Information on Basic Web Host Manager Setup - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information on Basic Web Host Manager Setup


The basic settings for cPanel & WHM can be configured via an interface. This basic setting is for nameservers and contact information. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information on Basic Web Host Manager Setup

Information on Basic Web Host Manager Setup
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Contact Information
  • Contact Information (Continued)
  • Contact Information (Continued I)
  • Slack WebHook URL
  • Basic Config
  • Basic Config (Continued)
  • Basic Config (Continued I)
  • Basic Config (Continued II)
  • Basic Config (Continued III)
  • Basic Config (Continued IV)
  • Select Webmail Default Theme
  • Automatically Create a cgi-bin Script Alias
  • Basic Config (Continued V)
  • Basic Config (Continued VI)
  • Nameservers
  • Nameservers (Continued)

  • The basic settings related to cPanel WHM, such
    as nameservers or contact information, can be
    configured through this interface. All available
    setup settings are displayed by the system by
  • cPanel is a web hosting control panel. Web
    hosting is the service provided by web hosting
    companies, wherein server space and all the
    technologies and services are provided to ensure
    that websites are always accessible. The Best
    Website Hosting Company, the Best Cloud Hosting
    Company, the Best Windows Hosting Company are
    the terms that are often used to refer to the
    most preferred web hosting companies.

Contact Information
  • The following settings can be configured through
    this section
  • Enter one or more email addresses to contact in
    case a problem arises with this server
  • You need to provide an email address as your
    contact address for such situations where
    problems occur. This address is also used by the
    system for creating the RNAME field in the SOA
    (State of Authority) record in the DNS record
    zone. It is recommended that such an email
    account be entered which does not exist on the
  • The following points need to be considered
  • Multiple contacts should be designated by using a
    list of email addresses that is comma-separated.
  • Notifications such as, update (upcp)
    notifications, installer notifications, new and
    terminated account notifications, errors from the
    check_cpanel_rpms script, failed service
    notifications, are sent by cPanel WHM to the
    root user, when an email address is absent.
  • The email address of the reseller in SOA records
    for cPanel accounts created by the reseller is
    used by the system.

Contact Information (Continued)
  • Enter one or more cellular phone or pager email
    addresses to message via email in case a problem
    arises with this server
  • A list of cell phone or pager email addresses
    needs to be provided that is comma-separated and
    which can receive notifications in the event that
    issues occur.
  • An API Token for the Pushbullet API
  • A list of Access Tokens for the Pushbullet, which
    should be comma-separated, needs to be provided
    for accounts that are supposed to receive
    notifications when any issue is encountered.
  • The ICQ ID that this server should use for login
    to ICQ when sending alerts
  • An ICQ number needs to be provided which can be
    used by the server for sending notifications when
    problems occur. The Contact Manager interface
    needs to be used for disabling or fine-tuning ICQ
    notifications. WHM gtgt Home gtgt Server Contacts gtgt
    Contact Manager
  • You need to visit the website of ICQ to register
    for an ICQ number.

Contact Information (Continued I)
  • The ICQ ID password for sending alerts
  • It refers to the password for the ICQ number of
    the server.
  •  Enter one or more ICQ user identification
    numbers (comma delimited) you can be reached at
    in case a problem arises with this server
  • A list of ICQ numbers needs to be provided that
    is comma-separated, for receiving notifications
    in the event that problems occur.
  •  A comma-separated list of http// or https//
    URLs of a system to which you want to send POST
    notifications as form data with the keys
    hostname, subject, and body
  • There has to be the URL for a ticket system or a
    form handler where alert information could be
    sent to. The hostname of the parameter, subject
    and body along with the alerts relevant data is
    sent automatically by the system. The keys need
    to be included after the URL for sending
    additional parameters. The additional values need
    to be separated with the ampersand character
    rather than the question mark character, while
    adding additional values and parameters. The site
    where a secure URL is entered must have a valid

Slack WebHook URL
  • There has to be a URL of a Slack WebHook. The
    WebHooks configuration is used by the system for
    sending message to the required workspace and
    channel. Each URL has to be separated with a
    comma (,) when multiple Slack WebHooks need to be

Basic Config
  • The following settings can be configured through
    this section
  • The IPv4 address (only one address) to use to set
    up shared IPv4 virtual hosts
  • A single IPv4 address functions as the shared
    IPv4 address of the server. This IP address can
    be used by all the accounts on the server which
    do not need a dedicated IPv4 address. It needs to
    be mentioned that if this IP address is changed,
    that change will not affect those accounts that
    use the previous value. The IP Migration Wizard
    interface in WHM needs to be used for changing
    the IP address for these accounts.
  • WHM gtgt Home gtgt IP Functions gtgt IP
    Migration Wizard

1-800-123 -8156
  • Whoa! Thats a big number, arent you

Basic Config (Continued)
  • The IPv6 address (only one address) to use to set
    up shared IPv6 virtual hosts
  • A single IPv6 address functions as the shared
    IPv6 address of the server. This IP address might
    be used by all the accounts on the server that do
    not need a dedicated IPv6 address. An IPv6-only
    cPanel WHM server cannot be run because of
    networking requirements. At least one IPv4
    address is required.
  • It needs to be mentioned that the shared IP
    address of a server cannot be contained in the
    address range of IPv6. The setting up of a shared
    IP address, existing within the configured
    address range of IPv6, is not allowed by the
    system. The IPv6 address must be added, which had
    been added to the IPV6ADDR line in the file,
    /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. The
    network needs to be restarted post this. For this
    purpose, the command that needs to be run is
    /usr/bin/systemctl restart network

Basic Config (Continued I)
  • The IPv6 address (only one address) to use to set
    up shared IPv6 virtual hosts
  • When this IPv6 address is changed, that change
    will not affect accounts using the previous
    value. The Assign IPv6 Address interface in WHM
    needs to be used for changing the IPv6 address
    for accounts. WHM gtgt Home gtgt IP Functions gtgt
    Assign IPv6 Address
  • The cpsrvd daemon needs to listen on IPv6
    addresses, so that all the features of cPanel
    WHM function properly on IPv6. On needs to be
    selected for the Listen on IPv6 Addresses setting
    in the System section of the Tweak Settings
    interface of WHM for enabling this functionality.
    WHM gtgt Home gtgt Server Configuration gtgt Tweak
  • This IPv6 address cannot be added to any IPv6
    range which has been added through the IPv6
    Ranges interface in WHM. WHM gtgt Home gtgt IP
    Functions gtgt IPv6 Ranges
  • BIND starts to listen for DNS requests via IPv6
    automatically, when this setting is configured.

Basic Config (Continued II)
  • The ethernet device onto which new IP addresses
    are added
  • Choose the detected Ethernet device for adding
    new IP address for the server. Alternatively, a
    new device could be entered in the text box,
    Other. It needs to be mentioned that the system
    tries to detect your ethernet device when cPanel
    WHM is installed.
  •  Enter the location where you wish for new users
    home directories to be created
  • A location that is in the file system of the
    server needs to be entered for containing the
    home directories of all of the cPanel users.
    Alternatively, one could be entered in the text
    box. If multiple directories are used for storing
    cPanel accounts, new accounts get automatically
    stored in the directory with the freest space. It
    needs to be mentioned that the default setting is

Basic Config (Continued III)
  • Additional home directories matching the
    following value will also be used for new home
    directory creations
  • An additional directory can be used for storing
    the home directories of your cPanel users.
    Alternatively, one could be entered in the text
    box. A mount point needs to be entered for the
    value of this setting. Only one value is accepted
    by this setting. If multiple directories are used
    for storing cPanel accounts, new accounts get
    automatically stored in the directory with the
    freest space. It needs to be mentioned that the
    default setting is /home.

Basic Config (Continued IV)
  • Select a default theme for the cPanel interface
  • A default theme for the cPanel interface needs to
    be selected. All the interface themes offered by
    the server are displayed by the menu.
  • Certain important points that need to be
    mentioned in this context are as follows
  • The selected theme becomes the default theme,
    every time that an account or a package is
    created, an account is restored or transferred.
  • When no theme is specified by the configuration
    of an account, the system uses the default theme.
    Alternatively, such a theme is used which does
    not exist on the server.
  • The system default theme is used by cPanel WHM,
    when no default cPanel theme has been selected.

Select Webmail Default Theme
  • The default theme for the Webmail interface could
    be selected from this menu. All the Webmail
    themes offered by the server are displayed by
    this menu.
  • The default theme is used by the system whenever
    no theme is specified by the configuration of an
    account. Alternatively, such a theme is used,
    which does not exist on the server. When no
    default Webmail theme has been selected, the
    system default theme is used by cPanel WHM.

Automatically Create a cgi-bin Script Alias
  • It needs to be mentioned that this setting could
    be overridden individually during account
    creation. The default setting is Yes.

Basic Config (Continued V)
  • This value defines the caching time for host name
    lookups for domains hosted on this server
  • A TTL (Time to Live) value, defined in seconds
    for DNS records.
  • In this context the following need to be
  • Heavier loads can be caused on the nameserver by
    shorter TTL values
  • Shorter TTL values return more accurate
    information for zones which contain frequently
    changing records
  • A value in seconds, RFC 2181 between 0 and
    2147483647 is specified
  • This value can be overridden by cPanel users who
    have the Zone Editor (AAAA, CAA, SRV, TXT)
    feature, while creating or editing a DNS zone
  • This value can be overridden by cPanel users who
    only have the Zone Editor (A, CNAME) feature or
    the MX Entry feature, while creating or editing a
    DNS zone record via the DNSmass_zone_edit
    function of UAPI.
  • The default setting is 14400.

Basic Config (Continued VI)
  • This value is similar to the previous setting but
    is specifically the value used for newly created
    zone files authoritative nameserver entries
  • A TTL value, defined in seconds for the
    authoritative nameserver entries of a
    newly-created zone file. The default setting is
  • Enter the style in which you wish to receive your
    Apache logs
  • You can enter the style in which the Apache log
    files need to be viewed. Either of the following
    settings can be selected for this purpose
  • combined Apache log files are displayed by this
    setting along with all the information of a
    request, which includes user agents, referrers,
    requested files, etc.
  • common Only those Apache log files are
    displayed by this setting that have information
    about requested files.
  • The default setting is combined.

  • Nameservers need to be specified for the server.
    Otherwise the creation of new accounts is not
    possible. Through this section the nameservers of
    the server can be specified. The nameservers that
    are supposed to be used as the primary,
    secondary, tertiary and quaternary nameservers
    need to be entered in the appropriate text boxes.
  • It is important to mention the following
  • A entries let the nameserver resolve to an IP
  • A entries are required by the nameservers for
    working over IPv4 properly
  • AAAA entries are required by your nameservers to
    properly work over IPv6

Nameservers (Continued)
  • The below-mentioned steps need to be performed
    for adding an A entry or an AAAA entry for a
  • Click Configure Address Records, wherein a new
    window appears
  • A DNS lookup is performed by the system on the
    entered nameserver
  • The system lists the results in the IP Addresses
  • The results of the changes are displayed by the
  • Click Close
  • It needs to be mentioned that the entry in the
    text box, Enter an IPv4 address to create an A
    record, needs to be changed for entering a
    different IPv4 address. The entry in the text
    box, Enter an IPv6 address to create an AAAA
    record (optional), needs to be changed for
    entering a different IPv6 address.
  • The DNS resolvers that were configured in the
    Resolver Configuration interface in WHM will be
    used by the system. The configuration should be
    checked if any problem is encountered with any
    nameserver IP resolution.
  • Save Changes need to be clicked to save the
    changes to the settings of the server.

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