Title: Well-known Flight Attendant Training School in South Africa
In 2007 Mr. LB Smith decided to start a training
school, Cabin Crew Academy. This school was
given full accreditation by the SA-CAA, (South
African Civil Aviation Authority) after the
Training Manual, all relevant documentation,
Venue, and Equipment were approved. Our cabin
crew licensing course covers all the training
modules required by the SACAA for the licensing
of the flight attendant - air hostess - cabin
crew members. We are proud to announce that we
boast with a 100 success rate for licensing of
cabin our courses take place over a 6-week
period members.
FLIGHT ATTENDANT CAREER is an exciting and very
rewarding career with lots of opportunities.
This is an exciting and very rewarding career
with lots of opportunities. The main and most
important reason for employing Cabin Crew or
Flight Attendants by an airline is to look after
the safety and security of the passengers,
aircraft and crew. Besides this paramount aspect
of the position it is also to look after the
comfort, care and serve the valued customers. The
passenger spends a long time during the flight
interacting with the Cabin Crew or Flight
Attendants, so it is obvious that these
individuals will make the biggest impression and
ensure that the passenger will travel with your
airline again.
4In addition, the prospective crew member must be
able to comply with the following requirements
for Flight Attendant Training A Matric
certificate (Grade 12) At least 18 (eighteen)
years old Must be an able bodied person with
excellent general health and in possession of a
DD50 Aviation Doctor Certificate. This must be
acquired before the course starts. Contact
details of accredited doctors can be obtained
from the school. Must be conversant in
English. Must be able to swim well enough to help
yourself and others in the water. If not,
swimming classes must be attended during the
course at own expense.
5The need and demand for efficient ground staff
is increasing. The air traffic in South Africa is
expected to be 450million by 2020. Passenger
service agents are hired by airlines to attend to
customers before, after, or between flights.
Duties are taking reservations, issuing tickets,
verifying passengers identification, printing
boarding passes, and helping travelers to check
in their baggage at ticket counters are some of
the responsibilities of passenger service agents.
Get Airport ground staff training at Cabin Crew
Academy. The course offered as a distance
learning diploma Or full-time certificate
6Airline crew must meet very specific physical
requirements as well to get accepted into an
Airline crew training program. At Cabin Crew
Academy, Our cabin crew licensing course covers
all the training modules required by the SACAA
for the licensing of the flight attendant - air
hostess - cabin crew members.
7Airline crew must meet very specific physical
requirements as well to get accepted into an
Airline crew training program. At Cabin Crew
Academy, Our cabin crew licensing course covers
all the training modules required by the SACAA
for the licensing of the flight attendant - air
hostess - cabin crew members. Airlines Cruise
lines Rail / Bus operators Tour operators
Travel Agents Our graduates are ready to start
exciting careers as Flight Attendants, Travel
Agents, Airport Personnel, and Hotel/Resort
A D D R E S S 179 Lauriston road, Nortons Home
Estates, Benoni, Gauteng, 1509, South Africa P
H O N E 27 11 963 3371 0722889505 E M A I L A D
D R E S S deirdre_at_cabincrewacademy.co.za
Website https//training4successacademy.net/