Title: Seven Simple Secrets
Seven Simple Secrets What the Best
Teachers Know and
Do Annette Breaux Todd Whitaker
2Secret FourThe Secret of Attitude
- We get to choose
- One saw a glass half empty
- The other, a glass half full
- What? IT was the same glass?
- What stunt were they trying to pull?
- No stunt was pulled at all, you see
- Our attitudes shape our vision
- We all get to choose for ourselves
- Whether lifes an adventure or a collision!
3Part 1.How to Be in Control of Your Attitude
Its Up to You!
- Attitude is everything!
- One of the main thing that separate the
not-so-good from the good from the great teachers
is simply attitude. - Teaching is all about breaking bad habits,
forging new paths, opening doors, and leading
students to make different and better choices and
to have better attitudes.
4We are the teachers. We are the leaders. We are
the role models. Every day, our attitudes help
to share the types of teachers, leaders, and role
models we become
5Part 2.How to Handle Yourself in the Teachers
- Gossip basically serves one purpose it harms!
- Being around negative people is never likely to
have a positive impact on you. - Always do what a professional does and stay away
from the negative buzz!
6Part 3.How to Improve the Attitudes of Your
- Our attitudes spill over onto our students.
- Negative attitudes are never tempered by negative
responses. - The more out of control a student is, the more in
control we, as teachers, have to be in dealing
with that student. Is it easy? No. Is it
effective? Yes!
7Part 4.How to Portray an Attitude of
- The fact is that the very best teachers accept
responsibility for the success and performance
of every student they teach.
8- Scenario 1 Student Sleeping in Class
- Ineffective teachers will usually do one of two
things (1) let sleeping dogs lie, or (2)
reprimand the student. - Effective teachers will always speak to the
student and find out whats causing them to fall
9- Scenario 2 Grading Papers
- Ineffective teachers use a technique called
Trade and Grade - Effective Teachers us a technique well call I
will grade my students papers, just like a
teacher is suppose to do.
10Part 5.How to Diffuse Negative Coworkers
- Do your best at attempting to diffuse these
people. - Walk away!
- Finally, Dont let them affect you.
- Interesting Fact Walking away from negative
people not only protects you from becoming one of
them ,it also burns calories
11Part 6.How to Work Cooperatively with Parents
- The very best teachers keep in constant contact
with the parents of their students. - Try to always remember that parents have the same
goal as you do the success of their child. - Remember that your attitude toward both students
and their parents will help to determine the
parents attitudes toward you!
12Part 7.How to Have the Best Attitude on the
- The most effective teachers know that to be as
effective as they can be, they must portray a
positive attitude. - One person really can make a difference so be
that one person. - Shape up your attitude, and your students will
remember you with gratitude!
13Secret 4 Chapter Summary
- Regarding attitude, remember the following
- Attitude is everything!
- Find whats good, and focus on it. Find whats
not so good, and make it better. - Our attitudes help to shape the types of
teachers, leaders, and role models we become. - Our attitudes help to share the types of
teachers, leaders, and role models, we become. - Dont gripe, groan, or gossip in the teachers
lounge or anywhere else. - Your attitude and approach can either ignite a
volatile situation or extinguish it. - Portray an attitude of responsibility. Take your
students failures and successes personally. - Burn calories by walking away from negative
coworkers. - Convince a parent that youre on the side of his
child by being on the side of his child! - Have the best attitude on your faculty!