St. Austin Catholic School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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St. Austin Catholic School


St. Austin Catholic School Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in its classrooms. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: St. Austin Catholic School

St. Austin Catholic School
  • Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is
    the reason for this school. He is the unseen,
    but ever present teacher in its classrooms. He
    is the model for its faculty and the inspiration
    of its students.
  • Our Expectations
  • Respect Dignity Integrity Community

Welcome to PreK!!
  • Our names are Mrs. Madeline Miller and Mrs.
    Kathleen Meyer
  • Contact Information, or 512-477-3751
  • Office Hours are by appointment
  • We are going green this year, so we are not
    printing out handouts! Please look for this
    document and other important information at, click on admissions, then
    click on PreK.

Helpful Morning Routines
  • At Home
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Positive interactions
  • At School
  • Arrive on time. First bell rings at 750 and
    second bell rings at 800
  • Positive attitude and interactions
  • Students come inside and drop off their snack,
    water bottle, yellow folder, and put up their
    lunch choice for the day as part of their morning

Snack Time
  • We have 2 snack times each day, one in the
    morning during centers and one in the afternoon
    after rest time.
    Morning snacks are yellow snacks
    and are kept at school (provided by teachers
    snacks are blue snacks brought from home or
    leftover from lunch.
  • It is helpful if their afternoon snacks were in a
    different container other than their lunch box
    (if they are buying lunch)
  • Please, no candy or sweets for snacks.

Classroom Schedule
  • We begin each day with table work
    (manipulatives). This is a time for friends to
    get ready for the day put lunches up, move
    their person, get drinks, go to the restroom and
    visit with one another.
  • Morning time includes calendar, schedule, outside
    time, centers with school provided snack (yellow
    snack), Religion and Spanish.
  • After lunch we have all our special classes and
    Handwriting/phonics. Monday/Wednesday- Art
    Tech., P.E.
    Tuesday/Thursday-Spanish Godly
    Play with buddies, Music, P.E.
  • We go to the Library on Monday Friday
  • Friday-mass with our buddies, Show Tell (will
    begin in Sept.)

New Grading Policy
  • Grades Pre-K through 2nd are adopting a new
    grading policy this year along with the new
    RenWeb grading system
  • This will be a 4 point grading system, with
    grades 1 point through 4 points.
  • 4 Advanced Outstanding performance of grade
    level standards
  • 3 Proficient Regularly meets grade level
  • 2 Partially Proficient Inconsistently meets
    grade level standards
  • 1 Not Proficient Below grade level standards

Classroom Behavior Expectations
  • The GOLDEN RULE is our guide along with our 4
  • We encourage these values throughout the day in
    ALL we do and say using words our friends can
    understand and begin to use themselves such as,
    to be kind, considerate, a good friend, using our
    manners (RESPECT), taking care of the bodies God
    has blessed us with by sitting/standing/walking
    tall, using our smart brains, treating ourselves
    like royalty-kings queens (DIGNITY), being
    honest and true, knowing the right thing to do
    even if others are not, having self control,
    making good choices and taking responsibility for
    what we do (INTEGRITY), and finally, working
    together as a team, sharing, taking turns
  • We also use a traffic light system so the kids
    know how they are doing Green is doing a good
    job, on task, participating. Yellow needs a
    redirection/reminder of what to do, first with a
    whole group reminder, then non verbally, then
    individually. Red needs time away from group to
    take a break, think, pray and ready themselves to
    come back refreshed.

Weekly CommunicationWednesday RED Folders
  • The weekly school information will come home in
    the RED folder each Wednesday. Any important
    classroom information will also be included in
    this folder including book orders.
  • Please make sure to check Wednesday folders and
    remove all paperwork. If YOU need to send an
    important bit of information, this is a great way
    to do it.

Parent Homework
  •  Talk to your child about their day highs and
    lows, best part or not so great thing, who they
    are playing with-their names and what they are
    doing or need help with, etc.
  • Read with your child. Let them read the story to
    you by reading the pictures. Tell them where the
    cover is, the spine, the back of the book. Let
    them point to each word, count how many words in
    the title, the authors name, clap the syllables
    of words. Read the newspaper-the comics,
  • Give your child opportunities to strengthen their
    finger, hand, arm muscles with playdoh, tearing
    paper, rolling dough (bread, cookie, etc.)
  • Have FUN-laugh, sing, be silly, smile!

Curriculum Highlights
  • Cooperative, center-based approach using
    developmentally appropriate practices based on
    the High/Scope Key Experiences in conjunction
    with the PreK TEKS. Each day consists of a daily
    routine including large group time/small group
    time and planning time where the children are
    actively engaging with one another and adults,
    making choices, problem solving, and encouraging
    each other.
  • Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) program for
    handwriting, letter sound and recognition and
    overall body stability.
  • For Religion, we divide conquer using both the
    Godly Play stories as well as the Allelu series
    that aligns with the Diocesan curriculum,
    following the Church calendar as well. Our
    relationship with our 5th grade mass buddies is a
    hands-on learning experience as well.

Field Trip Information
  • We take 2 big trips a year, one in the Fall and
    one in the Spring In October we take a walking
    tour with First Grade Buddies to the Fire House
    across the street (free) and in March we will
    take a trek to the Austin Nature Center where we
    will do a little digging and see the animals.
  • Also in the Fall (September) Mother Goose will
    make a visit.

Dress Code
  • Please make sure your child is dressed in dress
    code every day.
  • Please remind your kids that the shirts being
    tucked in is a part of our uniform, and they are
    expected to be tucked in at all times!! If your
    child is not sure how to tuck in their shirt,
    please practice this at home.
  • Please practice pulling up/down shorts and skirts
    at home with your child. We encourage elastic
    waiste-bands for shorts, skirts/skorts.
  • Lastly, girls need to have on shorts under their
    mass dresses.

Birthday Celebration Procedures
  • Birthdays are blessed days that we help
  • Your child will receive a birthday poster to fill
    in prior to his/her birthday (family members may
    help). Once returned, it will be displayed on
    the Birthday board.
  • Each birthday friend will be crowned in the
    morning, gets to wear a sticker that lets
    everyone know that it is their special day, and
    receives a birthday certificate to take home
    show the family (and keep for his/her memory
  • If you would like to bring a birthday treat for
    your child their class, please let us know in
    advance. We will do that during afternoon snack
    with a special birthday prayer song at 245.

Lunchroom Procedures
  • Our lunch is from 1100 to 1130 each day!
  • Pre-K through 2nd grade visitors, please join
    your child at the designated guest table in the
  • 3rd-8th grade guests, please sit with your child
    at their lunch table
  • Any child who doesnt have a lunch to eat after
    10 minutes into their lunch period will be
    provided with a hot lunch and an invoice will be
    sent home. If you are planning on bringing your
    child lunch, please be on time!
  • We encourage eating healthy food first and send
    home any leftovers so parents know what their
    child is eating/not eating

Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!! Soar Like an Eagle!!
Classrooms includes Music, Art, Computer Lab Lunchroom Bathrooms Hallways Blacktop, Courtyard Big Toy Eagles' Nest Church Library Gym
Respect Care for others Use good manners. Dignity Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself Integrity Live the Golden Rule Do your best work! Community Work together, Be safe, Show consideration for a clean and comfortable room for all Respect Care for all- especially the lunchroom staff, Use polite manners and a "partner-voice." Dignity Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself Integrity Live the Golden Rule, Take only what you need and paid for, Feed your body healthy foods Eat only in the lunchroom Community Recognize lunchroom is a shared space between school and parish, Use "partner voice," Help keep lunchroom feeling safe and inclusive to all. Respect Care for all who may need to share bathroom Boys lift lids All leave bathroom clean. Dignity Flush toilet, Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself Integrity Live the Golden Rule, Place trash in trash can Make the right choices even though no one is looking. Community Be safe, Be quick Wash hands! Respect Care for all, Use quiet feet quiet voices. Dignity Jesus first- second Others-lastly Yourself Integrity Live the Golden Rule, Careful with classroom materials considerate of classmates Community Be safe, Show deference Keep halls and stairs clear. Respect Care for supplies, equipment, fellow classmates, students in Art Room, students in Library Employees and/or visitors of the parish community Dignity Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself, Self-Control Walking feet Integrity Live the Golden Rule Use equipment carefully Community Be safe, Show deference to younger students, Welcome all Respect Care for all, Follow directions of EN Staff pick up equipment after use. Dignity Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself, Ignoring peer pressure Being polite Integrity Be safe, Be a role-model for the Golden Rule Community Be safe use but don't abuse equipment Respect Honor the Sacred, Show piety, Use quiet voices Pray Dignity Jesus first-Others second- lastly Yourself, Follow mass uniform policy Participate in church/mass rituals Integrity Live the Golden Rule Engage mentally in mass Community Be safe, Pray and sing with enthusiasm, Participate fully Invite everyone to participate Respect I care for all people, Use only quiet voice, Keep space clean tidy Dignity Jesus first-Others second-lastly Yourself, sit properly Use self control Integrity Live the Golden Rule, Make the right choices even when no one is looking, Return materials to proper place in a timely manner Community Be safe, Considerate of others need for a quiet space Be gentle with materials
Room Parents
  • Communications-Becky Poer
  • Budget-Monika Soto

We have two remarkable women who get to take care
of PreK this year. They are veteran moms, huge
St. Austin supporters and faith-filled ladies.
2011-2012 Music
  • Mrs. Corroa
  • email
  • Office hours by appointment
  • Academic Policy - All students in extracurricular
    music programs should agree to maintain their
    academic best. At any time, if a student is
    experiencing academic issues and needs a short
    time-out from band and choir to work on
    academics, the students parent should notify
    Mrs. Corroa.

Music - PreK
  • All Pre-K-5th grade classes will attend music
    class twice per week. A brief synopsis of the
    curriculum is as follows
  • Grades K-1
  •  Liturgical music preparation
  • Identifying the timbre of voices and instruments
  • Singing and playing instruments in groups and
  • Learning songs from different cultures
  • Rhythmic development
  • Identifying tempo, melodic direction, and

Music Dates to Remember
  • November 11- Choir Fest at Holy Family Catholic
    School (during school day. We will need drivers.
    Please help!)
  • November 15/16-Fall Band and Choir concerts,
  • December 3- Advanced Band and choir performance,
    Parish Fair,430 PM
  • December 9- 7PM Advent program-All students
  • March 9-Pre-K through 2nd grade spring musical,
    215 PM
  • May 8/9-Band/Choir spring concert, 6PM/9AM

Spanish 2011-2012
  • Sra. Carmen de la Morena
  • E-mail
  • Office hours Mondays 330-430, room 201
  • Website location click
    on Academics click on Spanish

SpanishPre-K through 8th grade highlights
  • Spanish Around the World, 16 de Septiembre,
    Hispanic Heritage Month, All Saints Day/Día de
    los muertos, The Epiphany/Día de Reyes, Lent and
    Easter/La Cuaresma y Las Pascua, School Wide
    Spanish, Christmas/Navidad La Posada,
  • 38th Annual Spanish and Portugese Declamation
    Contest at the University of Texas at Austin -
    April 2012

Spanish Expectations Graded
  • Respect Yourself
  • Respect Others
  • How?
  • Be respectful
  • Be responsible
  • Be ready
  • Grading System
  • E Excellent
  • S Satisfactory
  • N Needs improvement
  • U Unsatisfactory

School Wide Spanish! (SWS)
  • This year will mark the beginning of a school
    wide initiative to encourage student and families
    to speak Spanish.
  • Hablaremos español dentro de nada! Well be
    speaking spanish in no time!

  • Mrs. Kathy Hymel
  • E-mail
  • Each grade comes to library twice a week, as an
    extension of Language Arts. Students read,
    sometimes have enrichment activities related to
    the reading, learn basic library skills, and
    check out books.
  • Behavior expectations are Be Respectful, Be
    Responsible, Be Ready

Physical Education
  • Ms. Cheree Monden
  • E-mail
  • Office hours are by appointment
  • For more information go to,
     click under Academics, then PE

PE Classroom Rules
  • Be RESPECTFUL (to self, others, and equipment)
  • Follow directions and procedures
  • Follow Directions
  • Respond immediately and appropriately to
  • Sit quietly in designated area
  • Be SAFE
  • Keep hands, feet, and equipment to yourself
  • Dress appropriately (tennis shoes)
  • Be an EAGLE
  • PARTICIPATE- Always put forth your best effort
  • Sportsmanship- Always show DIGNITY and INTEGRITY
  • Teamwork- COMMUNITY, help others to learn the

PE - Behavior
  • Verbal praise, Special activities, Free Choice
  • THE 3 R's....
  • verbal reminder
  • read the rules
  • rethink your behavior- check the rule(s) that
  • return demonstrating correct behavior
  • report to the penalty box
  • receive reinforcement activity

PE Curriculum Grading
  • Fitness
  • Health/Nutrition
  • Wellness
  • Sportsmanship
  • Performance
  • Participation/Effort
  • Behavior
  • Proper attire- appropriate tennis shoes, with
    shoe strings or straps, must be worn in order to

  • Mrs. Michelle Lyczak
  • E-mail
  • Office hours are by appointment
  • For more information go to,
     click under Academics, then Art

Art Expectations
  • In our art classes we,
  • A ct responsibly
  • R espect others, the tools and the place
  • T ry to do your best always!

Art Grades PreK - 5
  • Grades Pre K-5 have art once a week. St. Austins
    Art curriculum is based on the Texas state
    standards for the Visual Arts.Objectives-To
    communicate feelings and ideas through creative
    visual expression.
  • -To develop familiarity and skill with an
    increased variety of media and technique.
  • -To develop understanding and appreciation of
    self and others through art and its history and
  • -To explore, analyze and critique art and artists
    throughout history and the art exhibited by
  • -To develop skills in the care and safe use of
    art supplies and equipment.

Art Grading Policy
  • E-ALWAYS follows directions, meets or exceeds
    expectations, completes projects with the
    greatest craftsmanship and creativity. Always
    stays on task, participates in group discussions
    and clean-up.
  • S-MOSTLY follows directions, meets expectations
    and completes most projects with good
    craftsmanship and creativity. Mostly stays on
    task, participates in group discussions and
  • N- OFTEN DOES NOT follow directions, meet
    expectations and/or completes most projects with
    a lack of craftsmanship and creativity. Often
    does not stay on task, participate in group
    discussions and clean-up.  
  • U- DOES NOT follow directions, meet expectations
    and/or completes most projects with a lack of
    craftsmanship and creativity. Does not stay on
    task, participate in group discussions and

  • Mr. Dziedzic (Mr. D.)
  • E-mail
  • Office hours are by appointment
  • For more information go to,
     click under Academics, then Technology

Technology Information
  • Tech will be integrated with the classrooms with
    projects connecting with core subjects.  
  • Tech will also focus on keyboarding for grades 2
    - 8 and work on hand eye coordination with grades
    Prek - 1.
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