Anthropogenic Climate Change ACC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anthropogenic Climate Change ACC


Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) Adapted slightly from presentation by H. LeTreut to JSC ... JSC agreed to establish a task group under WGCM and WGNE to: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anthropogenic Climate Change ACC

Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC)
Adapted slightly from presentation by H. LeTreut
to JSC
Recommendation of JSC-28 concerning ACC
  • A better capacity of WCRP to assert its role in
    and influence on the IPCC assessments, and
    contribute to the SBSTA expertise
  • A more effective identification of the scientific
    priorities related to ACC issues, with a
    corresponding strategy and capability to address
    them within WCRP. The Learning from IPCC AR4
    Workshop was noted as an essential part of this
    identification process
  • A better definition of the interface with the
    other ESSP components concerning these ACC
  • Set-up of an ad-hoc group H. Le Treut, J.
    Church, G. Flato D. Griggs, V. Ramaswamy, A.
    Henderson-Sellers (ex officio),

Actions during the past year
  • The GCOS- WCRP-IGBP workshop Learning from the
    IPCC AR4 (October 2007)
  • Links with UNFCCC / Nairobi Work Programme /
    SBSTA. Strong emphasis on the delivery of
    relevant scientific information at the local or
    regional level.
  • - ESSP meeting at the past Bonn UNFCCC/SBSTA
  • - workshop at SBSTA-28 in June 2008 (Climate
    Scenarios, Modelling and Downscaling)
  • Links with IPCC (participation in the Aspen
    meeting on the Strategy for Climate Change
    Experiments, and the Amsterdam meeting of the
    definition of scenarios)

The role of the WCRP Support Group in Paris
  • 1 permanent person (Catherine Michaut)
    scientists (H. Le Treut, J. Jouzel, P. Braconnot,
    J.L. Dufresne, S. Planton)
  • Main role - help the core projects and the
    working groups in dealing with ACC issues. Two
    main aspects
  • Organization of dedicated workshops
  • Transmission of information (Web, leaflets, )
  • Starting up phase in 2007-2008
  • Initial meeting in Paris
  • Teleconferences
  • Proposal for an initial workshop

ACC Activities (Draft GF 20/June/07)
  • Quantitative projections of climate change, 21st
    century and beyond
  • Organize/facilitate international multi-model
  • WGCM core activity
  • Anything we need to do to facilitate access to
    model output?
  • Key improvements in climate models
  • Clouds and aerosols (ACC ACPN GEWEX )
  • Carbon cycle feedbacks (WGCM/AIMES collaboration)
  • Metrics
  • Forcing scenarios
  • must balance science needs with impacts/policy
  • Netherlands meeting (IPCC WG-3) WGCM contact
  • Serving the Impacts community
  • Regional Downscaling (what can be done now
    comparing methods facilitating new research )
    WGCM? New group?
  • Decadal Prediction (ocean initialization and
    other research areas WGCM, WGSIP, WGOMD, CliVar)
  • High Impact or Emerging Issues
  • Ice Sheets (mass balance acceleration of ice
    streams) CliC and PAGES?
  • Extreme events CliVar
  • Air quality coupled to climate change who does

  • Regional Downscaling in the WCRP
  • ACC group has identified regional downscaling as
    a topic in which WCRP should be more active and
  • The issue
  • As identified earlier, many users and
    decision-makers require climate change
    information (from seasons to decades to
    centuries) at spatial scales that reflect local
    and regional conditions. Global models typically
    do not provide this directly.

  • There are several approaches that can be taken to
    downscale from global to regional scale (as we
    know, climate predictions and projections must be
    done at global scale, because the systems
    response is fundamentally global).
  • using a regional climate model (RCM) often
    referred to as dynamical downscaling. Note that
    this involves a two-step process, driving RCM at
    its boundaries by results from a GCM.
  • making use of empirical relationships between
    large and smaller scales based on historical
    observations referred to as statistical
    downscaling. Note that this requires long-term
    and high-quality observations at the
    location/region in question.
  • using a stretched grid global model, with high
    resolution over the domain of interest and lower
    resolution elsewhere. Note that this poses
    challenges for physical parameterizations, flow
    distortion, etc., but avoids problems at
  • use global climate model to produce high
    resolution time slices. Note that this avoids
    boundary problems, but there may be issues with
    initial conditions, parameterizations, ocean
    boundary conditions, etc.

  • Downscaling is dealt with to some extent in
    various parts of WCRP, particularly in WGCM and
    WGNE, but there is not a strong focus, and has
    mainly dealt with RCMs.
  • Topic is not visible on WCRP web site or other
  • Sydney Workshop and others have identified
    regional climate change information as a large
    and growing demand by various users.
  • Not much guidance available on pros/cons of
    different methods not much quantification of
    relative merits or added value applicability
    at shorter time scales (seasonal to decadal).
  • There remain many scientific questions related to
    all of these methods (and there may be merit in
    combing, e.g., dynamical and statistical
    downscaling techniques).

  • JSC agreed to establish a task group under WGCM
    and WGNE to
  • Develop a synthesis document summarizing and
    updating existing information about different
    regional downscaling methods, their scientific
    basis, shortcomings, difficulties, etc., to serve
    as guidance for the climate change impacts
    assessment community. This would serve to
    disseminate the knowledge already amassed by the
    regional downscaling community and insure that
    full advantage is taken of this knowledge.
  • Develop a longer-term vision for WCRP activities
    in regional climate downscaling, or more
    generally, in methods of providing regional-scale
    climate change information. (following on from
    upcoming Modelling Summit).
  • iii. Establish a framework for the evaluation and
    intercomparison of regional downscaling methods
    (along the lines of AMIP and CMIP) to foster more
    critical analysis of these methods and more
    quantitative documentation of the uncertainties
    involved. This would be an ongoing activity aimed
    at promoting research and at informing users of
    regional climate information. The goal here would
    be to raise the profile of such activities and
    thereby make results more widely known.
  • RCM workshop in Toulouse in February could be
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