Title: Cornelius Dufft
1User-Centered Design Wie "Ease of Use" den
Erfolg im e-business sichert
- Cornelius Dufft
- IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH Böblingen
- Media Design Center Dresden, 11. Oktober 1999
- ... ist die Nutzung von Internet-Technologien um
die Leistungen in den Kernkompetenzen eines
Unternehmens zu verbessern und zu
transfomieren. - 4 Schritte zum e-business
- Unternehmensprozesse transformieren
- Neue Anwendungen erstellen
- Produzieren im skalierbaren, verfügbaren,
sicheren Umfeld - Wissen und Information nutzen
3- Verfügbarkeit weltweite Verbreitung des
Internets-gtKundenerwartungen bezüglich Support
und Antwort-zeiten sind für immer verändert. Sie
erwarten den 24h-Service. - Im e-business nimmt der Kunde den Weg des
gerings-ten Widerstandes. - (Oft) einzige Kontaktfläche ist
(Internet)-Anwendung. - ... und Bedienbarkeit wird neben Verfügbarkeit
und Sicherheit das Qualitätskriterium, über das
man spricht.
4- "Natürliche Auslese" durch die Kunden
- Der einfachste Weg ist für den Kunden der beste.
- Andernfalls ist das erste Mal oft auch das letzte
Mal. - Usability entscheidet
- Ease of use Usability, Einfachheit, und
Akzeptanz - Ease of use als Wettbewerbsfaktor
5- Ease of use - der versteckte Freund
- Ease of use - unsichtbar
- Kein ease of use - eine Katastrophe
- Der Wettbewerber - nur einen Mausklick entfernt
- Ansprüche steigen, schaffen neue Realitäten
- Wer kann es sich leisten, Kunden zu verärgern?
- Ease of Use
- Qualitätsmerkmal eines Markenproduktes
- Erfolgsfaktor eines Unternehmens
6IBM's Erfahrungen
- Gartner Report
- The 770 has it in spades,
especially when it comes - to usability ...
- Business Week
- The ThinkPad 770 and the Tecra 750 are both very
impressive machines, but the IBM wins my vote for
a huge display and excellent ergonomics. The
ThinkPad 600 features what may be the best
keyboard I have ever seen in a laptop. - PC Computing
- You've come to expect these kinds of top-drawer
technologies in a ThinkPad, but usability is
where this machine truly shines. - Feather weight and First Rate usability. If
you've got a say in the matter, get the IBM
ThinkPad 600. ...the ThinkPad's 600 usability
suffers no peer.
7- Was ist User-Centered Design?
"An approach to designing ease of use into the
total user experience with products and systems.
It involves two fundamental elements -
multidisciplinary teamwork and a set of
specialized methods of acquiring user input and
converting it into design."
Vredenburg, Isensee, and Righi (1999), Making
Products Easy A Practical Guide to User-Centered
Design Techniques and Technologies.
8The total user experience
- Marketing
- Establish expectations for usability,
integration, task support, value, availability
9The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Stress ease of use of all product materials,
thoughtful placement of offering elements in an
easy-to-handle package
10The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Getting started
- Communicate quick and easy startup, ability to
become productive quickly
11The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Getting started
- User interface
- Demonstrate consistency,ease of getting started,
ease of use, task support
12The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Getting started
- User interface
- User assistance
- Imply manageability, consistency, ease of
learning, ease of use
13The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Getting started
- User interface
- User assistance
- Technology
- Stress task support, innovation, elegance,
14The total user experience
- Marketing
- Packaging
- Getting started
- User interface
- User assistance
- Technology
- Service and support
- Make users feel they are never on their own
15Vergleich der Ansätze
User-Centered Design
Technology driven
User driven
Limited multidisciplinary cooperation
Multidisciplinary teamwork
Component focus
Solutions focus
Focus on internals architecture
Focus on externals design
No specialization in user experience design
Specialization in user experience design
Some competitive focus
Focus on competition
Coding prior to user validation
Coding only user-validated designs
Code defect view of quality
User view of quality
Limited focus on user measurement
Prime focus on measurement
Focus on current customers
Focus on current and future customers
16UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- Assess competitiveness
- Design the total user experience
- Evaluate designs
- Manage by continual user observation
17UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Determining the target market, intended users,
and primary competition is central to all design
and user participation
18UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- A commitment to understand and involve the
intended user is essential to the design process - If you want to understand your product, you must
first understand the user
19UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- Assess competitiveness
- Superior design requires ongoing awareness of the
competition and its customers - Once you understand your users' tasks, you must
test those same tasks against competitive
alternatives and compare their results with yours
20UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- Assess competitiveness
- Design the total user experience
- Everything a user sees and touches is designed
together by a multidisciplinary team - This includes the way a product is advertised,
ordered, bought, packaged, maintained, installed,
administered, documented, upgraded, and supported
21UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- Assess competitiveness
- Design the total user experience
- Evaluate designs
- User feedback is gathered early and often, using
instruments of widely ranging fidelity - This feedback drives product design and
22UCD Prinzipien
- Set business goals
- Understand users
- Assess competitiveness
- Design the total user experience
- Evaluate designs
- Manage by continual user observation
- Continue to monitor and listen to your users
- Let their feedback inform your responses to
market changes and competitive activity
23Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Has overall responsibility for the design of the
total user experience
24Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Specifies target market, user audience, prime
competitor, ease-of-use objectives, ease-of-use
marketing messages, channels, packaging, and
Terms and Conditions requirements
25Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Responsible for overall appearance, layout,
balance of offering, including consistent visual
signature of the advertising, packaging, and
product design
26Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- Designs the task flow and interaction, and
determines which tasks are done by the human vs.
the computer
27Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Specifies user assistance mechanisms
28Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Technology architect
- Specifies the technology to support the total
user experience
29Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Technology architect
- Service and support specialist
- Specify service and support that should be
delivered with the product
30Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Technology architect
- Service and support specialist
- User research specialist
- Responsible for the design, analysis, and
interpretation of studies, recommendations
31Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Technology architect
- Service and support specialist
- User research specialist
- Internationalization and terminology specialist
- Addresses needs of international audience
32Das UCD Team
- Total user experience leader
- Marketing specialist
- Visual/Industrial designer
- Human-computer interaction designer
- User assistance architect
- Technology architect
- Service and support specialist
- User research specialist
- Internationalization and terminology specialist
- UCD project leader
- Overall responsibility for deliverables
33 34- Markt-Segmentierung und Nutzergruppenanalyse
Who do we think will use this product?
Market Definition UCD begins with defining a
product's intended users. What is the target
What are they looking for?
Task Analysis
The team then determines what those users need
and want. They must make sure they understand
users' tasks and tools, any problems they're
experiencing, and how they'd like to see their
tasks and tools change in the future.
What else is out there?
Competitive Evaluation Next, an evaluation of
competitive alternatives is carried out from
the user's perspective.
How's this for starters?
Using this information, the team creates
alternative designs of the proposed solution.
How's this for starters?
... It then solicits feedback through design
walkthrough sessions with users, and changes
are made as required.
Does this work? What would make it better?
Regular sessions are scheduled with users to get
constant feedback on the evolving design. Early
sessions may involve "lo-fi" prototyping
techniques such as simple sketches.
Does this work? What would make it better?
... When an early version of the product is
first available, hands-on testing is carried
out using actual hardware and software.
41- Wettbewerbsvergleich im Feld
How do we stack up?
Benchmark Assessment
Finally, a head-to-head benchmark assessment
against the competition is run to confirm that
objectives have been met from the user's
perspective. To what degree does the product
meet users' expectations? If conducted by a
third-party company, positive results of such
an assessment may be used in promotions.
42- UCD Hilfsmittel Internet-Fragebogen etc.
43Weitere Informationen Ease of Use Web Page
- Ease of use - kritisch für Geschäftserfolg,
besonders im e-business - UCD - der Weg zum optimalen "total user
experience" - UCD - gesicherte Methodologie
- Prinzipien
- Prozess
- Teamstruktur
- Hilfsmittel
- UCD - ständige Verbesserung
45- Vielen Dank!
- Zeit für Fragen und Diskussion...
Cornelius Dufft dufft_at_de.ibm.com IBM Deutschland
Entwicklung GmbH http//www.de.ibm.com/entwicklung
/ http//www.de.ibm.com/entwicklung/jobs/