Title: Medical and Public Health Responses to Bioterrorism:
1Medical and Public Health Responses to
- George W. Rutherford, M.D.
- Institute for Global Health
- University of California, San Francisco
2Unconventional Warfare and Terrorism
- Nuclear
- Biologic
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Biologic toxins
- Chemical
- Biological agents can be directed against humans,
livestock and plants
3Prior Uses of Biological Warfare
- 14th century, Crimea Catapulting of cadavers
with plague into a city under siege - 18th century, North America Distribution by
British of blankets and a handkerchief from
smallpox patients to Native Americans hostile to
the British - World War I Attempts by Germany to infest
livestock and contaminate animal feed with B.
anthracis and B. mallei - World War II Japanese in China used B.
anthracis, V. cholerae, Shigella, Salmonella and
Y. pestis in food, water, aerial spraying and
release of fleas (Unit 731, Ping Fan)
4Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Is the threat real?
- U.S. Offensive biowarfare program at Fort
Detrick, Maryland, discontinued in 1969 - U.S.S.R./Russia Biopreparat - still conducting
offensive biowarfare research? - Other countries Known or suspected of
having/doing research on biowarfare Iraq, Iran,
Libya, Syria, North Korea, China, India,
Pakistan, South Africa and Israel
5Biological warfare/Bioterrorism
- Is the threat real?
- Alleged/rumored Russian advances
- An engineered strain of anthrax resistant to
antimicrobial agents and against which the
current vaccine ineffective - Mass production of smallpox virus
- A multi-drug resistant strain of Y. pestis
- A recombinant Ebola-smallpox chimera
- Variant strain of Marburg virus
6Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Is the threat real?
- IraqAcknowledged offensive weapons program that
included research on B. anthracis, C. perfringens
(gas gangrene), rotavirus, camelpox virus, yellow
fever, Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus,
aflatoxin, botulinum toxin, mycotoxin, and
anti-crop biological agents. 8,500L of a
solution containing an anthrax spore count of
109/ml was produced, 6,500L of which was used to
fill weapons (SCUD warheads and bombs).
7Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Is the threat real?
- 1995
- Aum Shinrikyo cult (which released nerve agent
sarin in the Tokyo subway system) was conducting
research with B. anthracis, C. botulinum, and C.
burnettii had attempted to use B. anthracis in
the Tokyo subway system and had drone aircraft
equipped with spray tanks. In 1992, cult members
had traveled to Zaire in an attempt to obtain
Ebola virus.
8Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Can it happen here?
- Salmonella typhimurium 751 cases, The Dalles,
Oregon, 1984 - B. anthracis 23 cases 4 deaths 10,000
treated with antibiotics prophylactically
Florida, New York, New Jersey, Virginia,
Washington DC, 2001
9Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- What are the characteristics of a good agent?
- Dispersible in aerosols of 1-5 µ for penetration
of bronchioles and alveoli - Predictably high number disease-to-infection
ratio in a few days - Immunization or prophylaxis exist
- Maintains viability/infectivity in environment
(spores and toxins ideal) - Causing illness better than causing death
10Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Category A agents
- Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)
- Botulinum toxins (Clostridium botulinum)
- Brucella suis and melitensis (brucellosis)
- Francisella tularensis (tularemia)
- Smallpox
- Yersinia pestis (plague)
- Category A biologic agents (High-priority
agents that pose a risk to national security
because they can be easily disseminated or
transmitted person-to-person, cause high
mortality with potential for major public health
impact, might cause public panic and social
disruption, and require special action for public
health preparedness)
11Biological warfare/Bioterrorism
- Anthrax
- Three clinical forms
- Cutaneous anthrax
- Inhalational anthrax
- Gastrointestinal anthrax
- Previously occupational disease in US
(woolsorters disease) - Cutaneous anthrax least serious and may be a
sentinel event for a larger release
12(No Transcript)
13Biological warfare/Bioterrorism
- Cutaneous anthrax
- Cutaneous inoculation of spores on exposed areas
(forearms, hands, neck) - Incubation period, 0.5-12 days
- Painless papule progressing to fluid-filled
vesicle in 1-2 days that erodes to a depressed
coal-black eschar (hence, anqrax Greek, coal)
with circumferential edema, erythema, satellite
vesicles, regional adenopathy systemic symptoms - Untreated case fatality rate, 20
14Cutaneous Anthrax
From the UCSF Infection Control Website
15Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Inhalational Anthrax
- Incubation period, 1 to 5 days (up to 44 d)
- Initial phase nonspecific prodrome -
- malaise, fatigue, mild fever, non-productive
cough, chest pain or chest constriction - Acute phase (toxin-mediated causing hemorrhagic
lymphadenitis) 2-4 days later, sudden onset of
severe respiratory distress, dyspnea, cyanosis,
CXR evidence of widened mediastinum, meningitis
(50) - Not transmitted person-to-person
- Case-fatality rate approaches 100
16Inhalational anthrax
17Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak, 1979
- April - May, 1979
- Outbreak of anthrax among people
- and livestock living in and up to 50 km south of
Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), a city of
1,200,000 people 1400km east of Moscow and site
of a military microbiology facility.
18Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak, 1979
- A 1993 pathology report showed that fatal cases
had inhalation anthrax - Follow-up investigation most consistent with a
release of an aerosol of anthrax from military
microbiology facility on April 2, 1979 - 77 patients (66 died)
- Incubation period, 2-43 days (9-10 modal)
- Mean time onset to death, 3 days
- Estimated total weight of spores was between a
few milligrams and nearly a gram
19Onset of fatal cases by week post exposure,
Sverdlovsk, 1979
Meselson M, Guillemin J, Hugh-Jones M, et al.
The Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak of 1979. Science
1994 2661202-8.
20Prevention and treatment of anthrax
- Prevention
- Pre-exposure
- Anthrax vaccine
- 6-dose series (0, 2, 4 wks 6, 12, 18 mos) then
annually - Postexposure
- Ciprofloxacin or doxycycline x 60 d
- Military uses 4-wk regimen plus vaccine
- Treatment
- Antibiotics
- Ciprofloxacin or doxycycline
- 1-2 additional antibiotics for inhalational
anthrax - Steroids?
- Antitoxin?
21Complications of anthrax prophylaxis
- Ciprofloxacin prophylaxis in 3,428 postal workers
- Complications
- 666 (19) severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or
abdominal pain - 484 (14) fainting, light headedness or
dizziness - 250 (7) heartburn or acid reflux
- 216 (6) hives or itchy skin
- 287 (8) discontinued ciprofloxacin
- 116 (3) because of adverse reactions
CDC. MMWR 2001 501051-4.
From the UCSF Infection Control Website
From the UCSF Infection Control Website
24Biological Warfare/Bio-Terrorism
- Smallpox
- Incubation period, 7 to 17 days
- Prodrome, non-specific illness with high fever
(102-106F) for 3-4 days before rash with
headache, back ache, vomiting defervescence with
rash onset. Rash is erythematous to
maculopapular to vesicular all lesions are the
same age (unlike varicella) rash is centripetal - Case fatality ratio 25 - 30
- Infectious for few hours before rash onset
until scabs fall off (airborne contact)
25Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- Smallpox vaccination
- Vaccination with live vaccinia virus (cowpox, a
related orthomyxovirus) intradermal
administration on left deltoid - Routine vaccination of civilians in the U.S.
was stopped in 1972 - Routine vaccination of U.S. military stopped in
1989 - Less than 10 of the U.S. civilian population
is currently immune to smallpox
26Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- Smallpox vaccination
- Approximately 15 million doses of smallpox
vaccine are currently stored in a single location
in the U.S. Up to half may be expired. The
number of doses available may be able to be
increased by giving a smaller dose. - Current plans call for the manufacture of
300,000,000 doses of a new vaccine. - Post-exposure prophylaxis with vaccine (lt3d) and
vaccinia immune globulin 0.6 ml/kg), cidofovir?,
27Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- Infectivity of smallpox
- Yugoslavia, 1972
- A single case of smallpox transferred multiple
times before the diagnosis was made infected 11
others, who in turn infected 138 more people,
leading to isolation of 10,000 people and
vaccination of 20,000,000 people.
28At present, only two. . . laboratories in the
world contain smallpox virus. If for any reason
this virus were once again introduced to humans,
the resulting disease could be easily contained
by vaccination of identified contacts.
- Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases
- Fourth Edition, 1995
- Editors Mandell, Bennett, and Dolin
29Smallpox, 1998
- Smallpox has been eradicated, but the etiologic
agent is not extinct. The virus continues to
exist in freezers in secure facilities at one
institution in the United States and another in
the Russian Federation. During the past 10
years, various individuals and three WHO
committees have recommended destruction of virus
stocks on the grounds that the world needs to be
assured that smallpox will never again be a
threat to humankind. In opposition to virus
destruction are equally strong views that
laboratory stocks serve as a counterbalance to
terrorism and a source of unknown future benefits
to humankind. In May, 1996, the World Health
Assembly recommended, subject to further review,
that all stocks be destroyed in June, 1999.
MMWR, 10/24/97 - Editorial note accompanying the re-publication of
MMWR reports from 1978, to commemorate twenty
years of freedom from smallpox.
30Smallpox, 2001
- Stocks of smallpox virus were not destroyed in
June, 1999 because of concerns that vials of the
virus may have gone to and still be in the hands
of other governments or groups. The World Health
Assembly has called for the destruction of
smallpox viral stocks in December, 2002.
31Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- Current U.S. plans for smallpox control
- Immediate identification and isolation of
infected persons - Ring vaccination of close contacts of case and
secondary contacts -- initial strategy now
apparently replaced by nationwide vaccination - Cautious use of vaccine pre-attack
32Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- ACIP recommendations
- Under current circumstances, with no confirmed
smallpox, and the risk of an attack assessed as
low, vaccination of the general population is not
recommended, as the potential benefits of
vaccination do not outweigh the risks of vaccine
33Biological Warfare/Bio-terrorism
- ACIP recommendations
- Persons who would conduct investigation and
follow-up of initial cases that would necessitate
direct patient contact - Selected personnel in facilities pre-designated
to serve as referral centers to provide care for
the initial cases of smallpox
34Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Challenges to responding promptly to an act of
bioterrorism - Recognition/diagnosis of the illness
- Availability of isolation beds/facilities
- Availability of vaccines/therapeutics
- Dealing with panic and public safety
35Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Prevention
- Secondary prevention
- Immunization
- Smallpox?
- Anthrax?
- Vaccine development efforts
- Tertiary prevention
- Improved detection
- Improved post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment
36Handling of suspicious packages or envelopes
- Do not shake or empty the contents
- Do not carry it, show it to others or allow
others to examine it - Put it on a stable surface do not sniff, touch,
taste or look closely at it or any contents that
may have spilled - Alert others in the area. Leave the area, close
any doors and take actions to prevent others from
entering the area. If possible, shut off the
ventilation system.
37(No Transcript)
38Biological Warfare/Bioterrorism
- Prevention
- Primary prevention
- Restriction of access to potential weaponizable
agents - Biological warfare treaties
- Enforcement
- Inspection
- Smallpox destruction
- Other?
39(No Transcript)
40Inhalational and Cutaneous Anthrax Outbreak,
October-November 2001
- Investigation (November 30, 2001)
- 18 confirmed and 5 suspected cases of anthrax in
CT, DC, FL, NJ, NY from intentional exposure - Newest cases in CT, NJ, NY unrelated to mail or
media - 11 inhalational, 12 cutaneous 4 deaths
- 9/11 inhalational cases in mail carriers or
sorters - 4 letters (2 to NY, 2 to DC) known to contain
anthrax spores - weaponized? - 12 isolates are indistinguishable (Ames, 1950) -
susceptible to ciprofloxacin, doxycycline,
penicillin similar to US military-grade strains
41Inhalational and Cutaneous Anthrax Outbreak,
October-November 2001
- Recommendations
- Unknown number of letters mailed (4 identified)
- Anthrax spores probably can leak out of sealed
envelopes during automated sorting - What does a suspicious package or letter look
like? - Inappropriate or unusual labeling
- Strange return address or no return address
- Postmarks from a city or state different from the
return address - Excessive packaging material