Title: Prostatitis Treatment with Probiotics
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2Probiotics taken in form of a dietary supplement
are viewed as an optional treatment for both
acute and chronic prostatitis, especially after a
long-term intake of antibiotics. Taken on regular
basis, supplemental probiotics help to
reestablish the balance of good and bad
bacteria in the gut, in most cases severely
compromised by the antibioticsroutinely
prescribed for prostatitis by medical doctors.
3Although commonly used, antibiotic
treatment??normally employed in a trial and
error fashion with varying degrees of
success??have many drawbacks. First of all, they
kill both the unwanted micro-organisms and wanted
micro-organisms. Also, they cause major
disturbance in normal body microflora resulting
in upset stomach, rash, and allergic reactions.
4The biggestgroups of beneficial micro-organisms
found in the gut are those in the genus
Lactobacillus, followed by abifid bacterium. Each
of these two groups has scores of species and
subspecies, and specialistsare as yet
investigating theattributes and advantages of
these microorganisms.
Full of Health, Inc. Phone 1. 705. 304. 6246
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