Title: Seven Secrets for Good Sleep You Should Know
1Seven Secrets for Good Sleep You Should Know
Who does not like a good nights sleep? After
all, we spend over 36 of our lives sleeping,
which is more than 1/3 of our average lifespan on
earth! Sleep helps us power through the day as
energetic, vibrant, thoughtful individuals and
helps our body rejuvenate. Every one of us might
have had some trouble sleeping from time to time.
Although we try to ignore sleeplessness and
claim it is a one-off thing, the lack of sleep
might be an indicator of underlying disorders
like sleep apnea. Help, however, is at hand.
Read the seven secrets of good sleep curated by
our Chief Sleep Officer at Sanrai Med to help
you sleep better.
1. Drop the habit of taking caffeine and nicotine
at evening
2Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can
potentially keep you awake for as long as 3-4
hours, making you lose crucial sleep time. There
should be no caffeine usage for at least four to
six hours before bedtime and no smoking before
sleeping. This will help you fall asleep much
2. Eat light, sleep right
Do not go to bed empty stomach and avoid large
and heavy meals before bedtime. Eating too much
or too little can keep you up. Keep dinnertime at
least 2-3 hours before going to bed. Going for a
short walk after dinner can also help you digest
your food better and tire you out a little,
which will help you fall asleep quicker but
ensure that you keep a gap of at least an hour
between bedtime and your walk.
33. Nap early, or skip
A short afternoon nap can be beneficial for us,
but those facing difficulties staying asleep at
night might want to reconsider their siesta.
Naps later in the day can decrease your sleep
drive. If you really must sleep during the day,
try getting up at least 5 hours before
bedtime. 4. Work out in time
4Working out can help you fall asleep faster but
exercising has a two-fold effect. Not only does
exercise tire you out and release stress, but
exercise also secretes a hormone called cortisol
that activates the alerting mechanism in your
brain. If you exercise extensively some time
before falling asleep, you might end up staying
awake longer. Some light exercises like
stretching, meditation or a sleep routine will
help you fall asleep much better than tiring
yourself out and trying to fall asleep right
after. 5. Sleep when you are sleepy
Trying to fall asleep when you are not will only
increase stress and frustration. If you
cannot sleep within half an hour of getting into
bed, try a relaxing activity like taking a warm
bath, aromatherapy, reading a book or listening
to soft music. Sleep schedules are extremely
important to ensure that you fall asleep around
the same time every day consistently.
56. Avoid discussing emotional problems, eating,
and watching TV in bed
Use your bedroom for sleeping and intimate
contact only. If your brain associates your
bedroom with a workplace or distracting
activities, you might find it difficult to fall
asleep. 7. Create a conducive environment for
6A cool, dark, and quiet room can help you fall
asleep faster. Ensure that there are no bright
lights (you may use a night light instead),
electronic devices like mobile phones and
computers and other things that can stimulate
you instead of getting drowsy. You may also try
taking a warm bath or use relaxation techniques
to promote better sleep. We believe that these
seven secrets of good sleep can go a long way in
helping you sleep better at night. If you
believe that you are still finding it difficult
to fall asleep or keep waking up at night, it
might be good to contact Sanrai Med for a sleep
evaluation to help understand if you might
suffer from Sleep Apnea or insomnia. Addressing
underlying problems that might be disturbing
your sleep cycle can go a long way in ensuring
that you get enough shut-eye to power you
through your day, day after day! You can get in
touch with our team of experts!