Gauteng Provincial Manager - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gauteng Provincial Manager


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gauteng Provincial Manager


  • Presented by
  • Gauteng Provincial Manager
  • Mr R Ndema

Caring, compassionate and responsive
  • Gauteng is undisputedly South Africas economic
    engine which generates over 34 of the countrys
    Gross Domestic Product
  • According to the 2006 Mid-year Population
    Estimates of Statistics SA, the total population
    is estimated at 9,5million, based on new
    provincial boundaries announced in January 2006.
  • This means that Gauteng being the smallest
    province in SA, houses more than 20.1 of the

Caring, compassionate and responsive
  • Gauteng, the fourth largest economy in Africa
  • Gaueng, the countrys most urbanized province
  • Gauteng, the home of 70 of SAs hi-tech or
    highly skilled workforce
  • Gauteng, the home of the premier consumer market
    in Africa
  • Gauteng Province.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Gautengs outstanding economic performance as
reported in 2006
  • Gautengs outstanding economic performance is
    evidenced by the following
  • The total passenger arrivals at the OR Tambo
    International Airport doubled to 9 million (81
    of whom are tourists) in the last 5 years
  • Business activity has increased since 2005 by
    more than 10.7 in 2006
  • The total number of properties sold in Gauteng
    has increased by 23 per month in the last 5
  • Close to 40 of all houses sold in SA past year
    were in Gauteng
  • Vehicle sales increased by 19
  • Job advertisements in Gauteng newspapers
    increased by 38 over the past few years.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Unique challenges posed by Gautengs outstanding
economic performance for the Provincial
Department of Home Affairs
  • The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, the
    Honourable Malusi Gigaba stated
  • If effectively and progressively managed,
    increasing international migration can be
    harnessed as a vehicle for social and economic
    development rather than a source of instability
    and conflict.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Some unique challenges faced by DHA Gauteng
  • DHAs admissions capacity in the Ports of Entry
  • DHAs ability to respond to high levels of
  • DHAs permitting capacity in Regional Offices
  • DHAs capability to process different categories
    of work permits and contribute positively towards
    JIPSA objectives
  • Increasing arrivals and departures at OR Tambo
    International Airport, 81 of whom are tourists
  • Increased business activity
  • 38 increase in Job advertisements

Caring, compassionate and responsive
More challenges
  • DHAs ability to provide enabling documents to
    all who are entitled
  • Ensuring that all within the borders of Gauteng
    are properly documented and reliably identifiable
    in the interest of safety of all
  • DHAs mobile unit coverage capacity to bring
    services to the communities rural and informal
    settlement areas
  • Poverty and unemployment
  • Underdevelopment
  • Public transport system and general
  • Access to government services and free basic
  • Safety and security
  • Irregular human settlement patterns

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Gauteng Provincial Governments strategic goals
and the 2014 vision
  • Enabling faster economic growth and job creation
  • The Gauteng Global City Region
  • The Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy
  • Integrated Development Programs
  • Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)
  • Small business (SMMEs) development programs
  • Economic Empowerment of youth and women

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Gauteng Provincial Governments strategic goals
and the 2014 vision
  • Bana Pele Project
  • The 2010 FIFA World Cup and competitive sport
  • Tourism Development
  • Building safe, secure and sustainable communities
  • Deepening democracy and realizing the
    Constitutional rights of our people Provincial
  • Building an effective and caring government
  • Community Development Workers (CDWs)

Caring, compassionate and responsive
DHAs Service Delivery coverage in Gauteng
  • Does it follow the National Spatial Development
    Perspective (NSDP) framework which informs
    spatial guidelines for infrastructure investment
    and development across the Public Sector?
  • Does the current centralized support functions
    and decision-making structure of DHA facilitate
    and enable Gauteng Province to respond to the
    increasing pressure to improve delivery of
    services due to rising expectations and ongoing
  • Even with 5.8 economic growth in Gauteng, there
    are still localities of severe deprivation and
    need for Home Affairs services. Does the DHA
    provincial organogram enable the province to
    improve services in those severely deprived

Caring, compassionate and responsive

The Approved Organisational Structure of
Gauteng Province
Caring, compassionate and responsive

  • Capacity
  • Equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Achievements
  • 10 trainee Immigration Officers appointed
  • 6 vehicles received
  • 7 Computers were replaced as well as a server
  • Customer care counters upgraded
  • Negotiations in respect of additional
    accommodation in place
  • Clerical position filled to deal with
    administration work
  • Challenges
  • Management Services to review structure in view
    of 2010
  • Accommodation in airport in order to facilitate
    estimated 50 000 passenger as per FIFA request
  • Security officials not informed of private
    flights (cargo)
  • Corruption

Caring, compassionate and responsive

  • Capacity
  • Equipment
  • Transit facility
  • Demarcated access door at terminal 2
  • queue management in place
  • CCTVs installed
  • Discipline
  • Improper management of leave
  • Uniforms
  • Security

Caring, compassionate and responsive

  • Achievement
  • 111officials appointed
  • 4 ASDs, 1 SAO, 1 CAC, 1 Cleaner and 1
    Messenger/Driver, 1 SAC appointed
  • 81 Computers replaced as well as 50 scanners
  • Structure of BCOCC activated for both airports
  • Transit facility is not manned 24/7 but checked
  • Total of 439 cases (January) and 511 cases
    (February) were denied entry as a result of lack
  • funds, non-compliance with visa conditions
  • Demarcated access door at terminal 2 installed
    Queue management barriers installed since 22
  • February 2007 in arrivals (terminals 1 and 2)
    and departure terminal on 7 March 2007. Queue
  • management barriers Bid committee in
    process of evaluating bidders with regard to
    installation of CCTV/queue management systems
  • A total of 12 officers have been dismissed as
  • Challenges
  • Lack of skilled personnel to enforce
    immigration rules and regulations
  • Lack of Advanced Passenger Information/Advance
    Passenger Profiling not incorporated in
  • computer programs

Caring, compassionate and responsive

  • Lack of proper post establishment that
    commensurate operational requirements.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

MJ Mashamba OR Thambo International Airport Corruption 05 January 2006
MD Chirwa OR Thabo International Airport Failed to report bribery 06 January 2006
NA Nogula OR Thambo International Airport Misrepresentation Supplied false information on the MCS regarding the transport of two Turkish nationals whose stay in the country was illegal 05 January 2006
R Matshaba OR Thambo International Airport Misrepresentation Supplying false information on the MC 05 January 2006
Ms FA Mlambo OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence Failure to follow procedure 03 February 2006
AJ Moyo OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence Failure to follow procedure 07 February 2006
Mr MC Maredi OR Thambo International Airport Abscondment and bribery 17 February 2006
Ms CR Makhanya OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence Failure to follow procedure 10 February 2006
Caring, compassionate and responsive

MR L Moletsane OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence 06 March 2006
Mr C Khambani OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence Failure to follow procedure 27 March 2006
Mr BF Shai OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting 06 March 2006
Mr. J A Adams OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. S T Letswalo OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. M Mafole OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. T F Makhanye OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. M M Mokgohlwa OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Ms.L L Mokhondo OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. J Odendaal OR Thambo International Airport Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. S T Magoai OR Thambo International Airport Corruption Resigned prior to dismissal
Mr. P S Mhlanga OR Thambo International Airport Abscondment Resigned
Mr PT Maupye OR Thambo International Airport Gross negligence Failure to follow procedure 11 May 2006
Caring, compassionate and responsive

Mr. K J Mankga OR Thambo International Airport Abscondment Dismissed in absentia
Ms. P L L Mtshali OR Thambo International Airport Absconded Dismissed in absentia
Mr. S Seeiso RO Johannesburg Corruption Dismissed
Ms. F Setlogo DO Sandton Corruption Dismissed
Ms. C Naidoo DO Sandton Corruption Dismissed
Ms. M R Moloto District Office Roodepoort Gross negligence Dismissed
Ms. I Molawa DO Marabastad Corruption Dismissed
Ms. M Mogoshi DO Marabastad Corruption Dismissed
Mr. S Mokone RO Pretoria Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Mr. J Mthimkhulu RO Pretoria Aiding and abetting Dismissed
Ms A Janse van Vuuren Cullinan Negligence fraud and aiding and abeting Dismissed
Caring, compassionate and responsive

Caring, compassionate and responsive

All vacancies
Vacant Positions (funded only) Filled current
Year Pretoria Region 49 7 Refugee
Affairs Office Pretoria 5 7 Pretoria
District 18 4 Akasia 28 6 Cullinan 1
7 Soshanguve 5 4 Centurion 2 3
Germiston 16 13 Alberton 5 3 Boksburg
4 1 Edenvale 4 1 Springs 16 9
Benoni 8 2 Brakpan 4 2 Kempton
Park 4 4 Nigel 1 0 O R Tambo Int.
Airport 65 111
Caring, compassionate and responsive

All vacancies cont
  • Vacant Positions (funded only) Filled current
  • Regional Office Soweto 12 22
  • Lenasia 6 2
  • Roodepoort 11 8
  • Regional Office Johannesburg 42 22
  • Refugee Office Rosettenville 8 0
  • Marketstreet 13 3
  • Randburg 6 4
  • Ivory Park 0 3
  • Sandton 6 2
  • Alexandra 0 6
  • Regional Office Vereeniging 11 20
  • Van der Bijlpark 3 9
  • Sebokeng 10 0
  • Regional Office Randfontein 8 27
  • Carletonville 7 0
  • Krugersdorp 3 12
  • Lanseria Airport 5 5

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Overtime Achievement 2005/6
  • During the current financial year, the Province
    has expedited
  • payments of overtime in order to resolve the
    challenge of capacity on
  • Saturdays
  • The Province Overtime is now paid in time to
    resolve the challenge of
  • other officials not wanting to work overtime

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Overtime New Challenges 2006/7 - 2007/8
  • Offices are getting more and more busy and
    Clients expect full service on
  • Saturday, which increases overtime spending.
  • As people are demanding full Home Affairs
    services which requires Head
  • Office to be also operational at the same
  • Increasing inspectorate joint operations will up
    the expenditure on overtime.
  • Intensifying Mobile/Imbizos programmes will
    increasethe expenditure on
  • overtime especially on saturdays.
  • Online birth registrations in hospitals that
    opens on sundays/ public holidays
  • will also increase the expenditure on overtime
    e.g. Dr George Mokhari,
  • Khalafong, Pretoria Academic hospitals etc

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Staff shortage Challenges 2005/6
  • The Staff shortage of OR Tambo International
    started to amount to critical
  • proportion.
  • Funds were made available to alleviate the
    problem and 55 Trainee Imigration
  • Officers were appointed on 27 February 2006.
  • A further 100 Trainees have been appointed to
    start in June 2006.
  • Director, DD and 3 ASD interviews on 22 May
  • Appointment of Director and Deputy Director
    postponed due to unavailability of
  • panel members.
  • Job evaluation process delayed the filling of

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Staff shortage Achievements 2006/7 2007/8
  • 109 Immigration Officers appointed as well as 4
    ASDs at ORTIA.
  • The previous challenge is expected to persist in
    the new financial year.
  • Some offices are expecting to use the full
    complement of their staff in some
  • sections to deal with the public making use of
    the new system.
  • Again capacity will have to be sacrificed if the
    overtime bill again gets to large.
  • Five Immigration Officers have been appointed at
    Lanseria Airport and Five
  • additional Immigration Officers were deployed.
  • 42 Immigration offices were appointed in Gauteng
    Province (6 appointments
  • not yet confirmed)

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Staff shortage New Challenges 2006/7 2007/8
  • Shortage of staff at Regional and District
    Offices impacts on the quality of
  • service.
  • Delay in appointment letters from Head Office
    (resulting in loss of
  • recommended candidates.
  • Translation of Officials in the Civic Services
    to Permitting Section need to be
  • expedited to fill posts in the Civic Services.
  • Filling of Immigration Officers posts
  • Increase in the number of new service
    points/hospitals/ Mobiles on daily
  • requires additional staff.
  • In availability of HR representatives to sit
    during shortlisting and interviews.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Staff shortage New Challenges 2006/7 2007/8
  • Shortage of Staff has an adverse impact on
    Wellness Programmes / Training
  • in the Province. (Offices can not release
    officials for training and officials
  • abusing sick leave).
  • Shortage of Immigration staff shortage on
    Mobile Units.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Security Challenges 2005/6
  • Security of office will also be a problem.
    Khulani Security charges a high rate
  • for its services wich could result in some
    offices not been properly secure 24
  • hours.
  • also due to the increase of public visiting
    offices on Saturday more private
  • security will be required as on a normal week
  • All offices make use of Khulani Security
    services to ensure proper access
  • control as well as safegurding of assets 24
  • in early 2006, the Department started the
    biometric system for the safe
  • keeping of computer data. This entailed that an
    officials thumbprint was first
  • scanned before they may access the system.
  • Only some offices have been linked to the system
    in the province.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Security Achievements 2006/7
  • Meetings were held with Khulani to address high
    costs and those were
  • accordingly adjusted in accordance with the
    grades relevant for various
  • offices.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Security New Challenges 2006/7 2007/8
  • No availability of security services at
    ORTIA/Lanseria/Regional and District
  • Offices to secure documents etc
  • Insufficient security on premises due to lack of
  • Effect use of electronic security measures to
    complement to physical
  • security.
  • Cash in Transit (Fidelity/Coin) is not reliable
    as commitments are not met
  • with regard to timeframes which results in cash
    losses in offices as well as
  • the none compliance of the PFMA as money is not
    banked same day.
  • Security vetting for all Officials.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Capacity Building Achievements 2006/7
  • Covered under shortage of staff achievements.
  • The province was able to train staff on the
  • Customer care
  • Finance
  • Advance Management
  • Civic services
  • Border control
  • Code of conduct
  • Computer
  • Accelerated Development Program for Middle
  • Women in Leadership
  • Electronic Logsheet System
  • Transport
  • Provisioning
  • Track trace
  • Policy and Procedure on incapacity leave and ill
    Health Retirement
  • Civil Union Marriages
  • Induction training for new commers

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Capacity Building Achievements 2006/7
  • The Province achieved the followings on
  • IT-
  • Replacement of old computers
  • Capturing machines
  • Printers
  • Onlne Birth Registration connection
  • Laptops
  • Memory sticks
  • Wellness
  • Supervisory training
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • HIV/Aids awareness
  • Cultural Presentations
  • Soccer
  • Choirs won Trophies
  • Sports and Recreation
  • First aid boxes and its training
  • Peer educators were trained

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Capacity Building Achievements 2006/7
  • The Province achieved the followings on
  • Transport-
  • Electronic Logsheet system implemented
  • Government Garage track system implemented
  • 19 new vehicles received
  • 4 new mobile units received

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Capacity Building New Challenges 2006/7
  • There is a need to review the current
    organisational structure of ORTIA and
  • Lanseria Airport to make provision of other
    business units i.e inspectorate,
  • security services (the monitoring of the Home
    Affairs workstation via CCTV).
  • Gauteng Wests Wellness Practitioner still to
    be appointed after recommended
  • declined.
  • Acquisition of PDPs licenses for Mobile Units
    as required by the Road Transport
  • Act.
  • IT turnaround time and linkage of biometrics
    system not in place for the offices.
  • IT - replacement of old computers, capturing
    machines, printers, online birth
  • registration connection, laptops,

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Delivery of ID by SAPO Challenges 2005/6
  • The delivery of identity documents by the South
    African Post office.
  • SAPO does not give reports on delivered
    and undelivered IDs.
  • Not all IDs are hand delivered but in most
    cases public are
  • expected to collect the books at the Post
    Office, which means they
  • must stand in queues.
  • Members of the public are not happy with the
    new system that is in
  • place.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Delivery of ID by SAPO Achievements 2006/7
  • IDs have been delivered though some Clients
    complain that they still not receive
  • their IDs.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Delivery of ID by SAPO New Challenges 2006/7
  • Some IDs cannot be traced.
  • High financial implications on the replacement
    of lost IDs.
  • Violation of Clients wishes.
  • SAPO not honoring attendance of meeting with the
  • SAPO understaffed and insufficient security.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Challenges 2005/6
  • The Gauteng West region has been allocated two
    mobile units and
  • Gauteng East 2 units.
  • One of these units has since been relocated to
    the Eastern Cape. These units were delivered in
    February 2007. They are located as follow
  • One Regional Office Springs
  • One Regional Office Marabastad
  • Two Mobile Units - Vereeniging
  • Problems that are facing the regions for the
    successful deployment of the mobile units are
    the lack of staff with code 14 drivers licenses.
  • A lack of capacity exists in order to ensure that
    the units can be used on
  • a daily basis.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Achievements 2006/7
  • Covered under Transport.
  • Success includes the deployment of units at the
    Rand Show during Easter period in
  • 2006 as well as at all imbizos.
  • The following services were rendered
  • Passport
  • applications,
  • re-issue of identity documents,
  • first issue of identity documents,
  • enquiries on marital status and
  • general enquiries.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Challenges 2006/7- 2007/8
  • Insufficient mobile units available for the
  • Filling of vacant post as per new establishment
    to capacitate mobile units and no
  • additional staff is provided for additional
  • Linkage of the biometrics system in the mobile
    units not in place.
  • Financial implications (monthly tariffs,
    kilometer tariffs and fuel).
  • Operational training on mobile units is greatly
  • Some Stake holders information incorrect, short
    notice invitation.
  • Draft schedule for active participation required
    for mobile units.
  • Closer interaction with stakeholders required.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7

Date Area Contact Person
05/05/2006 Tetelo Secondary School Mr Mthetwa (011) 980 6034
08/06/2006 Mapetla Secondary School Mr Kwabo (011) 980 1556
04/10/2006 Bafundisi Forum Mr Nimrod Mawila (011) 980 3970
09/10/2006 Motswaledi Informal Settlement Queen Mtila (011) 935 6220/072 8714 455
10/10/2006 Pimville
11/10/2006 Kliptown
12/10/2006 Orlando East
13/10/2006 Anchor Comprehensive School Principal (011) 536 3275
16/10/2006 Nomzamo Informal Settlement Queen Mtila
17/10/2006 Walter Sisulu Child Youth Care Centre Mr NJ Sigck 082 310 2647
18/10/2006 Freedom Park Informal Settlement Queen Mtila
24/10/2006 Senoane Bafundisi Forum Mr Nimrod Mawila

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont

Date Area Contact Person
25/10/2006 Sizanani Home Base Care Daphney Moloi (011) 936 4248
26/10/2006 Pace Commercial Sec. School Mr B Masiteng 076 8400 831
10/11/2006 Pace Secondary School
02/02/2007 Pace Commercial Secondary School
02/02/2007 Morris Isaacson High School Ms Letsoalo (011) 930 2389
06/02/2007 Jabulani Technical School Mr Tema (011) 930 5902
07/02/2007 Mkukantambo Secondary School Meeting
12/02/2007 Mncube Secondary School Mr Dlamini (011) 982 6699
13/02/2007 Paul Mosaka Primary School Ms Labepe
19/02/2007 Mkukantambo SSS Mr Motsilili (011) 933 2223
Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont

Date Area Contact Person
20/02/2007 Musi SSS Mr Motlaluktha
21/02/2007 Thabo Jabula SSS Mr Vilakazi (011) 933 1056
22/02/2007 Progress SSS Ms Makhutha (011) 933 2585
23/02/2007 Mncube SSS Mr Dlamini
26/02/2007 Bhukulwane SSS Thoko (011) 936 7950
27/02/2007 Progress SSS Claudia Fana (011) 933 2585
09/03/2007 Teteb SSS Mr Mthethwa
14/03/2007 Region 10 Development Centre Meeting

Caring, compassionate and responsive
MOBILE UNIT PROGRAMME- Names of schools to be
visited in March 2007
  • Birchley High School
  • Bokomoso High School
  • Bothumelong
  • Coni Amore
  • Teuglang
  • Thembisa
  • Jiyane
  • Masighakaze
  • Sedibeng
  • Ingayizivele

Caring, compassionate and responsive
MOBILE UNIT PROGRAMME- Names of schools to be
visited in March 2007 - cont
  • Ivory Park
  • Zitikeni
  • Windsor House Academy
  • Mthambeka
  • Workers Park High
  • Rhodesfields
  • Sir Pierre
  • Rematon Park
  • Entshonalanga
  • Kempton Park High School
  • Kempton Park Pelorang
  • Kempton College

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont
Area Contact Person
FH Odendaal East Lynn Ms Pretorius (012) 800 1141
Silverton De Boulevard Street Mr Theunissen (012) 804 6719
Jakaranda Kinderhuis Silverton Minka (012) 800 4700 ext 238
Gerrit Maritz Pretoria North Mr Vicoro (012) 546 6590
Pretoria North H/V Eeufees en Berglaan Rita (012) 546 6590
Akasia Main Street Charmain (012) 542 1178
Motana H/V Dr Swanepoel en de weg (012) 548 0160
Overkruin Braan Pretoius Street Wonderboom (012) 567 5115
Pretoria Tech High Park Street 649 Arcadia (012) 343 2357
Clapham Soutpansberg Quenwood Irene (012) 333 6011
Langenhoven Paul Kruger Street Susan Theron (012) 328 3466
Lerota Covent Skinner Street Cathy (012) 326 6342/072 240 5004
Alma School Franzina Street Les Marais Bondiso (012) 335 0252
Pretoria Selebraal Dr Savage Street Hermie Burger (012) 323 4454
Afr Seuns Lynnwood Road Kobus (012) 344 3805
Afr Dogter Bond Street Pretoria Elmarie Theron (012) 344 3811
Franzina Street 71 Roseville Daleen (012) 335 2271

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont
Area Contact Person
Pretoria Tek Commercial Street 1025 Mr Vos (012) 379 2181
Tuine Louise Street, Pretoria Mrs Pride (012) 379 6181
Hercules Ribben Street Mr Van Der (012) 379 4281
Pretoria West Nie Van Vuuren Street (012) 327 5163
Elandspoort Albertyne Street, Danville Ms Jacobs (012) 386 6565
Suiderberg Dennysen Laan, Suiderberg Mr Benade (012) 379 6061/2
Die Wilgers 8 Frank Road (012) 807 5229
CR Swart Collin Street Moregloed (012) 333 3712
Oos Moot Haarhoff Street 1120, Villiera (012) 332 0602
HF Verwoerd Pierneefstreet Villiera (012) 329 0574
Boys High Roper Street Brooklyn (012) 460 2246
Girls High Park Street, Arcadia (012) 430 7341
John Voster Meyer Street, Rietfontein (012) 332 1015
Eldoraigne Christopher weg, Eldoraine Ms Jacobs (012) 660 2066

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont
Date Area Contact Person
01/03 06/03 08/03/2007 MPCC Vosloorus
13/03/2007 Izibuko Primary School
14/03/2007 Correctional Services - Boksburg
15/03, 20/03, 22/03, 27/03, 29/03/2007 MPCC Vosloorus
07/03/2007 Amogelang SSS Soshanguve
16/03/2007 Botse-Botse High
20/03/2007 Mafombuka Primary
14/04/2007 Mmabana Primary
20/04/2007 Reitumetse SSS

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont
Date Area Contact Person
07/02/2007 Sasolburg Prison Mr MJ Mokoena (016) 976 1040/1
31/01/2007 Polokong Childrens Village Community Roman Catholic Church, Zone 12 Sebokeng Ms Manana Teatea (016) 596 1140
Emanzini Primary School Ms Nkabinde
14/02/2007 Leeuhof Prison Mr WSJ Massyn (016) 451 1051/4
16/02/2007 Awareness Campaign Evaton West Mr Mofokeng (016) 591 7059
01/02/2007 Oakdale School Ennerdale (011) 855 1424 Mr Mokoena
21/02/2007 Mopholosi SSS Mr M Mbangeni
26/02/2007 Langalebalele Primary Doris 072 269 4413 Ms Ayanda Malunga 073 164 3325
02/03/2007 Jabulile SSS Mr AM Mafrika
05/03/2007 Polokong Children Village Community Ms Manana Teatea (016) 596 1140
26/03/2007 Diens van Barmhartigheid Sarie Louw (016) 362 1412
08/03/2007 Raphela Secondary Mr Sibiya/Mr Motloune (011) 850 0406
07/03/2007 Jabulile SSS Mr AM Mafrika (011) 850 6663
23/03/2007 Emanzini Primary Ms EM Nkabinde (016) 593 1478

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Mobile Units Programme 2006/7 cont

Date Area Contact Person
12/04/2007 Bulatsela Primary Joyce, (016) 593 1184
11/04/2007 Itsebeng Primary Mr Thulo (016) 593 1512
09/03/2007 Maxeke SSS Evaton Mr Maseko (016) 591 5571
20/03/2007 Tokelo SSS ED Mashabane SSS
22/03/2007 Mojala Thuto Primary School
Caring, compassionate and responsive
Training Achievements 2006/7
  • The training officer has conducted the following
    training in Gauteng
  • Computers (106 officials), Induction (76
    officials) and Mentorship (11 officials),
    Induction, Finance (63 officials), Temporary and
    permanent residence (26 officials), Customer care
    (100 officials), Civic Services (79 officials),
    GEMS and Policy workshop (43 officials),
    French language (15 officials), PMDS (34
    officials) , First Aid Training (10 officials)
    and Skill development (3 officials).
  • In Johannesburg International, staff received
    training in the followingClient relations,
    Orientation of newcomers, Code of conduct,
    Dealing with diversity, ACSA customer care, Human
    rights and xenophobia, Immigration Act, Computer
    and Middle managers. This training was given the
    Directorate Human resource Development.
  • Chief Training Officers appointed for Gauteng
  • Challenges
  • Training officers to put structures and programs
    in place
  • Budget increase from R 360 000 to R 1 000 000

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Training Achievements 2006/7 cont
  • Training (the province was able to train staff
    on customer care , finance, advance management (8
    officials), civic services, border control, Code
    of conduct, computer, accelerated development
    program for middle management, women in
    leadership, electronic logsheet system,
    transport, Provisioning, Track Trace, policy
    and procedure on incapacity leave and ill health
    retirement, civil union marriages, induction
    training for newcomers, emerging management and
    development program (20 officials), IT. Computers
    (180 officials) Induction (56 Permanent staff
    members and 60 Interns, 40 NYPS), mentorship (48
    mentors), Finance (100 of functionaries and
    Office Managers), Temporary and Permanent
    residence (54 officials), Customer care (230
    officials), Skill development (33 managers).
    ORTIA/Lanserias training (100), Budget and
    System control (90 officials), Civic Services
    (110 officials)
  • Port Manager (Lanseria) sent on specialized
    training session in Cape Town presented by NIA

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Opening of MPCCs and Online Registrations
(hospitals) Achievements 2006/7- 2007/8
  • During the reporting period the Multi Purpose
    Community Centre at Vosloorus was opened on 23
    February 2007 by the Minister of Home Affairs Ms
    Nosiviwe Mapisa- Nqakula.
  • Opening of MPCCs/On Line Hospitals
    (Boitshepiville, Kwa Thema, Vosloorus, Eldorado
    Park, Ivory Park, Attridgeville, Duduza, Ratanda,
    Eersterus, Pyramid, Mamelodi, Germiston
    Hospital, Pretoria West, Kalafong, Pretoria
    Academic Hospital, Dr George Mukhari,
  • Challenges
  • Opening of more District Offices as per new
    establishment is hampered by lack of
  • Budget constraints

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Achievements 2006/7- 2007/8
  • During the reporting period four offices namely
    Regional Office Springs, District Office Nigel,
  • Regional Offfice Johannesburg as well as
    Regional Office Marabastad underwent upgrading
  • under the Repair and Maintenance Program.
  • District Office Nigel is 80 completed.
  • Regional Office Springs is 80 completed.
  • Regional Office Johannesburg 30 completed.
  • Regional Office Marabastad 100 completed,
    currently under maintanance program.
  • Regional Office Vereeniging is relocated to new
  • Regional Office Germiston is upgraded.
  • The following offices were painted by management
    and stakeholders
  • District Office Soshanguve
  • MPCC Kwa Thema
  • Service Point Boitshepoville
  • All Home Affairs offices of ORTIA refurbished
  • District Office Randburg upgraded with security
    burglar bars, security glass,
  • blinds, painted
  • Close Circuit Television installed on ground
    floor in Regional Office Johannesburg

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Achievements 2006/7- 2007/8
  • Tightened security access control with metal
    detectors and gun safes in place. This
  • includes the District Office Randburg and
  • Regional Office Pretoria all floors together
    with control room installed with close
  • circuit television and metal detectors at
    entrances Regional Office Marabastad
  • equipped with cameras and metal detectors
    Service Point Heidelberg painted in
  • corporate colours

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Challenges 2006/7
  • Regional Office Soweto requires upgrading.
    Public Works hampering progress.
  • District Office Sowetos land/site
  • District Office Randburg awaiting assessment
    report with regard to costs from
  • Department of Public Works. Electricity
    requires upgraded. Data lines insufficient.
  • Ablution blocks requires repairs.
  • District Office Kempton Park Office to be
    relocated. Current building in wrong area.
  • District Office Centurion - Office located in
    industrial area and too small. Office to be
  • relocated.
  • District Office Benoni to be relocated due
    to insufficient space.
  • District Office Soshanguve to be relocated.
    Currently located in MPCC.
  • District Office Boksburg to be relocated.
    Service Point Kathorus to be relocated to
  • MPCC Katlehong.
  • MPCC Tembisa to be relocated to bigger office
  • District Office Cullinan to be relocated to
  • MPCC Duduza to be relocated

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Challenges 2006/7 cont
  • MPCC Kwa Thema too small to be relocated
  • Regional Office Pretorias moving to premisess
    of Marabastad needs to be expedited.
  • District Office Sebokeng to be built. Site
    identified and approved. Site clearance
  • certificate awaited from Emfuleni Municipality.
  • District Office Sandton was evicted. Current
    building insufficient with no data lines,
  • security measures and not equipped to deliver
    an effective service. To be upgraded as
  • a matter of urgency.
  • Regional Office Randfontein to be relocated
  • Regional Office Johannesburgs replacement of
    lifts is delaying the RAMP
  • District Office Brakpan to be relocated due to
    insufficient office space
  • Refugee Office in Rosenttenville to be
    relocated. Discussions currently in progress.
  • Relocation of Area Manager Gauteng Easts
    office. Delay caused by red tape at Public
  • Works.
  • Provincial Managers office. Delay ditto to

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Challenges 2006/7 cont
  • Vereeniging Regional Office will be relocating to
    new premises mid June 2006.
  • District Office Sandton has located new premises
    but is waiting for a tax clearance
  • certificate before further action can be
  • A decision by the Department and PWD has to be
    taken on the District Office Randburg to relocate
    or renovate. The Randburg council would like the
    office to relocate to the Randburg CBD to help
    rejuvenate the area while PWD feel that
    renovating is the road to follow.
  • The offices of the Area Manager Gauteng East,
    District office Cullinan, District office
    Centurion and District office Boksburg need to
    relocate due to the accommodation being to small
    for proper service delivery as well as the
    offices been in the incorrect locations for
    delivery of services to the communities they

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Challenges 2006/7 cont
  • The Johannesburg Regional Office, Springs
    regional Office and Nigel District office have
    been placed on the department of Public Works
    RAMP program. Renovations will be starting in
    the near future.
  • The Regional Office Soweto needs to increase its
    capacity from 600 sq metres to 1600 sq meters.
    The Department is not prepared to pay the amount
    requested by the landlord to do the renovations.
    Therefore PWD and Asset management are currently
    looking for a new site for this office.

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Office Condition Challenges 2006/7 cont
  • The District office Sebokeng will be moving into
    a new building built by PWD. This is expected
    to materialize during 2007/2008.
  • Discussions are in place to open the Evaton
    Service Point in September 2006 at the offices
    of the Evaton local municipality.
  • The Mid Vaal council will avail space for the
    Meyerton Service point also during September
  • The Bekkersdal MPCC is in an unsatisfactory
    condition and new accommodation needs to be
  • The regional Office Germiston and the District
    office Edenvale were renovated during the past
    financial year.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Outreach / Community Involvement Programs
  • The local councilors and local municipalities,
    participate effectively in informing offices
    during meetings and as individuals by putting
    requests for assistance in the communities.
  • Imbizos held during the reporting period include
    Lawley informal settlement, Wheelers farm, Orange
    farm, Sicelo Informal settlement, Eatonside
    Informal settlement, lakeside and Boipatong.
  • In the Soweto region imbizos were held at
    Orlando, Protea South, Lenasia, Motswaledi and
  • In the Randfontein region, imbizos were held at
    Simunye and Bekkersdal.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Outreach / Community Involvement Programs cont
  • Further imbizos were held in the Pretoria region
    at Winterveld, Sandfontein, Akasia City Hall,
    Itumeleng Madiba, Ekangala, Sonderwater Maximum
    Prison Facilities, Baviaanspoort Prison and
    Kekana Gardens.
  • In the Springs region at Kwa Thema, Heidelberg
    Correctional Centre, Nigel Prison, Devon Prison,
    Daveyton, Faranani, Tsakane, Tembisa, Duduza, and
  • In the Germiston region at Tokoza, Vosloorus,
    Boksburg Prison, Commet Mine School and East Rand
    Secondary School in Boksburg where Minister
    handed out IDs and birth
  • certificates as well as Joe Slovo Informal
  • A total of 60 schools were visited in the Vaal
    Triangle, 28 in the Randfontein region, 25 in
    Johannesburg and in Soweto. 25 schools were
    visited in the Pretoria, 21 in Germiston and 23
    in Springs.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

2006/07 Spending and Challenges
  • Compensation of Employees Underspending due to
    unfilled positions due to job evaluations and
    moratorium, however, a virement of R22,096,000
    was processed to ease the under spending.
  • Goods and Services Overspending due to the
    reconciliation delays on Government Garage
    payments emanating from the previous financial
    year 2005/06. Payment of security services in
    the Province.
  • Payment for Capital Assets Underspending due
    to delays with the Tendering processes of the
    installation of CCTV/queue management system for
    OR TIA.
  • Transfers and Subsidies were discontinued by
    Head Office as per directive from DPSA, however
    the overspending was incurred due to pension

Caring, compassionate and responsive

FINANCE 2006/07
Economic Classifications Expenditure R Budget R Variance R
Compensation of Employees 100,747,339 126,591,000 25,843,661
Goods and Services 26,724,806 26,708,000 -16,806,000
Transfers and Subsidies 515,315 407,000 -108,315,000
Capital Assets 1,325,388 5,032,000 3,706,612
Total 129,312,847 158,738,000 29,425,153
Variance COE -Underspending due to unfilled positions due to job evaluations and moratorium, however, a virement of R22,096,000 was processed to ease the under spending. Goods Services Overspending due to the reconciliation delays on Government Garage payments emanating from the previous financial year 2005/06. Payment of security services in the Province. Capital Assets Underspending due to delay with the Tendering processes of the installation of CCTV/queue management system for OR TIA as well as the assets for the PMs office. Transfers were discontinued by Head Office as per directive from DPSA, however the overspending was incurred due to pension payouts. Variance COE -Underspending due to unfilled positions due to job evaluations and moratorium, however, a virement of R22,096,000 was processed to ease the under spending. Goods Services Overspending due to the reconciliation delays on Government Garage payments emanating from the previous financial year 2005/06. Payment of security services in the Province. Capital Assets Underspending due to delay with the Tendering processes of the installation of CCTV/queue management system for OR TIA as well as the assets for the PMs office. Transfers were discontinued by Head Office as per directive from DPSA, however the overspending was incurred due to pension payouts. Variance COE -Underspending due to unfilled positions due to job evaluations and moratorium, however, a virement of R22,096,000 was processed to ease the under spending. Goods Services Overspending due to the reconciliation delays on Government Garage payments emanating from the previous financial year 2005/06. Payment of security services in the Province. Capital Assets Underspending due to delay with the Tendering processes of the installation of CCTV/queue management system for OR TIA as well as the assets for the PMs office. Transfers were discontinued by Head Office as per directive from DPSA, however the overspending was incurred due to pension payouts. Variance COE -Underspending due to unfilled positions due to job evaluations and moratorium, however, a virement of R22,096,000 was processed to ease the under spending. Goods Services Overspending due to the reconciliation delays on Government Garage payments emanating from the previous financial year 2005/06. Payment of security services in the Province. Capital Assets Underspending due to delay with the Tendering processes of the installation of CCTV/queue management system for OR TIA as well as the assets for the PMs office. Transfers were discontinued by Head Office as per directive from DPSA, however the overspending was incurred due to pension payouts.

Caring, compassionate and responsive

Challenges 2006/07 budget
  • Security funds for the new contract with Khulani
    Security Services
  • Delays in filling of positions
  • Turn around time for processing of payments on
    the BAS system by
  • Head Office.
  • Delays in reconciliations by other departments
    e.g. Government
  • Garage, Government printers etc
  • No clarity on IT contract with Siemens. No
    information known on
  • costs, tariffs, rental, etc.
  • The high installation costs on the replacement
    of the telephone
  • system (CentraCell) in all Gauteng Offices

Caring, compassionate and responsive

  • The Province will be holding its workshop at the
    end of March 2007 to develop its business plan.
  • Our workshop will focus on
  • Aligning Provincial business plan with the
    Departmental Strategic Plan
  • Aligning Provincial program of action with the
    Premiers State of Address

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Challenges Facing Immigration in Gauteng Province
  • No adequate security in the offices to ensure
    safety of members of the public and general staff
    when criminal suspects are brought in for status
    determination/ identification
  • Fatal threats to lives during operations, raids,
  • No adequate protection protective gear,
    weapons, etc

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Proposals from Gauteng Province
  • Obtain suitable regional transit facilities for
    inspectorate functions with adequate security
    this will curb the number of escapes by suspects
    and add value to the quality of work performed by
    the Inspectorate component as well as other
    organs of state (SAPS, etc.)
  • Obtain the most advantageous cooperation from
    other organs of state for optimal usage of
    police stations as Inspectorate is not permitted
    to utilise some police holding facilities for
    Immigration functions
  • Review of the Organisational structure of the
    Immigration component to ensure alignment with
    decision making powers

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Proposals from Gauteng Provincecont
  • Be given opportunities to input in to the overall
    Security plans, Disaster Management plans,
    Contingency plans, etc., in preparation towards
  • Staff establishment must be fully capacitated
  • Management of NIB in Head Office must
    decentralise to the provinces to shorten and
    better their rate of response to issues
  • When are Immigration officers to be appointed as
    peace officers in terms of section 334 of
    criminal procedures act status of the
    submission to the Minister?

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Proposals from Gauteng Province(Cont.)
  • Training program not flexible there is a need
    to benchmark with other Law Enforcement organs of
  • The recruitment process has no consideration for
    Recognition of Prior Learning in terms of the
    National Qualifications Framework
  • There is a high staff turnover among the newly
    appointed, qualified officials due to limited
    career growth opportunities review the
    recruitment process
  • NIB management must be more visible, give clear
    direction, directives, leadership and support to
    the rest of the Immigration component

Caring, compassionate and responsive
Nasionalities Admitted Deported directly Deported through DDHF
ZIMBABWE 323 8 314
MALAWI 23 23
TOTAL 413 12 481
Caring, compassionate and responsive
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