Title: AAMP report to SSG15
1AAMP report to SSG-15
- Contributions to WCRP cross cutting topics
- Contributions to CLIVAR science
- Cooperation with IGBP projects
- New activities
- Expected legacy at the end of CLIVAR
- Issues for SSG
2AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
- Playing active roles in planning AMY08.
- AAMP and MAHASRI working together
- co-Chair ing the AMY08 Science Steering
Committee - Drafting AMY08 Science Plan.
- Help organizing two AMY meetings
- 1st April 22-24 2007, Beijing
- 2nd Sept. 3-4 2007, Bali
3AMY ParticipantsNational/Regional Projects
- Chinese Taipei SoWMEX, EAMEX
- Korea-Japan PHONE08
- Thailand Malaysia Vietnam Indonesia
Philippines Bangaladesh, Nepal Mongolia
4(No Transcript)
5AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
AAMP contributed to PAN-WCRP International
Monsoon Study (IMS) Scoping Meeting, Bali,
Indonesia, 5 September 2007 This meeting aimed
to scope scientific issues surrounding the
concept of a 5 year International Monsoon Study
(IMS) 2007-2011 and to discuss a issues and
objectives in preparation of a strategic plan for
such an activity.
6AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
topicsSeasonal Prediction
AAMP-WGSIP-TFSP Interactions
- Participation in SMIP/HFP Seasonal Prediction
Expts - Organized APCC/CliPAS project, Coordinated
25-year (1981-2005) hindcast experiments with 12
paticipanting models - Evalustion of 17 DEMETER and APCC hindcast
experiments (1981-2001) to determine the current
skill in monsoon prediction. - WCRP Seasonal Prediction Workshop (Barcilona
2007) Monsoon session organized by AAMP
7Activity Model Descriptions of CliPAS System
APCC/CliPAS Tier-1 Models
APCC/CliPAS Tier-2 Models
8ACC Skill of Precipitation
AAM (40-160E) moderate skill land monsoon
region little skill
9AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
topicsOther topics
- Organization and Maintenance of Tropical
Convection and the Madden Julian Oscillation.
ICTP, Trieste (Slingo,.) - Contribution to YOTC The panel endorsed and is
fuly supporting the YOTC project will provide
advice for coordination of modelling activities - Collaborated with US CLIVAR/MJOWG on designing
Metrics for evaluating Model simulation and
prediction of MJO. (Waliser and Sperber,) - Encouraged study of new strategies, such as slow
manifold approach, air-sea coupling, for
improving dynamical model's capacity of MJO
prediction. - Promote high-resolution modeling (NICAM, NASA,
SNU, MRI,) of MJO and TCs.
10Concept of Multi-Scale Interrelation In Monsoon
Slingo 2006 THORPEX/WCRP Workshop report
11Year of Tropical Convection
This proposed activity arose out of a
recommendation by the THORPEX/WCRP/ICTP Workshop
on Organisation and Maintenance of Tropical
Convection and the MJO, held in Trieste in March
2006. It was presented at the WCRP/CLIVAR SSG
Meeting in Buenos Aires in April 2006. Based on
positive feedback from the WCRP Director and the
SSG, the SSG asked that the proposal be developed
in cooperation with THORPEX, GEWEX, CEOP, AAMP,
WOAP, WMP, etc.
12High-frequency, observed SST forcing and the
intraseasonal oscillation
- Objective
- To determine the influence of high frequency SSTs
on intraseasonal monsoon variability. - SST forcing dataset
- Feb. 20052006 reanalysis from the Met Office
GHRSST project. - Assimilates satellites (e.g., TRMM) and in situ
buoys. - Available as daily analyses at 1/20 spatial
resolution. - Substantial intraseasonal (30-70 day)
variability during the monsoon.
Standard deviation of 30-70 day SSTs for June
September.Line contours give percentage of
variability explained.
13AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
topicsOther cross cutting topics
Anthropogenic impact on A-AM
- Collaboration with MAIRS to coorganize the
preparation of a workshop on Anthropogenic Impact
on Asian Monsoon in 2008
14Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Key Areas of A-AM Activity
- Intraseasonal Variability (ISV) and
Predictability - Interannual Variability (IAV) and predictability
- Modelling of Monsoon
- Dynamic seasonal predictions
- Interdecadal variation (IDV) and ACC
- Observing and monitoring
15Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Key Questions AAMP is addressing
- What cause monsoon Intraseasonal Variability
(ISV)? How to overcome the major challenges to
modeling and predicting monsoon ISV? - What is the current accuracy and how to improve
the dynamic monsoon seasonal predictions? What
roles do land surface initialization and
atmosphere-land interaction play? - What determines the structure and dynamics of the
annual cycle (AC) and diurnal cycle (DC) of the
coupled atmosphere-ocean-land system? How to
remedy the major weaknesses of climate models in
simulation of the AC and DC? - What are the major modes of interdecadal
variation of the monsoon system? - How and why will monsoon system change in a
global warming environment? - What is priority for future field study and
improving observing and monitoring strategy of
the monsoon system?
16Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
ISV and Predictability
- Activity
- Major modes of the Monsoon ISV (30-50Day and
10-20 day, onset, active/break events) - Critical processes causing Monsoon ISV
- Major challenges to modeling and predict MJO and
MISV - What roles does atmosphere-ocean-land interaction
play in Monsoon ISV?
17Understanding the mechanism of boreal summer
monsoon ISO
Satellite Observed Boreal Summer ISO (1998-2005)
Numbers four phases, phase interval 8 days
- Northward propagation in Bay of Bengal (Yasunari
1979, 1980, Sikka and Gadgel 1980) and
northwestward propagation in WNP (Nitta 1987) - Formation of NW-SE tilted anomaly rain band
(Maloney and Hartmann 1998, Annamalai and Slingo
2001, Kemball-Cook and Wang 2001, Lawrence and
Webster 2002, Waliser et al. 2003) - Initiation in the western EIO (60-70E) (Wang,
Webster and Teng 05) - Seesaw between BOB and ENP and between EEIO and
18ISO Potential Predictability
Air-Sea Coupling Extends the Predictability
of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation
ATM Forecast Error
CPL Forecast Error
ATM 17 days, CPL 24 days
Fu et al. 2006
19Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
IAV and Predictability
- Activities
- Determine the dominant modes of IAV of A-AM
system and their causes - Assess how well the state-of-the-art coupled
climate models capture the dominant modes of IAV. - Role of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific
- Role of the Tibetan Plateau and land surface
processes - Teleconnection and global impacts.
20Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Factors determining the IAV
- Remote forcing from El Nino/La Nina
- Monsoon-warm pool ocean Interaction
- --Equatorial Bjecknes positive feedback
(IOD/IOZM) (Webster et al. 1999, Saji et al.
1999) - --Off-equatorial Rossby Wave-SST feedback either
positive or negative, depending on background
annual cycle (Wang et al. 2000, 2003) - --Negative feedback by monsoon-induced anomalies
(Lau and Nath 2000, Webster et al. 2002,
Loschnigg et al. 2003,). - --Memories of ocean mixed layer/land (Meehl
1994, 1997) - Regulation of the annual cycle (indirect role of
continent) - --Regulation of the monsoon-ocean interaction
(Nicholls 1983) - --Modify monsoon response to remote ENSO (Wang
et al. 2003)
21Asian-Australian Monsoon Predictability
S-EOF of Seasonal Mean Precipitation Anomalies
The First Mode 30
The Second Mode 13
22Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Monsoon Modeling Activity
- Endorsed the approach identified at the 1st
pan--WCRP Monsoon Modeling Workshop (Irvine
California, 15-17 June 2005) for key studies of
the diurnal cycle and support the Model
systematic Error Workshop, Feb 2007 by focusing
on AAM region. (Sperber and Yasunari) - Developing a Monsoon Metrics for validation of
the models annual cycle and interannual
variability (in collaboration with CLIVAR/WGSIP)
2310 CGCM MME hindcast of Global Monsoon Errors in
Number of Model
The monsoon precipitation index (shaded) and
monsoon domain (contoured) captured by (a) CMAP
and (b) the one-month lead MME prediction. (c)
The number of model which simulates MPI over than
0.5 at each grid point.
24Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Dynamic Seasonal Prediction
- Activity
- Promoting Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Climate Center (APCC) Climate Prediction and its
Societal Application (CliPAS) project and
contributing to WGSIP/SMIP. - Promote coordinated studies on determining the
A-AM seasonal predictability in coupled models
using SMIP-II datasets
25Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
IDV and Future Change
- Activity
- Diagnostic studies focusing on the observed
long-term changes of the monsoon precipitation
and circulation in the past. - Determine how will the leading modes of AAM
system and extreme events change and how will the
monsoon-ENSO relationship changes.
26Global Monsoon Changes (1948-2004)
Wang and Ding 2006, GRL
In the last 56 years global land monsoon shows a
weakening trend. However, in the last 25 years,
Oceanic monsoon rainfall increases while land
monsoon unchanged.
27The increasing trend in Seoul JJAS precipitation
and extreme venets reflect a trend in large scale
East Asian monsoon rain belt, which appears to be
related to strong trends in northern Indian ocean
28Future Scenarios for Summer Monsoon Rainfall and
Annual Temperature over South Asia under A2
- The general conclusion that emerges of the
diagnostics of the IPCC AR4 simulations Asian
summer monsoon rainfall is likely to be enhanced.
From Kumar et al.
29Cooperation with IGBP projects
Institute on The Asian Monsoon System
Prediction of Change and Variability Co-Sponso
2008 East-West Center, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
30Cooperation with IGBP projects
AAMP participation in PAGES WG on global
31New activities (AAMP-8)
- AAMP role in the Pan-WCRP monsoon activity.
- AAMP involvement in the planning and
organization of the AMY08 and the Joint
WCRP/THOPEX Year of tropical convection - A collaborative activity between AAMP and PP
MJO- ENSO interaction experiments - A collaborative activity between AAMP and IOP a
joint process study of IOD predictability - AAMP endorsed Schuberts proposal and will help
organize the coordinated experiments on High
resolution modeling of MJO and TC. The first
workshop has been held in COLA in mid-August
32AAMP expected legacy at the end of CLIVAR
- AMY will be a milestone in study of Asian
monsoon, jointly supported by CLIVAR and GEWEX
through AAMP-MAHASRI collaboration with many
Asian countries, Australia and USA. - Plan to organize Coordinated AGCM/CGCM
intraseasonal prediction experiments focus on
summer monsoon onset, break/active cycles.
33AAMP expected legacy at the end of CLIVAR
- AAMP has organized an AGCM intercomparison
project focusing on monsoon predictability during
1997-1998 El Nino - Seasonal prediction of monsoon through enhance
the APCC/CliPAS project. In colaboration with
GEWEX/MAHASRI to determine the role of land
initialization in improvement of the Asian summer
monsoon precipitation forecast
34Issues for the SSG
- AAMP is planning its 9th panel meeting in
conjunction with the WMO IWM4 in late October
2008 hosted by China. AAMP will help to organize
a WWRP monsoon meeting including AAMP- relevant
science sessions. - AAMP propose to hold a major international
monsoon symposium focusing on AMY08 and Global
monsoon study. This will contributes to WCRP
Cross-cutting theme through CLIVAR and GEWEX.
Proposed venue Beijing (local support from CMA)
and joint sessions with WMO IWM-4. - High-resolution modeling
35Thank you for comments
36AAMP Contributions to WCRP cross cutting
topicsSeasonal Prediction
Challenge of Dynamics Seasonal Prediction - High
Resolution Modeling - In-Sik Kang
Easy for Parallelizing
37Very High resolution GCM simulation 20km
20km FVGCM
300km FVGCM
38Very High resolution GCM simulation 30km
- Annual mean precipitation(9699)
30km FVGCM
300km FVGCM
39AGCMs simulate climatology poorly over the WNP
heat source region
Kang et al. 2002, Cli Dyn
Wang et al. 2004, Cli Dyn
40Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Monsoon Modeling Isuues
- What determines the structure and dynamics of the
annual cycle (AC) and diurnal cycle (DC) of the
coupled atmosphere-ocean-land system? - What are the major weaknesses of the climate
models in simulation of the AC and DC? - Do models getting DC and AC right will improve
the modeling of low-frequency variability
(intraseasonal to interannual)?
41Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
Dynamic Seasonal Prediction
- Issues
- What is the current accuracy of the dynamic
monsoon seasonal predictions? - How predictable is the monsoon interannual
variability (IAV)? - What roles does atmosphere-land interaction play?
- How to improve Multi-model Ensemble (MME)
42APCC/CliPAS Research Team
43 Description of the 10 Coupled Models
Table 1 Description of 10 coupled
atmosphere-ocean models.
44Highlights of AAMP contributions to CLIVAR science
IDV and Future Change
- Issues
- What are the major modes of interdecadal
variation of the monsoon system? - How will monsoon system change in a global
warming environment? - What are sub-seasonal to interannual factors that
influence extreme events? - What is the sensitivity of the monsoon to
external and anthropogenic climate forcing?
45Land and Ocean GM precipitation
In the last 25 years, Oceanic monsoon rainfall
increases while land monsoon unchanged
46Leading EOF Pattern of Change in AR
Wang and Ding 2006
47CLIVAR/GOOS IOP Observing System Design
48Physical basis and strategy for seasonal
prediction of Summer monsoon precipitation
5-AGCM EM hindcast skill (21Yr)
- Two-tier system was unable to predict ASM
rainfall. - TTS tends to yield positive SST-rainfall
correlations in SM region that are at odds with
observation (negative). - Treating monsoon as a slave to prescribed SST
results in the failure.
OBS SST-rainfall correlation
Model SST-rainfall correlation
(Wang et al. 2005)
Wang et al. 2005