Limited Rationality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Limited Rationality


Limited Rationality & Strategic Interaction The Case of Money Illusion Ernst Fehr University of Zurich and MIT Jean Robert Tyran University of St. Gallen – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Limited Rationality

  • Limited Rationality Strategic Interaction
  • The Case of Money Illusion
  • Ernst Fehr
  • University of Zurich and MIT
  • Jean Robert Tyran
  • University of St. Gallen

Individual Level Anomalies Aggregate Outcomes
  • Large body of evidence from individual
    decision-making experiments suggests that a large
    number of people violate standard rationality and
    selfishness assumptions
  • Fairness preferences, Preference
    intransitivities, framing effects,
    overconfidence, updating of probabilities,
    hindsight bias, etc.
  • When do deviations from rationality and
    selfishness at the individual level matter for
    aggregate outcomes?
  • Question was at the heart of Vernon Smiths
    polemic against behavioral economics and
    Kahneman-Tversky-Thaler (JPE 1990).

  • No general answer yet, but important pieces of
  • Double auctions with homogeneous, non-risky goods
  • Myopic loss aversion (Gneezy, Kapteyn, Potters
  • Fairness (Fehr, Kirchsteiger Riedl QJE 1993,
    Fehr Falk JPE 1999)
  • We look at money illusion
  • Tobin (1972) An economic theorist can, of
    course, commit no greater crime than to assume
    money illusion.
  • Economists dismissal of money illusion was not
    based on sound behavioral evidence but on beliefs
    in rationality.
  • Individual level questionnaire evidence by
    Shafir, Diamond and Tversky QJE 1997
  • Fehr and Tyran (AER 2001) provide behavioral
    evidence that money illusion has asymmetric
    effects on equilibrium adjustment depending on
    whether the shock is positive or negative.
  • We started our research project on nominal
    intertia with the prejudice that money illusion
    is irrelevant.

What is Money Illusion?
  • Leontief Money illusion prevails if supply and
    demand functions are not homogeneous of degree
    zero in all nominal prices.
  • Intuition If the real incentive structure (the
    objective situation) remains unchanged the real
    decisions of an illusion-free individual remain
    unchanged, irrespective of the representation of
    the objective situation.
  • Example Whether payoff information is available
    in nominal or in real terms does not affect the
    real decisions of an illusion-free individual.
  • Money illusion as a framing effect

Evidence for Money Illusion 1
  • Agell Bennmarker (2002) Representative survey
    of Swedish human resource managers.
  • Assume hypothetically, that your enterprise is
    making a small surplus. There is no inflation and
    unemployment is high. There are many job seekers
    applying for a job at your unit. Under these
    circumstances you decide to propose a wage cut of
    5. How do you think that your employees would
    find this proposal?
  • Acceptable 5.7
  • Not acceptable 94.3
  • Assume hypothetically, that your enterprise is
    making a small surplus. Inflation is 10 and
    unemployment is high. There are many job seekers
    applying for a job at your unit. Under these
    circumstances you decide to propose a wage
    increase of only 5. How do you think that your
    employees would find this proposal?
  • Acceptable 49.6
  • Not acceptable 50.4

Evidence for Money Illusion 2
  • Fehr Götte (JME, forthcoming) Nominal wage
    rigidity in CH.

Fehr Götte - Are nominal wages downwardly
  • Switzerland has probably one of the most liberal
    labour laws among European countries.
  • Unions are relatively weak and minimum wage laws
    absent or due to wage drift largely irrelevant.

Experimental Evidence for Money Illusion(Fehr
Tyran 2003)
  • Experimental price setting game with groups of 5
    or six subjects.
  • In each period subjects have to choose a nominal
    price between 1 and 30.
  • Their payoff depends on their own price Pi and on
    the average price of the other subjects in the
    group P-i.
  • Their real payoff ?i depends on their nominal
    payoff divided by P-i.
  • Three symmetric equilibria a good one, an
    intermediate, a bad one
  • At the end of each period information feedback
    about P-i.
  • 2 Treatments
  • Payoff tables with real payoffs
  • Payoff tables with nominal payoffs
  • In the absence of money illusion or beliefs about
    others money illusion the same equilibrium
    should be chosen regardless of the treatment

Multiple Equilibria (Strategic Complementarity)
45-degree line
Bad stable equilibrium Low real payoffs High
nominal payoffs
Unstable equilibrium
Good stable equilibrium High real payoff Low
nominal payoff
Nominal Payoff Table
Real Payoff Table
Average Prices and Price Expectations over Time
Money Illusion or Beliefs about others Money
Limited Rationality and Strategic Interaction
  • Can we identify conditions under which money
    illusion has no effect on aggregate outcomes and
    conditions under which money illusion has effects
    on aggregate outcomes?
  • Aggregate outcome in our case Extent of nominal
    inertia after a fully anticipated nominal shock
    in an environment with a unique money neutral
  • When does money illusion retard adjustment
    towards the post-shock equilibrium?
  • Strategic substitutes versus strategic
    complements (Haltiwanger Waldmann AER 1985, QJE
    1989, Russel and Thaler AER 1985, Akerlof and
    Yellen AER 1985)
  • Paper is a contribution to the literature on the
    role of bounded rationality in strategic
    interactions and on the causes of nominal inertia

The Role of the Strategic Environment
  • Assume agents are heterogeneous with respect to
  • Agents with adaptive expectations under adjust
    nominal prices to a monetary shock.
  • Strategic complements positive slope of the
    reaction function.
  • ? Incentive "to follow the crowd", rational
    players also under adjust. ? Rational players
    multiply the effect of players with limited
  • Strategic substitutes negative slope of the
    reaction function.
  • ? Incentive to counteract, rational players also
    over adjust.
  • ? Rational players mitigate the effect of
    players with limited rationality.
  • Hypothesis A given amount of limited rationality
    has different effects in aggregate with different
    strategic environment.

Experimental Design
  • n-player pricing game
  • Pre- and post-shock phase exogenous,
    anticipated, negative nominal shock.
  • Two treatments Strategic Complements (CT) vs.
    Strategic Substitutes (ST)
  • Ceteris paribus variation slope of best reply is
    1 or 1
  • Same (money-neutral) payoffs in and out of
  • Same incentives to choose best replies
  • Same number of dominated strategies
  • To isolate effect of strategic environment, avoid
    confound with alternative explanations
  • no external frictions (informational,
    contractual, menu cost)
  • sharp incentives to choose best replies (Akerlof
    and Yellen QJE 1985)
  • collusion (efficient equilibrium)

  • The real payoff for agent i is given by
  • pi pi(Pi, P-i, M)
  • Properties of payoff functions
  • (i) Homogenous of degree 0 in all variables.
  • (ii) Unique best reply for any P-i
  • (iii) The best reply is weakly increasing (CT) or
    decreasing (ST) in P-i
  • In addition, the functional specification implies
    that Nash-Equilibrium
  • (iv) is unique for every M
  • (v) is the only Pareto-efficient point in payoff
  • (vi) can be found by iterated elimination of
    strictly dominated strategies.

Experimental procedures and parameters
  • Information about payoffs in matrix form. Nominal
    payoffs had to be deflated. We know from Fehr
    and Tyran (2001, AER) that money illusion
    prevails in this environment.
  • n 4, Two types of agents.
  • At t 15 Public information new payoff tables.
    These are based on M1 M0 / 2
  • Predictions Equilibrium nominal average price
    Pre-shock 25, Post-shock 12.5.
  • Exercises, pocket calculator.
  • Decision screen Price decision, Expected average
  • Information feedback after every period Actual
    average price, own real payoff.
  • 76 subjects. Average earnings 24 approx. Total
    time 80 minutes.

Real Payoff Table Complements, post-shock, Type
Real Payoff Table Substitutes, post-shock, Type
x Average price of other firms
Nominal Payoff Table Complements, post-shock,
Type xAverage price of other firms
Nominal Payoff Table Substitutes, post-shock,
Type xAverage price of other firms
  • Is strategic complementarity a cause of nominal
    inertia? Figure 1
  • Pronounced, long-lasting inertia in CT,
    overshooting in ST
  • Significant deviation of average prices for 8
    periods in CT, for 0 periods in ST
  • Distribution of individual pricing decisions
    Figure 2a, 2b
  • Equilibrium also requires that individual actions
    are in equilibrium
  • In period 16, about ¼ of subjects choose
    equilibrium prices in CT, about ¾ in ST.
  • Best replies Figure 3a, 3b
  • No difference in best reply-behavior
    (Expectations were truthful)
  • BR-behavior cannot explain the difference in
    aggregate inertia across treatments

Results - continued
  • Expectations Figure 4
  • In period 16, average expectations are 8.0 units
    above equilibrium in CT, only 0.9 units in ST ?
    Difference in expectations is key
  • Short-run non-neutrality of money Figure 5
  • Inertia translates into income losses (look at
    difference, not absolute level)
  • Simple Simulations Figure 6
  • Illustrate how a given mix of adaptive and
    rational expectations translates into nominal
  • Note, if all players are rational there should be
    not treatment differences.
  • If all players have fully adaptive expectations
    equilibrium is reached in period 27 in both
    treatments ? HW predicts treatment positive
    difference in adjustment speed only when
    heterogeneity prevails.

Results - continued
  • Individual Expectations Figure 7a, 7b
  • Details of how adaptive expectations are formed
    don't matter in period 16 because of long periods
    of disequilibrium play before the shock.
  • For t gt 16, adaptive players' expectations are
    shaped by responses of rational players
  • In period 16, about 1/5 of subjects have approx.
    equilibrium expectations in CT, 4/5 in ST
  • About 50 of subjects have fully adaptive
    expectations in CT, less than 5 in ST
  • About three times as many have correct
    expectations in ST than in CT (42 vs. 15)

Figure 1 Nominal Average Prices over Time
Pre shock average price in equilibrium 25
Significant deviations for 8 post shock periods
under complements
No significant deviation for all post shock
Post shock average price in equilibrium 12.5
Figure 2a Distribution of Individual Price
Choices in Period 16 (x-types)
Post shock equilibrium
Pre shock equilibrium
Figure 2b Distribution of Individual Price
Choices in Period 16 (y-types)
Post shock equilibrium price
Pre shock equilibrium price
Individual Adjustment towards Equilibrium
Figure 3a Actual Average Prices and Average Best
Reply for given Expectations Complements
Treatment (Periods 16-18)
Figure 3b Actual Average Prices and Average Best
Reply for given Expectations Substitutes
Treatment (Periods 16-18)
Figure 4 Average Price Expectations over Time
Significant deviations from equilibrium for 8
Figure 5 Efficiency Losses during the Post-shock
Figure 6a Simulations of Price Adjustment with
Varying Numbers of Adaptive Players in the
Substitutes Treatment (ST)
Figure 6b Simulations of Price Adjustment with
Varying Numbers of Adaptive Players in the
Complements Treatment (CT)
Figure 7a Distribution of Individual Price
Expectations in Period 16 (x-types)
Post shock equilibrium expectation
Pre shock equilibrium expectation
Figure 7b Distribution of Individual Price
Expectations in Period 16 (y-types)
Post shock equilibrium expectation
Pre shock equilibrium expectation
Cognitive Hierarchy TheoryCamerer and Ho (2002)
  • A large majority of players play the equilibrium
    and have equilibrium expectations in the ST
    whereas in the CT a majority has adaptive
    expectations and plays close to the pre-shock
  • Can Cognitive Hierarchy Theory explain this?
  • Players have decision rules based on different
    steps of reasoning.
  • Step 0 players randomize across all available
  • Step 1 players take the actions of step 0 players
    into account and play best reply to this
  • Step 2 players take the actions of step 0 and
    step 1 players into account and play best reply
    to this expectation.
  • Note Step k players do not recognize that there
    are step h ? k players.
  • f(k) e-??k/k! is the frequency of step k
  • Model can explain a large number of data across
    different games. ? is generally between 1 and 2.

Cognitive hierarchy theory prediction for period
16 with ? 1.5 and the assumption that players
maximize nominal payoffs.
  • Median is predicted remarkably well.
  • Mean is predicted slightly less well.
  • Distribution of actions is predicted less well,
    in particular in the substitutes treatment Step
    1 players have frequency f(1) e-??k/k! e-??
    34 for ? 1.5.
  • 33 of the players are predicted to pick a price
    of 1 but this happens only in 7.5 of the cases.
  • Therefore, the model predicts a much larger
    variance for ST.

Cognitive Hierarchy Prediction
  • In the ST the CH-model predicts considerably more
    out of equilibrium actions relative to the actual
    frequency of equilibrium choices.
  • Question Is the fraction of players with more
    thinking steps higher in the ST than in the CT?
  • The best-fitting ? in the ST equals 2.7 whereas
    the best-fitting ? in the CT is only 0.55

0.5 relevant in the CT 2.5 relevant in the ST
Fraction of step 1 players 30 21
Fraction of step 2 players 7.6 26
Fraction of step 3 players 1.3 22
What drives the differences across treatments?
  • CH-theory also implies that in the ST players
    appear to be more rational, i.e. they exhibit
    more steps of reasoning.
  • Since expectations drive behavior the key
    question is Why do players in the CT have more
    backward looking, sticky, expectations although
  • cost of deviations from best reply is identical
    across treatments
  • cost of a given expectation error is identical
    across treatments?
  • Conjecture adaptive expectations cause a much
    larger expectation error in the ST compared to
    the CT.
  • Hence, adaptive expectations cause a much larger
    payoff loss in the ST.
  • Error implied by adaptive expectations is more

What drives the differences across treatments?
What drives the differences across treatments?
  • If individual i expects that the average
    pre-shock price of the others will also be the
    average post-shock price, i chooses the price
    that corresponds to B in the CT and to B in the
  • If all individuals are fully adaptive in this
    way, the average price of the others will
    correspond to C in the CT and to C in the ST.
  • Thus the expectation error is much higher in the
  • In the CT rational subjects who anticipate that
    others are adaptive choose a price that is much
    closer to the adaptive subjects price than in
    the ST.
  • This is just another way of saying that it is
    much less costly to be adaptive in the CT
    compared to the ST (because to respond optimally
    one has to change behavior less relative to the
    adaptive players).

  • Individual level money illusion exists.
  • Individual learning does not suffice to rule out
    aggregate effects of money illusion.
  • Strategic environment is key for the aggregate
    effects of money illusion.
  • Pronounced, long-lasting nominal inertia with
    strategic complements
  • Instantaneous adjustment under strategic
  • Strategic environment also strongly affects
    expectation formation Strategic substitutes
    render subjects more forward-looking probably
    because adaptive expectations are more costly
    under ST.
  • ? important lesson for macroeconomics.
  • Strategic environment is key for the aggregate
    effects of bounded rationality. There are
    conditions under which bounded rationality does
    not matter much for aggregate results.
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