Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips


Sunstroke/Heat Stroke is the most serious form of Heat Injury and is considered a medical emergency. Know all Information regarding Sun Stroke, Symptoms, Sun Stroke Causes, Sun Stroke Treatment at Home – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Home Remedies, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips

Home Remedies For Sunstroke
The human body has a unique mechanism to regulate
body temperature. But when this process gets
disturbed, there occurs an imbalance that might
appear in the form of sunstroke.  Sunstroke also
called as heat stroke is an acute,
life-threatening emergency characterized
clinically by elevated body temperature and
central nervous system dysfunction. This
condition is fatal or causes damage to the brain
and other internal organs. Although heat stroke
predominantly affects people over age 50, it also
takes a toll on healthy young athletes. This
most serious form of heat injury can occur if
your body temperature rises to 104? (40?) or
higher. These issues are most common in the
summer season. Due to global warming, more heat
waves will occur in previously cooler regions.
Therefore, it is very important to create
awareness about this burning issue. Heatstroke
requires emergency treatment. Untreated
heatstroke leaves chances for damage to your
brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles. If the
primary care is neglected, the damage worsens and
increasing your risk of serious complications or
  • What are the Causes of SunStroke(heat stroke)?
  • Exposure to a hot environment. Being in a hot
    environment causes a rise in core body
    temperature. Prolonged exposure to hot and humid
    weather leads to heat stroke. It affects older
    individuals more often and people with chronic
  • 2. Intense physical activity in hot weather 
  • Any strenuous activity in extremely
    hot weather causes heat stroke. Working in hot
    weather for a long stretch can also cause
  • 3. Wearing excess clothing 
  • Wearing too many clothes prevents the sweat from
    evaporating easily and cooling your body
  • 4. Drinking alcohol can affect the bodys ability
    to regulate your temperature
  • 5. Fluid insufficiency Due to less intake of
    water, the body becomes dehydrated through
  • 6. Sensitive skin
  • People with sensitive skin or any skin disease
    are prone to heat stroke.

  • What are the Symptoms Of SunStroke(heat stroke)
  • High body temperature - A core body temperature
    more than 104? or higher, obtained with a rectal
    thermometer, is the main sign of sunstroke.
  • Altered mental state or behavior. 
  • Confused behavior, agitation, slurred speech,
    irritability, delirium, seizures, and coma can
    all result from heatstroke.
  • Profound sweating 
  • Nausea and vomiting. 
  • Flushed skin - Your skin may turn red due to an
    increase in body temperature.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Palpitation     
  • Throbbing Headache.

7 Home Remedies For Sun Stroke (Heat Stroke)
Prevention And Diet Plan
  • Juice of Coriander and Mint Leaves
  • Drinking the juice extracted out
    of coriander and mint leaves by adding a pinch of
    honey to it can magically bring down the body
  • As per Ayurveda, these herbs
    exhibit a cooling effect on the body. Due to its
    cooling properties, coriander juice can also be
    applied for soothing hot itchy skin. 
  • Dry seeds of coriander can also
    be used to boil water. The water once cooled can
    be consumed naturally. 
  • 2.  Sandalwood Paste
  • Mix the sandalwood powder with water, make a
    paste out of it and apply over the forehead and
    chest. Due to its cooling properties, it brings
    down the body temperature. 
  • Alternatively, massage with sandalwood oil on
    your forehead can soothe the irritable skin and
    lowers irritability due to heat. 

3.  Indian Sarsaparilla drink 
Sarsaparilla is wonder drug which helps to reduce
the heat in the body and maintaining it cool.
This is widely used in Ayurveda medicines to
treat skin diseases.  The
sarsaparilla syrup should be mixed with drinking
water and should be consumed regularly. Gradually
the increased heat inside the body will be
controlled. 4.  Tender Coconut water
Drink tender coconut water daily. This is a
great way to refresh and revitalize the body. The
water is rich in electrolytes, minerals, and
vitamins which helps in rehydration from heat
stress.  5.  Peppercorns with coconut milk
Prepare a paste of ground black peppercorns
with some coconut milk. Apply this mixture on the
body.  This is an effective remedy for treating
sunstroke. They have the property to cool the
body thereby providing relief from the
Recommended Diet for Sunstroke (Heat Stroke)
To a certain extent
maintain the diet can prevent major consequences
of thermal stroke.  It is very essential to
include fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices in
the regular diet to avoid heat-related
disturbances in the body. This helps to prevent
dehydration, which is an important issue which
occurs with heat illness.  Fruits like Oranges,
watermelons, grapefruits, lemons, etc. are very
helpful in this condition. Drink plenty of water
especially before going out in the sun. This
helps to prevent weakness and it could replenish
the level of water in the body. 
Apart from that onions, mint,
cucumber, and yogurt should be positively
included in the diet to prevent heat stroke. 
This gives a cooling effect to the body and also
improves the overall health. Consume a
protein-rich diet. Include nuts, beans, pulses,
and olive oil in the daily intake.
  • Restricted Diet for Heat Stroke
  • Avoid consumption of excess salt which might
    adversely affect the functioning of normal sweat
    production. Salt is rich in sodium, so excess
    consumption of sodium hampers the regular
    production of sweat in the body which increases
    the risk for heat stroke.
  • Consumption of alcohol should be minimalized as
    it is known to increase heat in the body. 

These are the Home Remedies for Sunstroke (Heat
Stroke) Can Cure Naturally at Home
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