Title: International Community Ergonomics Principles:
1International Community Ergonomics
Principles Promoting Corporate Responsibility in
Developing Countries
Maria Julia Brunette University of
Wisconsin-Madison Industrial Engineering
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4Workers in Industrially Developing Countries
About two-thirds of human beings live in the
Third World. This is where poverty and inequality
are relatively more common. This is where much
work is still degrading and far from being
humane. This is where ergonomics has yet to make
its presence felt in practice
(Shahnavaz, 1996)
5Industrially Developing Countries (IDCs)
IDCs ?
North/South ?
First/Third World?
- Low wages
- Long working hours
- Intense work
- Poor workplace safety and hygiene
(International Labor Organization, 1998)
6Developing countries
Most of the countries in Africa, Latin America
and the Middle East
8Corporate Social Responsibility
- Irresponsible MNCs practices have resulted in
- Environmental Impacts
- Extensive waste and degradation of natural
resources (tropical forests, marine coastal
resources, freshwater resources) - Global climate the ozone layer
- Social Impacts
- Unacceptable and degrading working conditions
- Threats to livelihoods and cultures
- Community residents affected by pollution and
waste - Consumers health and nutrition levels
(Utting, 1999)
(Utting, 1999)
9Corporate Social Responsibility
MNCs can be good citizens assuming
responsibility for the huge and growing social
environmental impact of their operations
- CSR has been approached to
- WORKING CONDITIONS (less emphasis)
(Lloyd Salter, 1999)
10Working Conditions
- Working Conditions
- Working conditions are factors determining the
situation in which the worker lives - Wages and benefits
- Working time
- Certain work organization aspects
- Welfare services
- Physical environment
- Occupational safety health
- Discrimination-related issues
(Clerc, 1985)
11Working Conditions
Not only do bad working conditions cause
occupational accidents and diseases they are
also the source of tension, fatigue and
dissatisfaction leading to poor health, high
absenteeism, rapid labor turnover and mediocre
12Conditions of Work in Latin America Todays
- Wages
- Working time
- Occupational Safety Health
- Freedom of Association Collective Bargaining
- Child labor
- Weak government regulations among Latin American
countries do not protect workers from
inadmissible working conditions
13International Community Ergonomic
Principles (Derjani-Bayeh and Smith, 2000)
- Principles focus on a goal of
- Social responsibility
- Fairness
- Social justice
14International Community Ergonomic
Principles (Derjani-Bayeh and Smith, 2000)
- The FIT principle
- The BALANCE principle
- The SHARING principle
- The RECIPROCITY principle
- The SELF-REGULATION principle
- The SOCIAL-TRACKING principle
- The HUMAN RIGHTS principle
- The PARTNERSHIP principle