Title: Federal Offset of Local Debt
1Federal Offset of Local Debt
- Make it work!
- (It will be worth your while!)
- Frank OLeary
- Treasurer
- Arlington County, Virginia
2The Basics of Debt OffsetDIDO
Data In
Dollars Out!
3The History of Federal Offset
- Created in the 1980s to allow states to submit
unpaid child support debt to offset the Federal
tax refunds of the deadbeat dads. - Expanded to include debt owed to the Federal
government (such as delinquent HUD loans). - In 2000, states were allowed to submit delinquent
tax debt. - The Future?????
4Participating States in the Federal Debt Offset
Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Connecticut Co
lorado Delaware Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indi
ana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mi
nnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New
Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina
North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rho
de Island South Carolina Utah Vermont Virginia Wes
t Virginia Wisconsin Washington, DC
5The Objective
- To allow states participating
- in the Federal Program
- to submit delinquent taxes
- owed to localities
- within the State.
6Status of Current Legislation
- HR 3060 was introduced on June 25, 2009 again by
Congressman Moran and others of both parties to
be referred to the House Ways and Means
Committee. - Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY) has verbally
expressed his support.
7The Process
Data In
Financial Management Services (FMS) Debt
Management Services (DMS)
Dollars Out
8Fees to be Paid by Debtor
- In the event of a hit at the State level, the
State receives a fee of 20 (in Virginia). - In the event of a hit at the Federal level, the
US Department of Treasury and the State each
receive 25. - In the event that the debt should prove to be
unfounded, the locality must pay the US
Department of Treasury the 25 fee.
9A Sticky Wicket?
- In order for a locality to participate in the
federal program - 1) its state must already be a participant in
the federal program. - 2) the state must have an intra-state program
in operation. - US Treasury and IRS refuse to try to directly
work with thousands of localities.
10Participating States in Federal Offset With an
Intra- State Offset Program
Arkansas Arizona California Connecticut Iowa India
na Kansas Maryland Maine Massachusetts
Mississippi Montana North Carolina New
Jersey Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia West
Virginia Wisconsin Washington, DC
Note South Dakota offers a State Offset
Program, but does not participate in the Federal
Offset Program.
11To Help Pass HR 3060
- Please
- Send me an email at foleary_at_arlingtonva.us, so
that I can add you to our national network and
keep you informed. - Work with your state department of taxation to
lay the groundwork (if it does not already
exist). - Lobby your respective Congressman and US Senators.
12Why bother?
- Together we can make this happen and realize
additional annual tax revenues of - 2 - 3 Billion Dollars!
13(No Transcript)