Title: Naval Smart Climatology
1Naval Smart Climatology Data, Methods, Products,
Operational Implementation Tom Murphree,
Ph.D. Naval Postgraduate School
(NPS) murphree_at_nps.edu
Brief Presented at Smart Climatology
Meeting FNMOC, 06 February 2008
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
2- Co-Authors
- Tom Murphree, NPS
- Mark LaJoie, Lt Col, USAF
- Adam Stepanek, Capt, USAF
- Damon Vorhees, Capt, USAF
- Joel Feldmeier, LCDR, USN
- Chris Hanson, Capt, USAF
- Sarah Moss, Capt, USAF
- David Meyer, (USN retired), NPS
- Katherine Twigg, Lt, Royal Navy, FNMOC
- Bob Tournay, Capt, USAF
- Christi Montgomery, LT, USN
- Allon Turek, LCDR, USN
- Bruce Ford (USN retired), Clear Science, Inc.
- Paul Frederickson, NPS
- Dave Smarsh, Col, USAF
- Karl Pfeiffer, Lt Col, USAF
- Chuck Wash, NPS
- Jeff Lerner, FNMOC
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
3NPS Smart Climatology Program
The NPS Smart Climatology program has four main
components 1. Education 2.
Basic and Applied Research 3. Prototype
Operational Product Development 4.
Product Transitioning Materials for the NPS
Modern Climatology and Advanced
Climatology courses are available for downloading
at the course web sites. Contact Tom Murphree for
access (murphree_at_nps.edu). RD reports from 2000
to present are available at http//wx.met.nps.nav
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
4NPS Smart Climatology Program
- The NPS Smart Climatology program precedes, and
is not part of, the NRL RTP Smart Climatology
project. - The NPS program covers a wide range of smart
climatology topics, from data sets, to climate
prediction, to decision analyses. - The NRL project is focused on testing one aspect
of smart climatology --- generating high
resolution, limited domain ocean reanalyses.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
5NPS Smart Climatology Program Reports
All reports available for downloading at NPS
Smart Climatology Reports http//wx.met.nps.navy.m
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
6Smart Climatology Recent Meetings
- DoD Climate Conference, 14WS / FNMOD, 06-08 Nov
07 - Lessons learned from prior work
- AF and USN coordination and collaboration
- FNMOC-NPS Smart Climatology, 24 Jan 08
- Coordination and collaboration on FNMOD employee
thesis research - Likely focus on EM smart climatology
- Atmospheric Smart Climatology, CNMOC, 25 Jan 08
- Lessons learned from prior work
- Smart Climatology products for FY08
- Smart Climatology steering committee
- Smart Climatology at ASW/MIW Symposium, CNMOC, 29
Jan 01 Feb 08 - Lessons learned from prior work
- Smart Climatology products for RIMPAC08, western
North Pacific - Smart Climatology Informal Talk with RDML (s)
Titley, CNMOC, 30 Jan 08
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
- What is smart climo?
- How is smart climo different from traditional
climo? - Why is smart climo important to the military?
- Is there a requirement for smart climo?
- Who benefits from smart climo?
- Are there tactical level payoffs to doing smart
climo? - What does it take to do smart climo?
- How should CNMOC attempt to do smart climo?
- What partnerships are needed to do smart climo
well? - What are the key first steps in doing smart
climo? - What timeline should we set for doing smart
climo? - What funding and other resources will be needed
to do smart climo?
Answers provided in this brief using primarily
atmospheric smart climatology examples.
Additional oceanic examples available in separate
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
8What is Smart Climatology?
- Smart climatology State-of-the-science basic
and applied climatology that directly supports
DoD operations - Smart climatology involves the use of
state-of-the-science - Data sets
- Data access visualization tools
- Statistical dynamical analysis
- Climate modeling
- Climate monitoring
- Climate prediction
- Climate scale decision analysis tools
- for risk assessment, mitigation, exploitation
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
9How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Evaporation Duct Heights
Smart climo uses modern data sets, modeling, and
visualization tools to produce more detailed,
accurate, and operationally useful products.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by K. Twigg, Lt, RN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
10How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Evaporation Duct Heights
Smart climo uses modern data sets, modeling, and
visualization tools to produce more detailed,
accurate, and operationally useful products.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by K. Twigg, Lt, RN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
11How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Sea Surface Heights and Surface Currents
Smart climo uses existing civilian smart
climatology data sets to describe the many
atmospheric and oceanic variables that are not
represented in existing Navy climatologies (e.g.,
precip over ocean, deep convection, wind driven
mixing, ocean currents).
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
12How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Upper Ocean T
Smart Climatology
Existing Navy Climatology
Long term mean ocean T (C) for August for VS07
region from (a) smart climatology at 5 m and
(b) from GDEM at 4 m. Smart climatology
developed from existing civilian 47-year global
ocean reanalysis.
Smart climo uses state-of-the-science methods to
develop more accurate depictions of the
environment than available from traditional
methods used to create existing military
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
13How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Long Term Fluctuations and Trends Surface T,
Iraq, Jul-Sep
Smart climo analyzes and monitors the evolution
of the climate system, and updates climate
statistics accordingly.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Advanced Climatology course project.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
14How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Long Term Fluctuations and Trends SST, East
China Sea, Jul-Sep
Smart climo analyzes and monitors the evolution
of the climate system, and updates climate
statistics accordingly.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Advanced Climatology course project.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
15How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Long Term Trends SST and RH, Pacific, Jan-Mar
Figures show average change per year in SST
(C/yr) and RH (/yr) during 1970-2006. Largest
changes correspond to a net change of 1.6 C in
SST (East China Sea) and 20 in RH (IO -
tropical Pacific) over last 37 years. These are
substantial changes that need to be accounted for
in providing METOC support (e.g., surface radar
range predictions).
Smart climo analyzes and monitors the evolution
of the climate system, and updates climate
statistics accordingly.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
tropical cyclone and electromagnetic smart
climatology research project.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
16How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Evaporation Duct Heights Climate Anomaly
Smart Climatology
Traditional Climatology
Not available
Smart climo analyzes dominant modes of climate
variability, especially relatively predictable
variations, and accounts for those modes in
operational products.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by K. Twigg, Lt, RN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
17How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Tropical Cyclone Activity Climate Anomaly
Schematic representation of western North Pacific
TC formation sites, steering flow, and tracks
during El Nino and La Nina periods.
El Nino
Smart climo monitors and applies the results from
climate RD to improve long range planning
La Nina
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by B. Ford, LCDR, USN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
18How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Existing civilian smart climatology data sets
allow development of conditional climatologies
that account for operationally significant
deviations from long term means.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
19How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Short Term Climate Prediction, Korean Precip,
Low tropical precip (left) is a predictor of high
Korean precip (right) at leads of 5-20 days with
78 probability of detection. Reverse also holds
true. Dynamics involve Rossby wave trains along
subtropical jet.
Smart climo uses statistical and dynamical
analyses to assess and exploit predictability in
the climate system and to build climate
prediction systems.
Short term one week to one year
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by B. Tournay, Capt, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
20How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Long Lead Prediction of TC Genesis, Western North
Analyses of climate scale relationships between
large scale environment and TCs leads to short
term climate predictions of TC activity.
Smart climo invests to develop climate prediction
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Based on NPS thesis research by LCDR D. Meyer.
See details in notes section of this slide.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
21How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Smart Climatological Sensor Performance Products
Smart climatology uses advanced data sets and
impacts models to create climate scale sensor
performance products in formats that meet end
user needs.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by K. Twigg, Lt, RN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
22How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
Smart Climatological Sensor Performance Products
Smart climatology puts state-of-the-science
planning products in the hands of METOC personnel
and end users.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by M. LaJoie, Lt Col, USAF.
Key 1. Cloud cover, 2. Precipitation, 3. Winds,
4. Temperature
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
23How is Smart Climo Different from Traditional
El Nino and La Nina Impacts on Military
Operations, Taiwan, October
Smart climatology puts state-of-the-science
planning products in the hands of METOC personnel
and end users.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Advanced Climatology course project
See details in notes section of this slide.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
24Smart Climo Case Study Precip Extremes in
Southwest Asia
Heavy Precipitation and Flooding, Afghanistan
Pakistan, 1-15 Feb 2005
- Precip, temp, snowmelt, runoff anomalies had
large operational impacts. - Almost no DoD climo products available or
suitable for explaining, - monitoring, or forecasting these anomalies or
operational impacts. - Problem with DoD climo products even worse for
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by D. Vorhees, Capt, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
25Smart Climo Case Study Precip Extremes in
Southwest Asia
Mechanisms that Lead to Above Normal Precip and
Temp in SWA
Above Normal Precip and Temp
Below Normal Tropical Convection
- Typical low level anomaly pattern during above
normal precip temp in SWA. - Caused by climate variations and
teleconnections (specific phases of El - Nino/La Nina, Indian Ocean Zonal Mode,
Madden-Julian Oscillation, and/or - North Atlantic Oscillation).
- Climate variation reversal ? opposite anomalies
in SWA. - Climate variations predictable ? SWA precip and
temp predictable - Led to Climate monitoring indices and
forecasting systems based on - climate variation analyses.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by D. Vorhees, Capt, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
26Smart Climo Case Study Precip Extremes in
Southwest Asia
Short Term Climate Prediction, Iraq Precip,
Analyses of climate scale relationships (left)
lead to short term climate predictions (right).
Hindcast for Oct-Dec 2002, during moderate El
Nino event, shows high (low) probability of above
(below) normal precip. Lead time six weeks.
Verifying observed precip was 28 above normal.
Conclusion from many such analyses and forecasts
Short term climate forecasts of T and precip in
Southwest Asia have useful skill, especially
compared to traditional climo.
Smart climo develops, tests, and makes climate
prediction systems operational.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by C. Hanson, Capt, USAF, and S.
Moss, Capt, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
27Smart Climo Case Study Precip Extremes in
Southwest Asia
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by D. Vorhees, Capt, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
28Smart Climo Emerging Directions Climate
Short Term Climate Prediction, Tropical
Convection, North Pacific
Method for predicting TC formations is being
adapted for use in predicting tropical convection
(OLR in color inset). Also being adapted for
generating long lead predictions of TC
intensities and tracks.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Based on NPS thesis research by LCDR D. Meyer.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
29Smart Climo Emerging Directions TC Track
Short Term Climate Prediction, TC Tracks, North
Method for predicting TC formations being
adapted for use in predicting TC tracks.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Based on NPS thesis research by LCDR A. Turek.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
30NPS Smart Climo Emerging Directions West Africa
- Climate variations in Africa are large and have
large societal impacts and humanitarian crises. - How should the US military plan for and respond
to these climate variations and their societal
Information on the long term climate impacts
would enable HN engagement. Our scope is long
term, 6 months to 1 year out. HA/CA needs to be
long term to have a sustainable impact. CAPT
Ken Schwingshakl, CO, Maritime Civil Affairs
Group, October 2007
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by C. Montgomery, LT, USN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
31NPS Smart Climo Emerging Directions West Africa
- Initial Focus
- Implications of interannual variations in
precip and surface T for DoD planning - Coordination / collaboration with METOC
organizations in Gulf of Guinea region
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Advanced Climatology course project. And thesis
research by C. Montgomery, LT, USN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
32Smart Climatology Civilian-Military Comparison
Status determined by assessment of overall,
routine, operational climate support provided by
AF and Navy (e.g., AFCCC, FNMOD, FNMOC, NAVO,
OWSs, etc.), and by civilian organizations (e.g.,
NOAA, IRI, European agencies, industry, etc.).
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
33Smart Climatology Civilian-Military Comparison
Status determined by assessment of overall,
routine, operational climate support provided by
AF and Navy (e.g., AFCCC, FNMOD, FNMOC, NAVO,
OWSs, etc.), and by civilian organizations (e.g.,
NOAA, IRI, European agencies, industry, etc.).
The military is behind the civilian sector. But
do we need to catch up? And if so, why?
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
34Smart Climatology and Battlespace on Demand
Data and methods for generating smart climo
products at all three tiers already exist, as do
many prototype products.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan08
35Smart Climatology and Battlespace on Demand
Use smart climatology to get the environment
right at long lead times.
Build smart climatological performance surfaces
for atmosphere and ocean.
Streamline by building on existing smart
climatology data, methods, and products.
Use smart climatology to develop long lead
decision aids (e.g., uncertainty assessments,
risk assessment, and guidance on risk management,
asset allocation, strategy, and tactics.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
36Smart Climatology and Naval Oceanography
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
37- First Principles
- Know the ground
- Fight on the ground of your choosing
- Own the windward gage
Create and Maintain an Information Advantage
- Smart climatology is critical to
- Knowing the ground well in advance
- Finding and keeping the windward gage well in
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
38Smart Climatology METOC Applications
- Short range METOC applications of smart
climatology - Environmental SA for analysts and forecasters
- Deployment of METOC sensors (e.g., UAVs, gliders)
- QC-ing of observations
- Improved model ICs, BCs, parameterizations,
nudging, bias correction, and skill assessment
for products at all 3 tiers - Long range METOC applications of smart
climatology - Development of climate scale products at all 3
BonD tiers - Assessment of long lead uncertainty
- Global climate change analyses
- Development of probabilistic marine mammal
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
39Smart Climatology Customer Requirements
- General requirement. State-of-the-science METOC
support, including climate support. If theres
already a requirement for climate support, then
theres a requirement for smart climatology
(although it may be an unfunded requirement if
not ranked as a high priority). - Primary customers for smart climatology. All who
need to plan at leads of a week or longer. - Customer applications of smart climatology
- Environmental risk management and exploitation
- OPLAN and CONPLAN development
- Battlespace preparation
- War gaming
- Environmental aspects of RA
- SURTASS routing and ballasting
- Screen placement
- Marine mammal mitigation
- Exercise time and location
- Safety
- Training
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
40(No Transcript)
41Smart Climatology - Findings
- Smart climatology has the potential to
substantially improve climate support for
warfighters. - The potential to make large improvements through
short term climate prediction is especially high. - Shortfalls in DoD smart climo mean that
warfighters are not being given
state-of-the-science climate support. - We need a course correction ? We need to start
providing smart climatological support. - Smart climatology data sets, methods, tools, and
prototype products are ready now to be
transitioned to operational use. - Smart climatology contributes to meeting several
goals in COs guidance for 2008 (e.g., climate
change, marine mammals, uncertainty, IUSS,
warfighting focus, and workforce development
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
42Smart Climatology - Findings
- Smart climatology has the potential to
substantially improve climate support for
warfighters. - The potential to make large improvements through
short term climate prediction is especially high. - However, smart climo is not being done by DoD.
- Thus, warfighters are not being given
state-of-the-science climate support. - We need a course correction ? We need to start
providing smart climatological support. - Smart climatology data sets, methods, tools, and
prototype products are ready now to be
transitioned to operational use. - Smart climatology contributes to meeting several
goals in COs guidance for 2008 (e.g., climate
change, marine mammals, uncertainty, IUSS,
warfighting focus, and workforce development
Smart climatology can and should be integrated
with COs priorities for 2008 and beyond.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
43Smart Climatology Recommendations to Leadership
- Make operational implementation of smart
climatology a priority for Naval Oceanography
Enterprise. - Form a steering committee (RD and operational
METOC experts, end users) to map out the way
ahead. - Be efficient. Build on existing resources,
especially civilian climatology resources. - Get off to a fast start Focus first on direct
operational implementation of existing smart
climatology data and methods. Emphasize upcoming
high profile events (e.g., RIMPAC08, western
North Pacific operations). - Teach smart climo at all levels, and then give
military and civilian analysts and forecasters
the tools to do smart climo themselves. Dont
leave smart climo up to just the climo RD
experts. - Take a joint Navy-Air Force approach. Consider
creating a joint smart climatology reachback
center. - Provide funding.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
44Smart Climatology Operational Implementation
Transition status determined by assessing
availability of (1) substantial existing RD
prototype products and (2) operational products
in civilian sector. For all elements, there are
substantial products ready for transitioning, and
there are additional products for which some
level of additional RD is needed.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
45Sample Smart Climo Prototype Product
Long Lead Prediction of TC Genesis, Western North
Analyses of climate scale relationships between
large scale environment and TCs leads to short
term climate predictions of TC activity.
? Proposal Begin operational testing and
transitioning in FY08.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program
Based on NPS thesis research by LCDR D. Meyer.
See details in notes section of this slide.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
46Sample Smart Climo Prototype Product
Smart Climatological Sensor Performance Products
Surface Radar Detection Ranges
Surface Radar Cutoff Frequencies
(a) Surface radar detection ranges (km) based on
NPS smart climatology for September. Values
shown are long term means for September, for a
C-band radar at 30 ft and detection threshold of
150 dB. (b) Cutoff frequencies (GHz) for surface
radar for September. Based on application of
existing civilian multi-decadal atmospheric and
oceanic reanalyses, and existing sensor
performance aids.
? Proposal Begin operational testing and
transitioning in FY08.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
thesis research by K. Twigg, Lt, RN.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
47Smart Climatology Recent Meetings
- DoD Climate Conference, 14WS / FNMOD, 06-08 Nov
07 - Lessons learned from prior work
- AF and USN coordination and collaboration
- FNMOC-NPS Smart Climatology, 24 Jan 08
- Coordination and collaboration on FNMOD employee
thesis research - Likely focus on EM smart climatology
- Atmospheric Smart Climatology, CNMOC, 25 Jan 08
- Lessons learned from prior work
- Smart Climatology products for FY08
- Smart Climatology steering committee
- Smart Climatology at ASW/MIW Symposium, CNMOC, 29
Jan 01 Feb 08 - Lessons learned from prior work
- Smart Climatology products for RIMPAC08, western
North Pacific - Smart Climatology Informal Talk with RDML (s)
Titley, CNMOC, 30 Jan 08
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
48Smart Climatology - Recommended Directions
- Develop smart climatology data access, analysis,
and visualization toolset for use in METOC
production and support centers. - Apply smart climatology methods to improve METOC
analyses and forecasts, including - climatological versions of Tier 1-3 products
- climatology based improvements in existing Tier
1-3 products - Conduct more in-depth and quantitative
comparisons of civilian reanalysis data sets with
Navy atmospheric, oceanic, EM, and acoustic
climatologies. Assess potential of reanalyses
and other smart climatology data and methods to
improve Navy climatologies. - Use operational analysis and modeling to evaluate
ability of smart climatology to improve
operational outcomes. - Develop online learning center on smart
climatology and its Navy applications. - Create a smart climatology steering committee to
help develop a coordinated and collaborative
approach for improving military climatology.
The next three slides summarize six proposed
projects based on these recommended directions.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
49- Smart Climatology - Project Proposal Summaries
- Smart Climatology Data Access, Analysis, and
Visualization Toolset - Develop and deploy an
unclassified, web-based, global smart climatology
data access, analysis, and display application.
Toolset will provide users with ability to
access, analyze, and displays of 4-D (time and
space) atmospheric, oceanic, EM, and acoustic
variables based on reanalysis data sets, and
variables derviable from those data sets.
Toolset moduarized to allow expansion to other
data sets (e.g., MODAS climatology, GDEM, full
suite of atmospheric fields, other data sets
under development). Goal Toolset that can
rapidly generates graphical analyses and displays
of a wide range of climatological information.
Primary users analysts and forecasters. - Smart Climatology Analyses and Forecasts -
Develop smart climatology analyses and forecasts
of basic atmospheric, oceanic, EM, and acoustic
environment for RIMPAC 08 and other high priority
cases (each case defined primarily by time of
year, location, and types of operations).
Includes analyses and forecasts based on major
conditional climatologies. Goal
state-of-the-science analyses and long lead
forecasts geared for use by production center and
mission support analysts and forecasters, and
deploying forecasters.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
50- Smart Climatology - Project Proposal Summaries
- Smart Climatology Comparative Analyses - Develop
in-depth, quantitative comparative analysis of
atmospheric, oceanic, EM, and acoustic
climatologies based on (a) smart climatology
data and methods and (b) Navy climatologies.
Include assessment of strengths and weaknesses of
Navy climatologies, and recommendations for
rapidly improving climatological support.
Investigate several regions and times of year.
Examine potential impacts of smart climatology on
METOC product suite, and the product generation
process. Goal Report that summarizes current
status of climatological products and maps out
and prioritizes options for improving products. - Smart Climatology Operational Impacts - Develop
initial assessments of the operational impacts of
smart climatology using operational analysis and
modeling. Emphasize impacts of smart climatology
on operational planning at lead times of weeks to
months and longer. Investigate several
operational scenarios and types of support.
Build on on-going operational analysis and
modeling RD. Goal Report that assesses the
potential for smart climatology methods and
products to reduce uncertainty, assess and manage
environmental risks, and improve operational
decisions and outcomes.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
51- Smart Climatology - Project Proposal Summaries
- Smart Climatology Learning Center - Develop an
online learning center for educating METOC
personnel on smart climatology. Introduce users
to smart climatology concepts, data sets, and
analysis methods, and basic methods for
developing smart climatology products. Teach
state-of-the-science operational climatology of
atmosphere and ocean in the context of military
scenarios. Composed of self-paced, multimedia
rich. Build on existing NPS climatology
educational materials. Develop in coordination /
collaboration with CNMOC PDC. Best developed in
tandem with display application (project 1). - Smart Climatology Steering Committee - Organize a
smart climatology steering committee to advise
METOC leadership on best options for improving
climatological support. Potential members
include Navy, AF, and civilian personnel from
NRL, civilian operational climatology centers,
and universities. Meet twice a year. Present
biannual and annual briefs and reports to METOC
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
52First Steps in Doing Smart Climatology
Proposed Data Access, Analysis, and Visualization
- User selections
- Data source
- Time period
- Location
- Basic variables
- Derived variables
- Display type (e.g., map, cross
- section, 3-D, time series)
- Analysis type (e.g., mulit-variable,
- composite, difference, correlation
- Conditional climatology constraints
- (e.g., high winds, high seas, low
- precip, EN, LN, MJO phase)
- Climate forecast (e.g., NAO, -IOZM,
- high TC formation probability)
- Operation type
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
53First Steps in Doing Smart Climatology
Proposed Data Access, Analysis, and Visualization
- Sample Output Products
- Conditional climatologies
- for AOR
- Teleconnections to AOR
- Operational impacts
- assessments
- Mission planning tools
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
54First Steps in Doing Smart Climatology
Proposed Data Access, Analysis, and Visualization
- Intended Users
- Mission planners
- Staff officers
- Forecasters
- Atmospheric and oceanic analysts and
forecasters - EM and acoustic analysts and forecasters
- METOC personnel involved in mission/exercise
planning - NPS students
- Researchers
- C-school instructors
- C-school students
- Estimated C-school class time required to train
forecasters in effective use of smart climo
interface 4-8 hours.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
55First Steps in Doing Smart Climatology
Smart Climatology Analysis and Forecasting Process
To implement smart climatology, METOC personnel
need hands-on education and training. Process
outlined here for providing smart climatological
support was developed and tested by Navy and AF
METOC officers and NPS faculty.
Results from NPS Smart Climatology Program NPS
Advanced Climatology course projects and thesis
research by M. LaJoie, Lt Col, USAF.
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
56First Steps in Doing Smart Climatology
Smart Climatology Learning Center
- Develop online learning center for educating
METOC personnel on smart climatology. - Introduce users to smart climatology concepts,
data sets, and analysis methods, and basic
methods for developing smart climatology
products. - Teach state-of-the-science operational
climatology of atmosphere and ocean in the
context of military scenarios. - Composed of self-paced, hands-on, multimedia
rich, modules. - Developed in coordination / collaboration with
14WS and CNMOC PDC. - Best developed in tandem with data access,
analysis, and visualization application tool. - Build on existing climatology educational
materials from AFCCC/14WS, CNMOC PDC, NPS, COMET,
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
57Generating Smart Climatology Products
Apply smart climo data sets, and analysis and
prediction methods.
Less realistic Less expensive Easier to know at
long lead times
More realistic More expensive Harder to know at
long lead times
- Smart climo is relatively inexpensive, in part
because it does not have to - be repeated in full for every new operation.
- Smart climo can help focus, and help reduce the
need for, and costs of - collecting and assimilating, near real time
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
58Generating Smart Climatology Products
- Proposal --- Based on NPS Climate Support Process
- Well before mission planning begins, develop
background smart climo products using smart climo
data and methods . - When mission planning begins, assess the current
state of climate system. If indicated by current
state, develop updated smart climo products by
using smart climo data and methods to adjust
pre-planning smart climo. - Assimilate near real time observations (remote
and in situ) into planning smart climo, according
to resource availability and operational
- See NPS Smart Climatology site, especially
LaJoie (2006), at http//wx.met.nps.navy.mil/smar
t-climo/ - Examples of Smart Climo Data and Methods
- Application of reanalysis and other advanced data
sets - Statistical and dynamical analyses of data
- Statistical and dynamical climate modeling
- Climate system monitoring
- Statistical and dynamical climate forecasting
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
- What is smart climo?
- How is smart climo different from traditional
climo? - Why is smart climo important to the military?
- Is there a requirement for smart climo?
- Who benefits from smart climo?
- Are there tactical level payoffs to doing smart
climo? - What does it take to do smart climo?
- How should DoD attempt to do smart climo?
- What partnerships are needed to do smart climo
well? - What are the key first steps in doing smart
climo? - What timeline should we set for doing smart
climo? - What funding and other resources will be needed
to do smart climo?
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
60Contact Information
Tom Murphree, Ph.D. Department of
Meteorology Naval Postgraduate School 254 Root
Hall 589 Dyer Road Monterey, CA
93943-5114 831-656-2723 commercial 312-756-2723
DSN 831-241-0561 cell 831-656-3061
fax murphree_at_nps.edu murphrjt_at_nps.navy.smil.mil
Smart Climatology http//wx.met.nps.navy.mil/sma
rt-climo/reports.php METOC Metrics
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
61Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
62Smart Climatology Backup and Background Reading
Smart Climo, murphree_at_nps.edu, Feb08
63- Smart Climatology Key Concepts
- Smart climo is the application of
state-of-the-science climatology to supporting
DoD operations. - State-of-the-science climatology is routinely and
successfully used by civilian operational climate
centers in the U.S., Europe, and many other
countries to support civilian operations. - Prior studies have shown that climo support
provided by DoD is well below the level of the
state-of-the-science support provided by civilian
operational climo centers. - The big shortcomings in DoD climo stem form the
failure to keep up with modern data sets and
modern analysis and forecasting methods. - Compared to the climo products that are available
in the civilian realm, many DoD climo products
are very inadequate and out of date, or simply do
not exist (e.g., subsurface ocean currents are
available in the civilian climos but not in the
Navy climos). - Studies by NPS have shown that smart climo has a
very high potential to significantly improve
METOC support to warfighters.
Smart Climo ET, Oct 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
64- Smart Climatology Key Concepts
- The improvements in METOC support provided by
smart climo would occur at all planning levels,
from strategic to tactical. The tactical
benefits would come from the large role climo
plays in developing short range forecasts (e.g.,
short range model parameterizations, ICs, BCs,
nudging, model selection, model evaluation).
Tactical benefits also would come from helping
warfighters avoid the need to deal with short
range environmental problems. Smart climo can
help planners select times, locations, routes,
pre-positioning of personnel and equipment, and
tactics that minimize the risk of short term
problems of operation (e.g., determining route
for carrier group to minimize risk of low
cig/vis determining best locations to
pre-position heavy equipment). - Smart climo involves accounting for climate
variations (e.g., El Nino high wind regimes over
the ocean long term trends etc). But there is
much more to smart climo than that. One of the
first steps in doing smart climo is to work with
state-of-the-science data to create
state-of-the-science long term means. Then move
on to analyzing and forecasting the impacts of
climate variations. - NPS studies have also shown that much of the
improvement in climo support could happen quickly
and at relatively little cost, by leveraging off
of existing and freely available civilian data
sets, methods, and applications. - Providing routine smart climo support can be a
complex process (as is the case for all other
types of state-of-the-science METOC support). We
need to develop appropriate ways to deal with
this complexity in METOC education and training
(as we have for other types of METOC support).
Smart Climo ET, Oct 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
65- Smart Climatology Key Concepts
- Most METOC personnel need to understand the
basics of climatology, because climo is
fundamental for all types of METOC analysis and
forecasting. - Analyzing and forecasting the large scale, low
frequency variations of the environment are the
first steps in analyzing and forecasting the
smaller and shorter term variations. Thus, in
any forecast process, the first step should be to
assess the state of the climate system. For
example, in doing an extratropical synoptic
weather forecast, start by looking at the
extratropical longwave pattern, a key feature of
extratropical climate. - Some uniformed personnel need to be experts in
climo, especially the operational applications of
smart atmospheric and oceanic climo (and,
ideally, smart land and space climo too). These
experts need to be supported by DoD civilian
climo experts. - Smart climo support fits well into the hub,
production center, and reachback cell concepts.
The military and civilian staffs at these centers
should include at least one climo expert per
center. - The uniformed and civilian climo experts need to
be given routine professional development
opportunities so that they can keep up with the
state of the science (e.g., opportunities to take
short courses, attend and present at civilian
conferences, participate in DoD climo workshops,
Smart Climo ET, Oct 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
66- Smart Climatology Key Concepts
- The METOC climo experts need to be responsible
for ensuring that DoD climo support also keeps up
with the times (e.g., by taking on leadership
roles in identifying critical new methods for
improving climo support and helping to ensure
that necessary RD is funded and operationally
implemented. - Modern climatology might be a better term than
smart climatology, since it probably conveys more
clearly what we are talking about doing without
antagonizing as many people as smart climatology
seems to do. However, smart climatology is a
term CAPT Titley helped put into the METOC
vocabulary, and it has become a pretty common
term in METOC circles. - Ideally, we will one day speak just of
climatology, with no modifiers like smart or
modern. We do not speak of smart or modern
meteorology or oceanography, because we just
assume that Navy meteorology and oceanography
should be and are smart, modern, and
state-of-the-art. Once we can safely make that
assumption about Navy climatology, we can drop
the modifiers.
Smart Climo ET, Oct 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
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78Smart Climo and Regime Based Forecasting Smart
climo gives you a better insight into the large
scale (continental scale to global scale)
patterns and processes that, to a large extent,
govern the development of the regimes. Climate
dynamics governs the uppermost portion of the
forecast funnel. So, you can do a better job of
analyzing and forecasting synoptic and mesoscale
circulations when you understand the low
frequency, large scale dynamics that are the
subject of climate dynamics. For example, when
you understand the tropical climate variations
that excite changes in the extratropical Rossby
wave field, that in turn lead to changes
in extratropical long wave patterns, that then
alter synoptic and mesoscale circulations and
regimes. A smart climo approach could
contribute a fair bit to improving regime based
forecasting methods. Many climate variations
have well established regimes of their own (often
described in terms of teleconnections patterns
and processes) that climate-oriented weather
forecasters already use in developing medium
range forecasts. NWS extended range forecast
discussions based on EN, LN, and MJO are one
example of this. Many climate variations have
known tendencies to make certain medium range and
synoptic patterns more or less likely (e.g.,
tendencies to develop high zonal index flows,
blocking patterns, persistent warm moist
advection, etc.).
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
79Smart Climo and Regime Based Forecasting The
mechanisms by which climate variations set up
these patterns is often an alteration of the
upper tropospheric long wave pattern (shifts in
location, changes in wave length and amplitude,
etc.), changes in the low level eddies and
circulation (e.g., Siberian High, Aleutian Low,
Azores High), and associated low level WAA, CAA,
moisture advection, moisture convergence, etc.
The Stepanek and Vorhee's theses provide some
nice tropical and extratropical examples of
this. The connection between synoptic and
climate processes is also a two-way street (e.g.,
EN affects the intensity and recurvature
of tropical cyclones in the NW Pac, which leads
to anomalies in the extratropical long wave
pattern over the N America, which alters synoptic
systems there).
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
80Smart Climo and Regime Based Forecasting There
are a variety of smart climo based tools that
could be used to improve how regime concepts are
used in forecasting. Compositing and principal
components could be used to identify the major
regime signals associated with climate variations
(including their relative amplitudes and
phasing). Here, by regime signal, I mean the
regimes that are forced by and characteristic of
a given climate variations, and the fluctuations
of regimes that are separate from but affected by
the climate variations. By climate variation,
I'm thinking of phenomena such as EN, LN, IOZM,
MJO, NAO, but also of simpler, more generic
variations such as changes in the zonal index of
the extratropical upper tropospheric
flow. Cluster analysis could be used to
identify the most probable sequencing of the
major regime signals (see Jeff's discussion of
solutions A, B, and C, below). A variety of
other tools could be used to identify the
relationships between a given regime and a larger
scale variation, and the predictability of the
regime given the existence of the variation.
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
81Present State of DoD Climatology
- Typical development of DoD climo products
excludes many modern data sets and methods of
climate analysis and forecasting. - Most DoD climatology products fail to account for
advances in climate science and operational
climatology during the last 30 years, including - data sets
- data analysis
- modeling
- monitoring
- forecasting
- This lag in DoD climatology has created
significant gaps in climatological support for
war fighters. - Course correction Start applying smart
climatology State-of-the-science basic and
applied climatology that directly supports DoD
Smart Climo 2, murphree_at_nps.edu, Nov07
82(No Transcript)
83NPS Smart Climatology Research Development
Climatological Environmental Assessment and
Performance Surfaces
- Methods and Results
- Used smart climatology data and methods to
improve long term mean climatologies of
evaporation duct heights (EDH) and radar
propagation in the Indian Ocean and nearby seas. - Analyzed impacts of seasonal changes climate
variations (e.g., ENLN, IOZM) on EDH surface
radar propagation. - Results (a) new smart EDH climatology with
substantial improvements over existing Navy
climatology (b) identified major spatial and
temporal changes in EDH, including those caused
by climate variations (c) determined which
factors EDH and surface radar propagation are
most sensitive to for different regions and
seasons (d) found potential for forecasting EDH
and surface radar propagation at weekly to
monthly lead times. - Products (a) smart climatological environmental
assessment surfaces for EDH and EDH factors and
(b) smart climatological performance surfaces for
surface radar propagation (range, CoF) both for
varying climate scenarios. - The methods used in this work are directly
applicable to developing smart climatologies for
other regions, and for other EM and acoustic
propagation phenomena.
From NPS thesis research by Lt Katherine Twigg,
Royal Navy, 2007
ASW Smart Climo, Aug 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
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86LTM Temperature Profiles, August, From Reanalyses
ASW Smart Climo, Aug 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
From SODA oceanic reanalysis
87Note Near surface temperatures observed during
VSO7 were, in general, 0.5oC warmer than the
long term mean reanalysis temperatures, and
0.5-1.0oC warmer than the GDEM temperatures.
The warmer waters appears to have been part of
the 2007-08 La Nina event that was developing
during August 2007.
88(No Transcript)
89Preliminary Findings Smart Climatology and VS07
- Overall T and S patterns in oceanic climatologies
based on existing civilian reanalyses are similar
to those in Navy climatologies. - But there are some surprisingly large differences
in near-surface T magnitudes (GDEM cooler) that
may be due to efforts during development of GDEM
to accentuate mixed layer (e.g., avoid rounded
off upper ocean T profiles). - GDEM has considerable small scale structure
(e.g., bulls eyes, patchy patterns) that may be
an artifact of the statistical processes used to
fill in data gaps. - Some Navy marine atmospheric climatologies
provide very poor representations of well known
features of the lower tropospheric circulation
(e.g., monsoon trough) that are important in
atmospheric forcing of upper ocean. - Overall accuracy of climatologies based on
existing civilian reanalyses appears to be equal
to or greater than that of Navy climatologies. - A complete comparative assessment is difficult
because Navy climatologies do not provide a
number of important variables that are available
in reanalyses (e.g., SSH, currents,
precipitation, estimates of deep convection).
See notes section of this slide for more
ASW Smart Climo, Aug 07, murphree_at_nps.edu
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100Use of Downscaled Mesoscale Climo Products
in Mission Planning Process
- Scenario In the event of heightened tensions
with North Korea, a squadron of F-15s from
Elmendorf AFB, AK will need to deploy on short
notice to Gwangju AB, ROK. Their refueling
aircraft will be a pair of KC-10s from Travis
AFB, CA. The expected launch window is July.
The fighters will have to refuel 7 times en route
and must avoid areas of solid cloud and moderate
or greater turbulence. - Task Provide climatological support for mission
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
Slide from NPS climatology course
101Climatological Impacts on F-15 Squadron
Deployment Over North Pacific in July
Use of Downscaled Mesoscale Climo Products
in Mission Planning Process
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
Slide from NPS climatology course
- Launch / Divert Bases
- Thunderstorms, lightning, low ceilings likely at
Elmendorf AFB - Fog/stratus along coast likely to inhibit morning
tanker take-offs from Travis AFB, CA, diverts on
US west coast - Air Refueling
- Clouds likely to impede refueling along storm
track - Winds much weaker at flight level, thus
decreasing turbulence risk
102Use of Downscaled Mesoscale Climo Products
in Mission Planning Process
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07
Slide from NPS climatology course
Climatological Impacts on ISR Operations Over
Korean Peninsula in July
- Key climatological factors for Korea in July (see
accompanying maps of SLP, Z850, chi, OLR, - clouds, and precipitation)
- Low level low over China, high over North Pacific
- Warm moist inflow from the south along boundary
between low and high
Reference for METOC Criteria JP 3-59. Joint
Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedure for
Meteorological and Oceanographic Support. 23 Mar.
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105Team Project Report
Slide from NPS climatology course
Thresholds based on AFWA/TN-98/002 Revised 13
June 2003
Smart Climo, Murphree_at_nps.edu, Jan 07