Title: Hawaii Tax Refund Service
2Taxes in Hawaii
Taxes are a must for every taxable individual or
corporate. As the saying goes there is nothing
certain except death and taxes.
Understanding, calculating and filing taxes in
Hawaii is a tedious and complicated process for
most people.
Instead of copping with pressure and hassles of
tax calculations and filing, it would be more
prudent to hire an authorized tax agent in Hawaii.
3Types of Taxes in Hawaii
There are various types of Taxes in Hawaii
- E.g.
- Hawaii Income Tax
- Excise Duty Tax
- Transportation Tax
- Other Taxes
4Hawaii Income Tax
Hawaii income tax is one of the major levies
imposed. According to the state of Hawaii,
department of taxation income tax is deducted
from the taxable income.
- These are imposed on
- Residents and Non Residents
- Partnership business
- Companies
- Real Estate Mortgages.
5Excise Duty Tax
The excise duty taxes are imposed on companies.
Excise duty is a business privilege tax which is
calculated with respect to the gross sales.
6Taxes on Accommodation Transportation
The transient accommodation tax on the other hand
is charged when furnishing a room, apartment of
villa for a visitor staying for less 180
consecutive days.
Hawaii State taxes rental motor vehicles and also
imposes levies such as tour vehicles surcharge.
7Other Taxes
Hawaii has other taxes that are imposed on
- Bank and Financial Bodies
- Cigarette and Tobacco and Liquor
- Conveyance
- Estate Transfer
- Fuel
- public service corporations and withholding tax
for estate for non residents.
8Using Consultants to Prepare and Plan for Taxes
Hawaii taxes follow a definitive schedule for the
dates that returns must be filed.
For example, for income tax, it is the 20th day
of 4th month after the end of taxable year.
The taxes also differ in percentages, marital
status, age and other conditions defined by
taxation laws.
9Get Assistance in Reducing Deductions Through
Hawaii Tax Refund
Hawaii tax refunds are the amount given at end of
financial year.
It represents excess money paid as income tax or
the excess of the withholding tax as compared to
tax liability of the company.
10Our Partnerships
11Contact US
Pacific Accounting Business Services
810 Richards Street, Suite 305 Honolulu, Hawaii
808.927.3316 831.689.9254
12Pacific Accounting Business Services