Title: Maintaining School Lunch Programs Safely - Hot Lunch
1Maintaining School Lunch Programs Safely
2Like with many aspects of life, schools have been
hit hard by social distancing requirements and
online learning over the past few years. Parents
and school administrators have new worries about
keeping school functions, like lunch, while
following new guidelines. Many schools have
found that implementing a school lunch software
alleviates some of these worries. What is School
Lunch Software? School lunch software has been
widely adopted to more efficiently manage school
lunch programs online. Both parents and school
lunch administrators can use the system for all
their school lunch needs. Parents can browse
online menus through a website or mobile app.
These menus are easy to load and have
nutritional and allergy information to build
transparency about the lunches offered at
schools. School lunch managers can update these
menus as needed using the website or app. Parents
will use the online menus to choose their
childrens school lunches for the day or week.
They will pay for and order lunches using the
website or mobile app. When students arrive at
school, they will simply say their names or
student ID number to receive their lunch. This
minimizes contact and hassle associated with
handing over paper forms and cash payments. This
can speed up line times, and help parents ensure
that their students receive healthy food choices
at school. School lunch managers will use these
orders to prepare for the upcoming days of lunch.
School lunch software will allow managers to
generate reports for
3finances, future, orders, and to accommodate
classroom-based distribution.
Classroom-Based Distribution School lunch
software makes it easier for managers to
accommodate a classroom-based distribution model.
During times when social distancing is needed,
food-service providers can deliver online orders
to students to their respective classrooms to
minimize large crowds in the cafeteria. Without
software, they would have to manually organize
students by classrooms. This can take
unnecessary time and recourses. With the
software, students can be grouped by classrooms
automatically, generating reports of which
lunches go to which classroom, saving time.
4Other Benefits Implementing school lunch software
has benefits that go beyond traditional lunch
functions. School lunch managers can use the app
or website to communicate to parents about
upcoming events or answer questions. They can
also use the same site for other orders such as
fundraisers, yearbooks, and more.