Title: Buon Giorno
1Buon Giorno !!!
Ifb_at_gis-ifb.fr http//www.gis-ifb.org http//www
.biodiversite-sbstta.org Tel 33 (0)1 40 79 56
62 Fax 33 (0)1 40 79 56 63
French Diversitas
Coordination of French research on
biodiversity Promote the research on
biodiversity at national, european and
international levels Promote the access of the
public to the scientific knowledge on
biodiversity and develop the scientific
expertise Dévelop awareness and concertation
about the conservation and use of the biological
diversity contribute to the availability
scientific expertise for the National
Institutions and for the French representation in
the international events provide the
scientific support to the French cooperation
policy in the field of biodiversity.
3A 4 years contract among 18 members
5 ministers Research Agriculture
Environment Foreign Affair Industry 9
public research institutes Cnrs Cirad
Cemagref Ifen Ifremer Inra Inserm Ird Mnhn
2 conservation NGOs Wwf Fne 2
professionnal associations Assinsel Organibio
Orientation Committee (the
ministers) Steering Committee (The 18
members) Scientific Committee (19 members,
Interdisc.) Working Groups
- Within the structures (OC, St.C, Sci.C)
- Calls for Proposals
- Meetings ( Journées de lIFB Biodiversty Day
etc. ) - through the working groups
- biodiversity, access and uses
- ecosystems functionning
- global change biodiversity
- taxonomy biosystematics
- ecology of health
- access of the public to the scientific
knowledge - Indicators as mediators
6Calls For Proposals
- Generalist
- Biodiversity Dynamics, Access and Uses
- 25 projects funded
- Global Change and Biodiversity
- 30 projets funded
7Promote and represent
SBSTTA focal point GBIF focal point DIVERSITAS
France EPBRS French platform
8Budget 1
Min. of Research ( 2 for 1 GBIF) 714 340
Min. of Environment (funding a Call) 500 000
Min. of Foreign Affairs 110 000 Min. of
Agriculture 0 Min of Industry
0 Cnrs 305 000 Inra 91
470 Ifremer 40 000 Cirad 23 000
Ird 20 000 Cemagref 10 000
Museum ( hosting ) 0
Ifen 0 4 Associations
0 Total 1 813 810
9 Budget 2Expenditures
Call for proposals 1 142 340 Other
scientific activities 170
000 Cbd/Sbstta focal point 45
000 GBIF 257 000 Communication
108 000 Management of IFB (Sci.C.
St.C. etc. 91 470 TOTAL 1 813 810
President Pr. J.C. Lefeuvre Chosen by the St.C.
Chairman of the Sc.C Pr. J. Blondel (elected)
Director J.Weber (Cirad) full
time Secretariate M. Morteau Inra, full
time M.M. Digue full time, contract Staff
officers T. Pilorge (Cnrs) full time M.
Atramentowicz (Cnrs) ½ time D. Babin (Cirad) ½
time P.Zagatti (Inra) ½ time F. Friedlansky
young retired part time
11PARIS 2005January 16-20
International Conference Biodiversity
2025 Intergovernmental Séminar on
International Governance of Biodiversity
12PARIS 2005January 16-20Organisation
Advisory Group
G8 U.E. ConventionsInt.Prgrms
Int. Scient Comm. Chair M.Loreau
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