How is Hypertension Related to Kidney Disease? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How is Hypertension Related to Kidney Disease?


We are trying to explain how high blood pressure, also called hypertension, can lead the kidney disease. Also learn the high blood pressure causes, symptoms, and treatment of Ayurveda in hypertension. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How is Hypertension Related to Kidney Disease?

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Is High Blood Pressure Related to Kidney Disease
Do you ever feel burnt out in your life? This can
result from unrelenting stress that can be
triggered by various environmental and biological
stresses that can spike the blood pressure level
of your body. Keeping in touch with your blood
pressure level is very important because
uncontrolled blood pressure levels can enhance
all causes of your mortality by doubling your
risk of having various health issues. Blood is
considered a life-giving fluid that flows freely
around your body to transfer essential nutrients
and oxygen to every cell, tissue, and organ of
your body for various functions that are
undeniably important to keep your body healthy
and functioning. Researchers have found that
after diabetes, high blood pressure is the second
leading cause of kidney dysfunctions. People with
high blood pressure are at higher risk of
developing kidney-related conditions at some
point in their life.
Source How is Hypertension Related to Kidney
If youre reading this, then please read it till
the end because this article can save your life.
This article holds some relevant information
about hypertension, its symptoms, causes, and how
badly it can affect your kidneys. We will also
talk about the solutions thats why were
here! The solution lies somewhere in nature, for
a hint- its Ayurveda. Know how kidney disease
treatment in Ayurveda can lessen your threat of
having kidney failure.
Source How is Hypertension Related to Kidney
What does my blood pressure say about my health?
Blood pressure is how much your blood flows
against the blood tubules that transfer
oxygen-carrying red blood cells throughout your
body. The only way to determine your blood
pressure level is to get your blood pressure
tested. This will tell you the inside-out of your
health so that you can eliminate the budding
threat with the right medication.
Types of hypertension ( high blood pressure )
Hypertension is categorized into two main types
Primary and secondary.
1. Primary hypertension
Primary hypertension is a very common type of
high blood pressure that develops with time as
you get older.
2. Secondary hypertension
People with secondary high blood pressure develop
this condition due to regular consumption of
medicines. It usually gets better when you stop
consuming the medicines that trigger it.
What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?
Hypertension is a cumulative health condition
that progresses with time. A person with high
blood pressure level will feel some common
symptoms at an advanced stage, including-
  • Chest pain
  • Nosebleed
  • Severe episodes of headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Bloody urine
  • Pounding in your neck, ears, and chest
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Fatigue or confusion

In severe conditions, people also experience-
  • facial flushing
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Nervousness
  • Sweating

Its advised not to make these symptoms your call
for action because symptoms can only get visible
when the problem gets severe with time.
Uncontrolled blood pressure levels can damage
your primary organs, especially your kidneys,
resulting in a permanent loss of kidney
What is kidney failure?
Kidney failure is not a one-night show it
happens gradually with time. A person with
compromised kidney function might not feel any
complications or symptoms of kidney failure
initially, which makes the disease more lethal
than other health complications. Kidney failure
strikes like a silent enemy it silently invades
the territories of your kidneys and causes severe
damage with time.
How can high blood pressure affect your kidneys?
The human body is a good machine where your
kidneys are one of the primary biological systems
working round the clock without any gap. Your
kidneys filter 200 liters of blood from chemical
toxins and pollutants needed to be flushed out
from the body in time. Your renal functions and
circulatory system have got each others back for
keeping you in good health.
Your kidneys filter excessive substances out from
your body utilizing blood vessels for completing
this process. When blood tubules are damaged, the
nephrons inside the kidneys dont get sufficient
nutrients and oxygen supply and stop
functioning. High blood pressure happens when a
high volume of blood is flown through the blood
pressure with speed, causing damage to the
arteries around your kidneys.
What causes high blood pressure?
When you exceed the limit of salt 2,300 mg in a
day, then your blood pressure levels are impacted
and you are facing health problems. Also,
researchers have found that sedentary people for
too long with poor diet get obese with time, and
carrying excess weight can cause severe health
problems, where kidney-related problems are off
the charts.
Other conditions that can promote hypertension (
high blood pressure), including-
  • Smoking
  • Older age
  • Having a family history of high blood pressure
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Too much salt in the diet
  • Sleep apnea
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Lack of physical activity

Who is more likely to have hypertension?
  • Smokers
  • Pregnant women
  • People with a lack of physical exercise
  • People who do alcohol abuse
  • Women who consume birth control pills
  • People who eat processed or canned foods with too
    much salt

What is the permanent cure for kidney failure?
Yup, you can anchor down your high blood pressure
problem by making temporary modifications in your
lifestyle and dietary habits, such as exercise
and healthy eating. Heres a brief instruction on
how you can do it.
Consistently follow a regular exercise routine
Do cardiovascular exercises, such as brisk
walking, running, cycling, and swimming.
Strenuous physical activities will make your
heart stronger that will help your heart to pump
more blood with less effort. This will lower the
force on your blood vessels, lowering your risk
of high blood pressure problems.
Source How is Hypertension Related to Kidney
Eat healthy diet
Avoid processed or canned foods that contain too
much salt. Always try to eat less than 2,300 mg
of salt in your meals. If urges awake, try onion
and garlic as a substitute for salt. If youre
already battling this problem, then try kidney
disease treatment in Ayurveda for the genuine
revival of your kidneys functioning. Ayurvedic
treatment is based on a belief in curing health
complications naturally with the administration
of several herbs, a good diet, and exercise.
Ayurvedic treatment has been gaining traction for
the past few decades people shifted their focus
from lab-prepared medicines that only work on the
symptoms of the problem.
Source How is Hypertension Related to Kidney
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is one of the oldest Indian systems of
medicine that has deep mythological roots and was
proposed by Indian rishis and sages in India. The
ultimate goal of Ayurveda is to prevent the
progression of the disease by making the body
strong and responsive against diseases that can
go bad to worse in no time. Ayurveda treatment
for hypertension works beyond the physiological
aspects of the problem. The herbs primarily work
to align life forces ( doshas) that get disrupted
and cause high blood pressure problems.
Source How is Hypertension Related to Kidney
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