Title: One-stop ADC Development Service
1One-stop ADC Development Service
2Monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapies against
cancer and other infectious diseases are highly
advantageous comparing to conventional
therapeutic approaches due to their high
specificity and affinity towards well-defined
targets. Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) inherit
such superiorities and more remarkably, expand
the therapeutic window of the conjugated drugs
(payloads), which are usually highly toxic and
diverse in their biochemical nature.
3ADC mode of action. ADC molecules travel to the
tumor site via systematic circulation, bind to
tumor surface antigens, and enter the tumor cells
via receptor mediated endocytosis
(internalization). The payload is released in the
cytosol or lysosome to eliminate the cancer cell
by disrupting important cellular pathways
(microtubule assembly, DNA transcription, mRNA
43 Components of ADC
A flow chart summarizing the design of an ADC.
Correlations between different components in an
ADC intertwine, making the ADC design a
challenging yet interesting process.
6At the starting point of an ADC development
project, we offer antibody screening services
including the consultation in antigen selection,
antigen-specific antibody screening,
internalizing antibody selection, as well as
proof-of-concept feasibility validation using
Anti-Ab ADCs. After ADC assembly, its
biochemical characteristics (purity, stability,
drug-to-antibody ratio) and in vitro efficacy is
adequately analyzed in ADC in vitro Analysis
while the ADCs pre-clinical pharmacological
parameters will be assayed in ADC in vivo
Analysis before clinical evaluation and
ADC Services
7Contact Us
45-1 Ramsey Road, Shirley, NY 11967, USA Tel
1-631-619-7922 Fax 1-631-207-8356 Email
8Thank you!