Title: Denied Workers Compensation? Let's Fight Back!
2If you filed your claim without representation
and had your claim denied, you have a limited
amount of time to appeal the decision. Its at
this point you may hire our Los Angeles workers
Compensation attorney to assure your appeal turns
into an approval.
3Were also able to secure benefits by filing
lawsuits against third parties involved in your
workplace accident. As were unable to directly
sue an employer for workplace injuries, a third
party must have aided in your injury in order for
us to bring action upon them.
4Youve spent years working hard for a company has
shown little appreciation for their work
environment, but you stayed because your family
needed the money. Now that youre injured, let
the Law Offices of Kropach Kropach secure
Workers Compensation benefits you rightfully
5Law Offices of Kropach Kropach Phone
818-609-7005 Fax 818-609-8126 https//www.william
kropach.com/Contact.shtml 1055 W 7th St, 33rd
Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017