Title: The Sundra Strait Tsunami
1The Sundra Strait Tsunami
By Shaurya W
2What/ How it Happened?
- Caused by an Undersea Landslide
- Followed by an Eruption of Anak Krakatau (a
volcano - Much of the Island of Anak Krakatau collapsed
into the sea
Click ??to find out more about the Sundra Strait
3The Damage/ Where
- Affected mostly Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Also attacked the western Java, and the southern
Sumatra coastlines - Tsunami hit with no warning, on December 22 ,2018
- 1485 people were injured, and 429 killed
- In addition, 154 people are missing from the
4MSF to the rescue!!!
MSF has sent three teams in the area, with one
team supporting the health center in Carita, a
second team supporting the health center in
Labuan, and a mobile team visiting various
communities to treat injured patients unable to
make it to a health department. As of now, 74
injured patients have been admitted to the Labuan
health center and 66 have been discharged. While
the affected areas recovering, many streets
remain blocked, making it difficult to access
local health centers. The team in Carita was
unable to reach the health center on December 26
after heavy rains resulted in flooding. Medical
coordination with the health center's staff was
conducted through phone calls. As of December 25,
99 injured patients had been admitted to the
center and released after treatment.
5My Thoughts/ Opinion
I think that the MSF did an amazing job helping
in the Tsunami, treating patients, and tried to
do everything they could do in their power to
help. MSF even connected with patients through
phone calls, if they couldnt reach them as an
extra initiative. I think that the Indonesian
government could have provided support to the
tsunami, and not entirely ignore the tsunami. I
also think that if the government helped, their
could have been less people injured, and less
deaths. Some communities are still affected by
the tsunami that happened some time ago, as they
had to evacuate, and had no home. Overall, due to
MSFs helping hand, many lives were saved.
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