand / Malaysia / Europe
6Post Graduate Diploma in Digital
Marketing Subjects
7Search Engine Optimization. Social Media
Marketing, Optimization Digital Marketing Plan
Budget Forecast. Marketing Automation. Case
Studies Internship Entrepreneurship
Digital Marketing Foundation. Advertising Mass
Communication Content Creation and
Promotion. Communication Marketing (SMS / Email /
Blogging Marketing). Website Design using CMS.
We are pleased to announce our annual scholarship
program. We give scholarship funds to deserving
students from all over India. We look forward to
receiving the applications from your students and
reading about their accomplishments. The
competition for these scholarships is always
keen, and we take great satisfaction in knowing
that we have...
9G A L L E R Y
Offering a Diploma, Bachelor, or Master in Hotel
Management, Catering, Tourism, Aviation,
Business, Administration, Accounting, Animation,
Multimedia, Journalism, Mass Communication,
Media, Film Technology, Information Technology,
Medical Lab Science and etc.
11Contact US
Gholumajra, Near Dappar NHAI Toll Plaza,
Chandigarh - Ambala Highway, Derabassi, Punjab -
140508, INDIA