On taking nutritional supplements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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On taking nutritional supplements


On taking nutritional supplements why, what, when & how This presentation has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is for education purposes only. It is not intended to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: On taking nutritional supplements

On taking nutritional supplements
  • why, what, when how

Why do I need nutritional supplements?
  • My doctor says all I have to do is to eat a
    well-balanced diet and I will get all the
    nutrition I need !!
  • I dont believe in supplements
  • I exercise, I eat well, I sleep sound
  • and I feel fine.

Why This might shock you
  • According to a 1936 U.S. Senate Document 264 -
    74th US Congress regarding nutrients depletion
  • millions of acres of land that no longer
    contains enough mineral...
  • laboratory tests proved that fruits,
    vegetables, grains, eggs, milk and meat today
    arent what they were before. We cant eat enough
    fruits and vegetables to supply our bodies with
    the nutrients we require for perfect health,
    because our stomachs arent big enough to hold

Why Bet you dont eat like this
  • According to the National Cancer Institute
  • People are urged to eat 9 servings of fruits
    and vegetables a day to reduce risk of chronic
  • US Dept. of Agriculture surveyed 21,000 people
    and found NOT ONE had the recommended daily
    allowance of 9 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Why Think about this one
  • According to 2000 US Dietary Guideline
    recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • In 2005, the same Dietary Guideline increased its
    recommendation to 9 servings in order to meet the
    goal of obtaining the 10 major nutrients.
  • Why the increase?

Why Do you know
  • According to the Earth Summit report 1992, on
    nutrient content of soils around the world showed
    a depletion of nutrients (???? )
  • - Africa 74 depletion
  • - Australia 55
  • - Asia 76
  • - Europe 72
  • - North America 85
  • - South America 76

Why And you think you can eat right, eh?
  • According to Medicine Today Journal, 2002
  • - Sick soils Sick people
  • - Iron in spinach dropped 60 the last 50 years
  • - Broccoli and carrots lost 75 of magnesium
  • - Watercress lost 93 of copper
  • - One must eat 14 oranges to get 1,000 mg of
  • vitamin C

Why Absorption is everything
  • According to Journal of Chiropractic Economics
  • .about 250,000 pounds of indigested tablets
    and pills are pulled out of Seattle sewage
    filters every 6 weeksmany of them with the brand
    names still readable March/April, Volume 40,
    Number 6.

Why Are you taking in all these?
  • The National Science Foundation finds animal
    requires at least
  • 45 minerals,
  • 12 essential amino acids
  • 16 vitamins
  • 3 essential fatty acids
  • Dr. Gary Price Todd M.D. the human body
    requires all of the above for optimal health.
    But less than half are available in any kind
    quantity in most food we eat today.

Why Believe it or not
  • Shocking farming methods
  • - use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and
  • contaminants.
  • - harvest immaturely and artificially ripened,
  • - sprayed, processed, radiated and coated with
  • chemicals to improve colors and prolong shelf
  • Most cooking methods (over 118º) will destroy 50
    - 90 of nutrients.

What are the reasons for nutrition deficiency?
  • Crop Nutrition Loss Environmental
  • Over-cooking pH Imbalance
  • (high protein, sugar, stress, processed
  • Food Omission Stress
  • Poor Lifestyle/Habits Food Selection
  • Poor Digestion Antibiotics/Drugs
  • Fast/Processed Food Lack of Exercise/Sleep

What? You mean my doctor lied?
  • Understand your MD is in the sick business, NOT
    health care.
  • Most MDs are not trained in nutritional
  • - they dont know enough to recommend,
  • - they dont want to recommend.
  • Pharmaceutical companies are in the drug
  • Nutritional supplements are not patentable.
  • If we dont get sick and die, many industries
    will suffer
  • - government pension will run out,
  • - less business for MDs, hospitals, nurses,
    ambulance services,
  • funeral homes, cemeteries, drug stores, labs,
  • and pharmaceutical companies..

Dr. Tim OShea
  • Source www.thedoctorwithin.com
  • antibiotics are getting less effective.
  • allergy shots never cured an allergy.
  • cancer AIDS can never be cured by a drug.
  • the ONLY way to recovers from any illness is
    when the immune system overcomes the problem
  • the US has the highest incidence of
    degenerative diseases, UK is the 2nd
  • the 1 cause of kidney failure is abuse of

Two-times Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling,
PhDyou can trace every sickness, every
disease, every ailment to nutritional deficiency
How - 2 ways to do our business
  • To cure diseases
  • or
  • To build a strong foundation?
  • "Give a man a fish, and you've given him a meal.
    Teach him to fish and he'll have food for a

How - The Cure
  • To help allergy, we recommend OPC-3
  • To aid digestion, we recommend Aloe Juice
  • To fight osteoporosis, we recommend Calcium Plus
  • Problems
  • 1. We became unlicensed-doctors
  • 2. Once the ailment disappears, PCs stop buying
  • 3. Constantly looking for PCs
  • 4. Imbalance BVs

How - The Foundation
  • Instead, we should recommend our nutritional
  • as a daily basic requirement like drinking 8
    glasses of
  • water, exercising 3 times a week, sleeping 6-8
    hours a day.
  • Advantages
  • 1. 10-15 PCs buying monthly
  • 2. Consistent BVs
  • 3. More time to build our business
  • 4. Less work, less headache, less risk

Were gardeners, think planting
1. Identify sickness 2. Treat by drugs or
  • 1. Feed nourish
  • 2. Cleanse detox

How - Recommend the Foundation
  • Men
  • OPC-3
  • Mineral Blast
  • Omega III
  • Digestive Enzyme
  • Might-a-Min for kids
  • Total 184 105 BV
  • Women
  • OPC-3
  • Mineral Blast
  • Omega III
  • Digestive Enzyme
  • Calcium
  • Might-a-Min for kids
  • Total 202 113 BV

How - Recommend the Foundation -
  • Husband, wife and 1 kid
  • 2 x OPC-3
  • 2 x Mineral Blast
  • 2 x Omega III
  • 2 x Digestive Enzyme
  • 1 x Calcium plus
  • 1 x Might-a-Min for kid
  • Total 362 206 BV
  • Gross Income 80,000
  • Husband 50,000
  • Wife 30,000
  • 362 x 12 months 4,344
  • 5.43 of Gross income
  • 11.90 per day per family
  • 5 per day per adult

When our timing is right
  • 65 of Americans are overweight
  • 30 of us are obese
  • Over 40 of us have high cholesterol...
  • 50 of Americans over 65 have high blood
    pressure, and 28.7 overall
  • Nearly 70 of people are unaware they have high
    blood pressure...
  • 5.1 of us have type-2 diabetes, up 104 from
    1980 to 2004...
  • Over 100,000,000 Americans have metabolic
    syndrome, which is one step away from having
    type-2 diabetes...
  •  92 of Americans are deficient in one or more
    essential vitamins and minerals... We need to
    build a strong foundation!

Products Comparison
  • OPC
  • Calcium
  • Omega III
  • Might-a-Min
  • Glucosatrin
  • Mineral Blast
  • Digestive enzymes

OPC-3 vs. other brands by Dennis
Brand OPC-3 300g Ultra OPC Ultimate OPC Total OPC OPC-7 300g
Isotonicity ( ??? ) (275 - 310 mOsmol/kg) 285 mOsmol/kg hyper hypo 405 mOsmol/kg 66 mOsmol/kg cant be, no fructose, no potassium bicarbonate to form Iso base
QA yes No yes yes no
Price per serving 0.83 0.38 1.90 0.82 0.75 1 tp 5g
Taste great poor, synthetic bitter, synthetic sweet, weak, watery awful !!
OPC-3 vs. Grape Seed extract
  • Isotonix 98
  • 125mg of flavonoids (??? )
  • 5 flavonoids
  • 90 capfuls, 3 servings/day
  • 75 (65)
  • 1 month supply (40 BV)
  • 0.83/serving
  • Pill 25
  • 50mg of flavonoids (160)
  • 1 flavonoid
  • 60 caplets (2.5/serving x 3)
  • 22 tax
  • 1 month 3.75 bottles
  • 1 month 95, 1.06/serving

Pill vs. Isotonix how much does it worth
  • According to The Physician's Desk Reference
    (???? ), Page 1542
  • the maximum absorption of nutrients one can
    expect from oral supplementation with pills and
    tablets is 20 to 25.
  • a liquid solution does not need to be
    dissolved, so approximately 98 of the elemental
    amount will be available for absorption

Calcium Plus vs. Jamieson vs. Biocalth
At least 10 different kinds and combinations
Calcium Plus vs. Jamieson vs. Biocalth
1 bottle contains all 10 bottles with different ingredients Pill, powder, chewable
carbonate, citrate, sulfate, lactate, phosphate Ma, Mg, B, C, D3, Bo, K carbonate or citrate or coral. Some with D, some Mg, some Zine calcium L-Threonate
375mg elemental 333mg 650mg elemental 300mg of elemental out of 2325mg
90 servings of Isotonix 100 - 120 caplets 90 caplets
20 ( cost 17) 8 BV Buy 6 and save 5 From 9.99 tax 55 tax
How much does it worth?
3 X to 4 X
Facts about Calcium absorption
  • Active transport site first 6 inches of small
    intestine where most absorptions take place is
    Vitamin D dependent. Insoluble form of calcium
    such as carbonate is absorbed here. Max. abs.
  • Passive diffusion site end portion of small
    intestine, alkaline environment, absorption rate
    of calcium at these sites is 48 however only
    soluble forms of calcium such as lactate and
  • The colon plays a small part in the absorption of
    calcium and is absorption improved with the
    presence of certain probiotics.

A little more facts about Calcium
Men Women Calcium mg/day Pregnancy Lactation
4 to 8 years 800 -
9 to 13 years 1300 -
14 to 18 years 1300 1300
19 to 50 years 1000 1000
51 years 1200 -

Advance facts about Calcium
Form of Calcium of elemental To be taken
Carbonate 40 with meal
Citrate 21 anytime
Sulfate (as in tofu) ? anytime
Phosphate 38 anytime
Lactate 13 anytime

Coral, Tums, Rolaid, Antacid are all calcium carbonate

Final facts
  • Harvard examined 91,731 women over a
    12-year period and found
  • - who takes Ca supplements has less chance of
    forming kidney stones
  • - Calcium binds with oxalate (???), an acid
    found in food, in the
  • intestine and excreted in the stool. Oxalate
    is a major constituent
  • of stones, not calcium.
  • - drink plenty of water when taking Ca
  • - kidney stones are uncommon in women.
  • Sources Harvard Health Letter, June 1997, and
  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1997

Important absorption co-factors
  • Magnesium (?) is a key factor for bone strength.
    Sufficient amounts are required to ensure proper
    calcium absorption and utilization, thereby
    preventing calcium deposits (stones) in soft
    tissue. (Take extra Mg for better absorption.)
  • Vitamin D has been added to facilitate the
    adequate absorption of calcium at the vitamin D
    dependant active transport sites (first 6 of
    small intestine).
  • Bone Health 101 by Dr. Cathy Carlson-Rink

www.biolawsuit.com contains lead
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Omega III vs. Omega Protect 3-6-9
At least 7 different kinds.
Omega III vs. Omega 3-6-9
Vitamin E, fish oil flax oil 400mg, borage (flower) oil 400mg, fish oil 400mg, Omega 6 207mg, Omega 9 173mg
Deep sea fish, medium size fish Halibut (big fish)
15 IU of natural vitamin E EPA 450mg DHA 300mg EPA 18 72mg DHA 12 48mg O-6 cooking oil, O-9 nuts oil (201 vs. 11)
2 capsules for 1500mg 120 capsules/bottle 2 months supply To provide RDA of 1500mg, need12.5 capsules daily (80 capsules per bottle)
51 (cost 45) 35 BV Buy 10 and save 21 19 tax (Need 10 bottles for 2 months supply)
Omega III vs. Omega 3
Vitamin E, fish oil fish oil 1000mg
Deep sea, medium size fish sardine, mackerel anchovy
15 IU of natural vitamin E EPA 450mg DHA 300mg EPA 300mg DHA 200mg
2 capsules for 1500mg 120 capsules for 2 months supply To provide RDA of 1500mg, need 3 capsules a day. (150 capsules per bottle)
51 (cost 45) 35 BV Buy 10 and save 21 19 - 23 tax Need 2 bottles for 2 months supply
And you think eating fish 2 x/week is enough
Omega-3 Content of Fish and Shellfish (Amounts are in grams per 100g portion) Omega-3 Content of Fish and Shellfish (Amounts are in grams per 100g portion)
Salmon, Atlantic, farmed, cooked, dry heat 1.8
Anchovy, European, canned in oil, drained 1.7
Sardine, Pacific, canned in tomato sauce, drained solid with bone 1.4
Herring, Atlantic, pickled 1.2
Mackerel, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat 1.0
Trout, rainbow, farmed, cooked, dry heat 1.0
Swordfish, cooked, dry heat 0.7
Tuna, white, canned in water, drained solids 0.7
Pollock, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat 0.5
Flatfish (flounder and sole species), cooked, dry heat 0.4
Halibut, Atlantic and Pacific, cooked, dry heat 0.4
Haddock, cooked, dry heat 0.2
Cod, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat 0.1
Mussel, blue, cooked, moist heat 0.7
Oyster, Eastern, wild, cooked, dry heat 0.5
Scallop, mixed species, cooked, dry heat 0.3
Clam, mixed species, cooked, moist heat 0.2
Shrimp, mixed species, cooked, moist heat 0.3
Source USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Source USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Everyone needs Omega 3 Supplement!
Benefits of Omega III
  • May improve -
  • heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, prostate
    cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, arthritis,
    schizophrenia (????), bipolar disorder,
    depression, anxiety, attention deficit,
    borderline personality disorder, Raynaud's
    phenomenon (??????), diabetes,
    hypertriglyceridemia (??????), asthma,
    hyperlipidemia (???), lupus (??), hair loss,
    IgA nephropathy (??), kidney stones, chronic
    fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis (????),
    dyslexia (???), eye diseases, hypertension,
    Alzheimer's disease, cognitive impairment, dry
    eye syndrome and dementia (??).

FAQ Do you know the different between fish
oil and fish liver oil?
Might-a-Min vs. other brands
By Bianca Chau
Ingredients Comparison
Brand No. of Vitamin Vitamins from Natural Source No. of Minerals Minerals from Natural Source Phyto-nutrients Probiotic
Centrum Junior Complete 12 0 5 (incl. Iron) 0
Jamieson (Arthur Caillou) 12 11 4 4 ?
Life 10 0 4 (incl. Iron) 0
Might-a-Mins 12 12 10 (no Iron) 10
Minerals Difference in Might-a-Mins
Chromium (?) aids mal-absorption problems. Aids growth. Magnesium (?) catalyst in enzyme activity assists in calcium, vitamin C and potassium uptake. Manganese (?) works with B-complex. Potassium (?) regulates transfer of nutrients through cell membranes. Silicon (?) for calcium absorption in bone formation. Selenium (?) a vital antioxidant, cancer prevention. Zinc (?) increases absorption of vitamin A
Phytonutrients (????? )
  • 15 fruits vegetables blend
  • Benefits
  • promote immune
  • fight bacteria and viruses
  • reduce inflammation
  • treatment and prevention of cancer,
    cardiovascular disease

Probiotics (??? )
  • Means for life
  • Benefits
  • Enhance immune
  • Help create pH balance
  • Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria
  • Improve digestion of food and absorption of
  • Help synthesize vitamins Biotin and K

I Choose Might-a-Mins
  • Isotonix
  • Natural vitamins minerals
  • Phytonutrients
  • Probiotics

Price Comparison

Brand Price Price/serving
Centrum Complete 9.49 tax 0.15
Jamieson (Arthur / Caillou) 7.99 tax 0.13
Life 6.29 tax 0.10
Might-A-Mins Buy 6 and save 7 28 12 BV (cost 23) 0.31
This price comparison doesnt take into
account for synthetic ingredients, absorption
rate of vitamins, easiness of swallow great
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine
A total of 15 different kinds
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine
Glucosamine sulfate and Glucosamine HCL Glucosamine sulfate or Glucosamine HCL
Oleanolic Acid (? ? ? ?) Chondroitin
Scutellaria (??) MSM
Boswellia Acid (??) Carnauba wax (???) !! (as in car/furniture polish, coating, lubricant)
60 servings, 120 caplets 60 360 caplets
46 (cost 40) 24 BV Buy 10 save 20 15 - 45 tax I tried the 45 one, it didnt work!!
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine Complex
Glucosamine sulfate 166mg Glucosamine HCL 167mg Glucosamine sulfate 150mg Glucosamine HCL 150 mg
Oleanolic Acid 75mg Hyal-Joint - 10mg
Scutellaria 75mg Root Bromelain - 5.2mg
Boswellia Acid 100mg Boswellia Acid - 36mg
may risk of stomach bleeding Devils Claw Extract - 15mg
may interact with various drugs may cause nausea, upset stomach tinnitus (??). - excerpt from its product monograph White Willow Bark - 80mg Warning for diabetics, main component derived from sugar molecule (glucose)
120 caplets 2 per day 2 months supply 60 caplets 4/day for 1st 3mo, 2/day after 15 days supply
46 (cost 40) 24 BV Buy 10 save 20 22 tax Need 6 bottles for 1st three months
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine
Glucosamine HCl Comparative Attribute Glucosamine Sulfate
99 purity 80
83.1 bio-active 62.8
1,500 mg equivalent dosage 1,995 mg
Source http//www.cfpc.ca/cfp/2004/Jul/vol50-j
ul-letters-3.asp Dr. Alan L. Russell, MD
Brampton, ON
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine
  • but you should avoid glucosamine sulfate with
    NaCL, NAG or KCl or if the ingredients list says
    potassium or salt after the sulfate). molecules
    that can be up to 30 of the product's
    weightactually getting 30 of your dose as
    ordinary table salt

Source http//www.glucosamine-arthritis.org/gluco
Glucosatrin vs. Glucosamine
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) - Glucosamine sulfate
    already has sulfate in it and with MSM (34
    sulfate) maybe taking in too much sulfate.
  • Chondroitin - are composed of large molecules
    that are extremely difficult to absorb. The
    absorption rate for chondroitin is estimated to
    be between 0 and 8 .

Source Our very own Dr. Steven Lui, Markham ON
Mineral Blast vs. Mega Vim Level 1-4
Mega Vim or buy mineral individually - from 6.99
- 9.99
Mineral Blast vs. Mega Vim Level 1-4
77 minerals 13 vitamins (mostly Bs) 12 minerals 12 nutrients
Isotonix 98 Pill 25
7 major minerals, 70 trace minerals carnauba wax yellow 120
Child safe cap None
30 serving, 1 every other day 60 caplets, 1 per day
28 (cost 21) 12 BV Buy 12 bottles and save 12 17 tax (34 for of minerals) (68 for absorption)
Benefits of minerals?
  • Calcium bone, muscle contraction
  • Sodium cell life, waste removal
  • Potassium nerve, cell life, BP, muscle
  • Magnesium nerve, muscle, calcium absorption,
    enzyme co-factor
  • Phosphorus bone, cell energy
  • Chorine digestion, BP
  • Sulfur bone ligament, protein synthesis,
  • Copper immune, artery strength
  • Chromium insulin, immune, glucose tolerance
  • Iron blood, immune
  • Selenium immune, fight free radicals, activate
    Vitamin E
  • Nickel immune, brain development, DNA synthesis

Benefits of minerals?
  • Iodine thyroid
  • Vanadium circulation, sugar metabolism
  • Molybdenum enzyme action
  • Silicon enzyme action, connective tissue
  • Tin enzyme action
  • Manganese enzyme action
  • Fluoride teeth
  • Zinc anti-oxidant, co-factor for 80 metabolic
    enzymes, wound healing, fat metabolism, semen
    production, tissue repair.
  • Boron bones, muscles, brain function,
    metabolize Ca, Ph, Mg
  • Cobalt glucose transport, building red blood

What does mineral deficiency mean?
  • It means some of the above jobs will not get
  • Without minerals, vitamins have little or no
  • Without minerals, thousands of enzymatic
    reactions dont get triggered.
  • The results is premature aging and cell
  • Source
  • Dr. Larry Berger PhD, Dr. Parris Kidd PhD -
    Total Health vol.19 no.1 p.41

Digestive enzymes vs. Jamieson
7 different enzymes probiotics 6 different enzymes
Lactobacillus sporogenes No probiotic
Isotonix 98 Pill 25
90 servings, 0.37 per serving 90 caplets, 3 per serving
34 (28) 15 BV - buy 6 save 8 11 tax for 6 enzymes
Free probiotics 15 tax for extra probiotics
Benefits of Digestive enzymes Probiotics
  • Enzymes digest proteins, carbs,
    sugar, milk, fats and fibers.
  • Essential for proper elimination.
  • Acts as cleaners of toxins in joints and
  • Helps calcium assimilation.
  • Fights yeast infection and allergy.
  • Promotes enzymatic activities in body.
  • Probiotics promote healthy intestinal
  • Cooking over 118º kills all enzymes in food.

Start recommending the Foundation
  • Family
  • OPC-3
  • Mineral Blast
  • Omega III
  • Digestive Enzyme
  • Calcium
  • Might-a-Min
  • May benefit
  • Rid all free radicals
  • Cells, muscles, nerves, tissues....
  • Heart, blood, cancer,
  • Digest, absorb, cleanse.
  • Bone, teeth, blood clot/pressure
  • Overall immune
  • One family total 362 206 BV
  • 10 families 2006 BV per month

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