Title: Airbag Resources.com
1Airbag Resources.com
Lowering the Cost Of Crash Repairs New Airbag
Options for PC Carriers
- Inspection Training System for OEM Non Deployed
Airbags - Implementing the ARA Protocol
- The International Standard for Replacement
Airbag Modules - New Options for P C Insurers
2Replacement Airbag Market Challenges Solutions
- Replacement airbag market
- Special circumstances in replacement airbag
market - No aftermarket airbag option available
- Monopolistic conditions exist as a result
- Carriers captive to new dealer airbag prices
- Book value of vehicles decline w/ age, but prices
of new OEM airbags do not decline in sync w/ the
value of the vehicle (as a rule) - The older a vehicle is, the more likely new
dealer bought bags will total the vehicle - Carriers insuring older vehicles ( 5 yrs old)
most exposed
3Replacement Airbag Market Challenges Solutions
- Competition is required in airbag market to
moderate prices (as with any other) - Only alternative to new bags is non deployed OEM
airbags from vehicle recyclers - Carriers demanding compliance with written
Standards from all vendors, incl. aftermarket
parts suppliers, safety glass suppliers, wheels
etc - Airbags are the latest entry on the list of
safety related auto parts for which adoption of
written Standards precede mainstream use by PC
Carriers - Replacement safety glass well illustrates.
Windshield glass both a safety item and key part
of the airbag system. National standards adopted
in replacement glass industry paved the way for
non dealer installations and use of aftermarket
glass alternative parts.
4Replacement Airbag Market Challenges
Solutions contd..
- Recycling industry (through its national assoc
the ARA)) has developed the ARA Air bag Protocol
to meet carrier needs for Standards in the
replacement airbag market - ARA Protocol is now the international Standard
for the replacement airbag industry, governing - Training for technicians
- Technician testing and certification
- Standard work/consistent approach to operations
- Certificates of Inspection on EACH product
- Data retention trace ability
- Best practices at all times
- Costs
- No cost to carrier to participate in program
- Pricing varies with model always at an
attractive discount to dealer new pricing - Benefits
- Reduce Materials Costs
- Save totals
- Risk Management
- No auto part is risk free
- ARA Protocol ensures best practices always used
- Ensures equivalent performance to OEM new
- ARAPro bags are 100 OEM parts
- Rigorous data retention on each part inspected
- Liability exposure managed through
- Do No Harm record every step taken
- Database on each part
- Inspection records
- Each member carries product liability insurance
- Informed consent, always policy holder
explicitly authorizes carrier and shop to acquire
and install unit
6Protocol in practice Airbag Resources.com
- The Protocol is implemented through Airbag
Resources.com - Airbag Resources deploys specialized software
(following the Protocol rules) enabling
recyclers - extract,
- handle,
- inspect, check for recalls
- store
- ship
- OEM non deployed airbags in a controlled
systematic manner with information continuously
stored in a comprehensive database - Airbag modules complying with the Protocol
branded ARAPro
7Airbag Resources Goals
- Deliver a credible alternative to PC carriers
seeking solutions to totals caused in part by
high airbag prices - Collaborate with industry stakeholders ensuring
broad buy in - Deploy standard both nationally and
internationally - Boost competition and choice for carriers
purchasing replacement airbag modules
8Why develop Airbag Resources?
- Custom software turns the Airbag Protocol into a
daily tool used in operations - Consistent approach throughout the recycling
industry - Real time data collection and reporting
- Facilitates e-learning for techs
- Airbag training
- Training, testing, and certificates completed on
line - Safety
- Haz mat training, testing and certificates
completed on line - High quality work
- Part traceability
- Automatically screens parts for govt Recall
campaigns - Comprehensive database on all parts inspected
- Meets insurer expectations for Standards,
training, inspection data retention
9Using Airbag Resources Branding complying units,
- Airbag Resources is limited to members of the ARA
- Inspected airbag inventory to be marked ARAPro
in the comments notes fields in Pinnacle and
Hollander - ARAPro flows from inventory management systems
to estimating systems operated by Hollander and
Pinnacle, but, carriers have the option to
disable non approved components in their user
10Screen Shots Home Page
11Airbag Resources/Training of Techs
- Technicians must be trained and certified before
extracting, handling, inspecting or shipping
airbags - Tech take a test through Airbag Resources which
grades their performance. Once acceptable level
is reached employee is a Certified Airbag
Technician (CAT) - Non certified personnel not allowed to work with
12Airbag Resources/Training of Techs log on
13Airbag Resources/Training of Techs
14Airbag Resources/Training of Techs
15Airbag Resources/Training of Techs
16Airbag Resources/Training of Techs Success on
test leads to award of Certified Airbag
Technician (CAT) qualification for technician
17Airbag Resources/Training of Techs Haz Mat Regs
18Airbag Resources/Training of Techs Haz Mat
personalized certificate
19Inspection Software
- Airbag Evaluation Management System
- Ensures standard approach to every airbag
inspected - Guides techs on to look for
- Requires confirmation at every point that parts
meets requirements else cannot proceed - Data gathered and stored in real time
- AEMS generates a file on every airbag inspected
- Reports may be generated at any time
20Inspection Program log on CAT required to log
21Inspection Program Data Entry
22Inspection Program Data Entry
23Inspection Program Checklist
24Inspection Program Real Time Recall Check
Tech clicks this button for real time Recall
Check against federal (NHTSA) part recall database
25Certificate of Inspection when all steps
completed successfully
26Collaboration with Carriers
- Our Message to insurance carriers
- Reduce repair cost, while managing liability
- Liability managed using written Standards,
Training, Database, Inspection Reports,Certified
Technicians - Create choice, improve competition
- Offer options to consumers where none existed
before - ARAPro bags suit some cases, (not all), e.g.
- Borderline total out repairs
- New OEM parts not available from dealer
- Customer always approves (informed consent)