Title: The Money Illusion: Look at what’s “Real
1The Money Illusion Look at whats Real
- In behavioral economics there is a theory called
money illusion, which is the tendency of people
to think of currency in nominal terms, rather
than in real, or net of inflation, terms. With
nominal interest rates on the rise and at their
highest levels in over a decade, it is timely to
remind investors of the importance of thinking in
real terms, and not just nominal. - Since December 2015, the US Federal Reserve has
increased the Federal Funds rate six times, from
an effective 0 yield to todays 1.75 (as of
5/23/18). The nominal yield on Treasury bills
(those with maturities less than one year) has
also increased, rising from an average of 0.35
in December 2015 to 2.02 today, as shown in the
chart below. After nearly a decade of 0 yields
following the financial crisis of 2007-2008,
todays 2.02 nominal yield on cash-like Treasury
bills has many investors excited about the
prospect of earning a return on their
2 Source FactSet, Athena analysis
3Source FactSet, Athena analysis
While an increase in yields is a positive data
point to support the legitimacy of an economic
recovery, our enthusiasm thus far for the rise in
yields is tempered when we consider the yield net
of inflation. Our enthusiasm is further tempered
when we consider the 2.02 yield on a real,
post-tax basis. In the chart below we show the
historical real yield and real, post-Federal tax
yield of the six-month Treasury bill from April
2003 through March 2018. We also show the nominal
yield of the six-month Treasury bill for
context. Source FactSet, Athena analysis
4From the above we see that the current real yield
available on six-month Treasury bills is positive
for the first time since 2008. This is great news
for tax-exempt investors as it means Treasury
bills no longer offer return free risk. For
taxable investors, however, there is still 65
basis points to go before the real, post-tax
yield is above 0. There are of course a
multitude of reasons why an investor may prefer
to hold cash, regardless of the real or real,
post-tax yield. However, as Treasury yields rise,
we wanted to remind investors of the money
illusion and to think in real terms before
getting too excited about the rise in nominal
yields. Article Resource https//www.athenacapi