Title: Animals and plants that have gone extinct
1Animals and plants that have gone extinct
2What is extinction ?
- In biology, extinction is the termination of an
organism or of a group of organisms, usually a
species. The moment of extinction is generally
considered to be the death of the last individual
of the species, although the capacity to breed
and recover may have been lost before this point.
3Reason for animals extinction
- Population
- Habitat Destruction
- Introduction of invasive species
- Overhunting, and other influences.Â
- Explosive
- Unsustainable human population growth is an
essential cause of the extinction crisis. - Predation, competition, and disease
- Climate change
4Reason for plants extinction
- Cutting down of forests
- Global warming
- Pollution
- Acidic water released from factory
- Pollutant soil
5List of animals and plant that have gone extinct
Name-Dodo Year of Extinct-1662
Reasons-Hunted by sailors, invasive
Name-Golden toad Year of extinct-1989 Reasons-Hum
an, Nature and climate change
6Name-Western camel Year of extinct-3.6 million
and 11,360 years ago Reasons for extinct- Unknown
till now
Name-Mammoth Year of extinct-10,000 years ago
Reasons for extinct-Killed by hunters
7Name-Passenger pigeon Year of extinct-September
1, 1914 Reasons for extinct- Hunted by Native
Name-Tasmanian Tiger Year of extinct-3,000 years a
go Reasons for extinct-Eventual extinction,
erosion of habitat
8Name-Golden Eagle Year of extinct-40 years
ago Reasons for extinct-Habitat destruction,
illegal shooting
Name-Mamo Year of extinct-1898 Reasons for
extinct- Unknown
9Name-Erica pyramidalis Year of extinct- 20th
century Reasons for extinct-Habitat destruction
Name-Pluchea glutinosa Year of extinct-19th
century Reasons for extinct-Unknown
10Name-Silphium Year of extinct-Unknown Reasons
for extinct- Unknown
Name-Santalum fernandezianum Year of
extinct-1908 Reasons for extinct-Cutting for
aromatic wood
11Name-Blutaparon rigidum Year of
extinct-Unknown Reasons of extinct- Unknown
Name-Saint Helena olive Year of
extinct-1994 Reasons for extinct-Unknown
12Written and animated by
-Abhoy saha