Title: Cabin Safety Evaluation Program
1Cabin Safety Evaluation Program
2What is a Cabin Safety Evaluation?
- A performance evaluation program that monitors
Inflight Crewmember compliance with regulatory
and company policies and procedures. Benefits of
this program allow for continual improvement of
our processes to maintain a safe environment for
Crewmembers and Customers.
3Program Components
- Introduction
- Background
- Program Components
- Closed Loop Process
4Cabin Safety Evaluations
- For Inflight Service
- To uphold our number one Value
- Ensure onboard compliance of safety
- Ensure onboard compliance of regulatory standards
- Gain a snapshot of what is happening
operationally - Hold crewmembers to a safety standard
- Identify areas of opportunities for best practice
and learning - For the FAA
- Safety Attribute Inspections
- We say what we are doing per FAA SOP
- Element Performance Inspections
- We are doing what we said (SAIs) we are doing
5How was the Cabin Safety Evaluation created?
- Developed in three pieces
- CSE Form
- CSE Crewleader Guide
- CSE Closed Loop Process
- New 8900 in FSIMS
- FAA Inspector Enroute Checklist
- Current QSR program
- Industry best practice
- Feedback from our local FSDO
6Who will conduct them?
- Short term
- Inflight Supervisors
- Managers
- Directors
- JBU - College of Inflight
- Long term
- Quality Assurance Auditors/Evaluators
7Program Components
- Cabin Safety Evaluation Crewleader Reference
Guide - Cabin Safety Evaluation Procedures
- Debriefing Cabin Safety Evaluations
- Steps for processing completed Safety Evaluations
- Cabin Safety Evaluation Form Reference
- Cabin Safety Evaluation Form
- Cabin Safety Evaluation Process Flow Chart
8Base Expectations
9 10Know before you go
- Preparation
- No more than two evaluations per segment
- If block time is less than 75 minutes, only one
CSE can be conducted - No commuting flights
- No layovers
- List for flights in Flight Speed or request
through Blue Business Travel following Corporate
Positive Space Travel procedures (in T-Class) - Include seat preference in your request (no EML
seats) - Request to be seated in the service section of or
immediately behind Crewmember being evaluated
11Know before you go
- Day of Travel
- Have mandatory items
- Uniform or business casual attire
- Print out the crew information from CrewTrac
- Ensure you have Forms and a Reference Guide
- Review Rating Criteria
12 13Cabin Safety Evaluation
15Rating Criteria
- YES - The behavior is demonstrated 100 of the
time when the opportunity exists - YES WITH COACHING - The behavior is demonstrated
only after the Crewmember has been coached on the
proper procedure. Applicable to Pre-flight tasks
and those tasks where the ability to witness
completion again exists. - NO The behavior or part of the behavior is not
demonstrated even after coaching. - NOT OBSERVED - Selected when a task is not
observed by the Auditor due to seat location or
anything impeding view of the task. - NOT APPLICABLE - Selected when a task that is the
responsibility of the position of the Crewmember
being evaluated or procedure does not apply for
specific flight flown.
16Attend Inflight Crew Briefing
17Up-to-date Flight Attendant Manual
18Valid Company ID card
19Working flashlight
20Valid Crew Card
21Working Time Piece
22Valid Passport
23Present at gate 50 minutes prior to departure(45
minutes mid- pairing layover)
24Attend Flight Deck Crew Briefing
25Attend Integrated Crew Briefing
26Receive Integrated Crew Briefing Form
27Preflight all Jumpseat Seatbelts/Harnesses
28Preflight Demo Equipment
29Preflight PRA and Interphone Systems (PA)
30Preflight Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
31Preflight Biohazard Kit (BHK)
32Preflight Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
33Preflight Emergency Medical Kit (EMK)
34Preflight Evacuation Slides/Rafts/Pressure Gauge
35Preflight First Aid Kits (FAK)
36Preflight Flashlights
37Preflight Halon Fire Extinguisher
38Preflight Lifelines
39Preflight Life Vests
40Preflight Manual Release Tool (MRT)
41Preflight Megaphones
42Preflight Portable Breathing Equipment (PBE)
43Preflight Portable Oxygen Bottle (POB)
44Preflight Survival Kit
45Preflight Lavatories
46Preflight Onboard Wheelchair
47Perform Components of Cabin Security Check
48Preflight Galleys, Carts and Restraints
49Preflight Safety Information Cards
50Stand in appropriate position for boarding
51Make Boarding PAs
52Make Exit Row Criteria PA
53Monitor Carry-On Baggage
54Conduct Exit Row Briefing
55Monitor Child Restraint Systems (CRS)
56Monitor Electronic Devices
57Brief Special Needs Customers
58Brief Jumpseat Riders
59Make Prior to Closing The Boarding Door(s) PA
60Complete Cabin Compliance Check after PA but
before closing the boarding door
61Provide Row 1-11 count to Flight Deck once all
passengers have boarded
62Perform Ground Security briefing with Capt. and
GSC or designee prior to closing door
63Make When Door is Closed PA
64Arm Primary Door then Secondary Door
65Visually Cross Check Doors
66Verbally communicate doors are armed and cross
checked via interphone
67Set IFE System to Standby for Taxi Out Safety
68Complete Taxi Out Safety Briefing
69Activate IFE System after Taxi Out Safety
70Complete Cabin Compliance Check
71Complete Galley Compliance Check
72Take assigned jumpseat immediately after
Compliance Check
73Include appropriate beverage/snack offerings
announcement after Compliance Check
74Ensure Passenger compliance with seatbelt sign at
all times, while on active taxi ways
75Notify Flight Deck cabin is secure when signaled
76Take Brace Position for Take Off
77Make Above 10,000 feet PA
78Make Seatbelt sign turned off P.A., if not made
by Flight Deck
79Maintain secure galley throughout service/flight
80Conduct Cabin Checks every 10-15 minutes
81Answer interphone calls promptly
82Answer cabin calls promptly
83Conduct periodic lavatory checks
84Perform proper procedures for Flight Deck
85Make Seatbelt sign turned on P.A. when seatbelt
sign is turned on, if not made by Flight Deck
86Perform Seatbelt Compliance Check when seatbelt
sign is illuminated (as soon as conditions permit)
87Make Initial Descent PA at Initial Descent
88Conduct Seatbelt Compliance Check
89Make Final Descent PA upon double chime
indicating 10,000ft
90Conduct Cabin Compliance Check
91Complete Galley Compliance Check
92Take Assigned Jumpseat immediately following
Compliance Check
93Make Arrival PA
94Make Block in at Gate PA
95Disarm Primary Door then Secondary Door, once
blocked in at the gate
96Visually Cross Checks Doors
97Verbally communicates doors are disarmed and
cross checked via interphone
98Remain in position for deplaning
99Anything else???
100 101Cabin Safety Evaluation
102(No Transcript)
103Steps for Processing Completed Cabin Safety
- Any No responses or a total of 5 Yes with
Coaching will flag - If no follow-up is required, document the
Crewmembers e-file
104Steps for Processing Completed Cabin Safety
- If follow up is needed
- FSC Inflight Standards will create a Corrective
Action Report - A.K.A. CAR
- Basic Crewmember information
- No and Yes w/ Coaching findings
- Corrective Action Plan
- Other documentation
- Created by FSC Inflight Standards
- Submitted to Supervisor
- Supervisor will create a Corrective Action Plan
- A.K.A. CAP
- Submitted by Supervisor to FSC Inflight Standards
- An action taken to eliminate causes of existing
non-compliance in order to prevent recurrence
105Details of Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
- Description of previous safety related
occurrences - Description of Immediate Action to be taken
- Estimate Date of Implementation
- Person responsible for delivering the CAP
- Submit to Inflight Standards for approval
106How to Complete a CAP?
- Open the CAR and review the findings marked No
and/or Yes with Coaching - Collect supporting data
- Review the Crewmembers file for previous history
of safety concerns - Contact the Auditor that conducted the evaluation
for further information - Provide a brief description of any previous
history of safety related occurrences from past
CSE, Customer Feedback, IIR, etc.
107- Brief description of the conversation that will
take place with the Crewmember - Progressive Guidance recommendation, additional
training, etc. - Acceptable methods of delivering the CAP
- one-on-one (preferred)
- Phone
- Unacceptable method of delivering the CAP
- E-mail
108- Indicate when the CAP will be discussed
- Within 10 days of the approval of the CAP
- If this can not be scheduled within 10 days,
include an explanation - Crewmember on LOA, PTO etc.
109- Indicate who will deliver the CAP with the
Crewmember - In the event of Supervisor absence, identify
another Leader to implement the CAP
110Steps for Processing Completed Cabin Safety
Evaluations (Cont)
- If CAP approved by FSC Inflight Standards
- Implement CAP
- Document on CAR and Send to FSC Inflight
Standards - If final is approved, document crewmember admin
file - If disapproved, base manager will be notified
- If CAP rejected by FSC Inflight Standards
- 2 days to revise the CAP and re-submit
111Where you will go to enter CSE online
112Where you will see your team CSE and CAR
113Quality Assurance
- Reports generated by tasks and rating criteria to
highlight and research systematic trends - Reports generated to ensure Supervisor compliance
to program - Reports will be provided to Inflight Service
Leadership, FAA, and JBU - Audits will be conducted to investigate root
causes and solutions to systematic and chronic
114 115 116Leadership Rules of the road
- Introduce yourself
- Attend Inflight, Flight, and Integrated Crew
Briefings when able - Be familiar with specific duties/responsibilities
- If observing two Crewmembers, complete the
Preflight section of the CSE Form with one of the
Crewmembers - Complete the preflight tasks with the second
Crewmember after service as been completed - Do not write during the boarding process
- Debrief after service, if time permits
- Complete remaining sections of the CSE Form
117Debriefing a Cabin Safety Evaluation
- Should occur onboard before Initial Descent or
after the flight - Ensure privacy
- Keep situational awareness a priority (Customers,
volume of conversation, etc.) - Let the Crewmember know you will also be
following up with their immediate Supervisor - Invite self critique
- Ask how they thought they did
- Provide constructive and balanced feedback
- Be specific and direct
- Talk about performance rather than the performer
- Reference Flight Attendant Manual whenever
possible when explaining proper procedure
118Removal of a Crewmember
- In the rare instance a Crewmember is unsafe to
continue her/his pairing due to - Excessive and/or extreme violations of FARs
- Excessive and/or extreme violation of Company
policy - Lack of awareness of proper safe operating
procedure - Insubordination
- Egregious Customer service behavior
- Any other reason deemed appropriate by the
Auditor - Remove from the pairing immediately and deadhead
back to base - Contact the Inflight System Ops Supervisor or
Crew Services to assign a reserve and remove
crewmember with RPI code - Auditor must be prepared to continue to work the
pairing until a reserve replacement can be
119Removal of a Crewmember
- Crewmember must be made aware that further
follow-up will occur by their Supervisor. - A detailed explanation prepared by the Auditor
must be sent to the Crewmembers Inflight
Supervisor via e-mail and cc Crewmembers Base
Manager - within 24 hours outlining the specific
violations, observations, and the reason for the
removal. - Dialogue between the Auditor and Supervisor
should be arranged to further discuss the
incident and a possible plan of action - Supervisors should follow-up with Crewmember
120Cabin Safety Evaluation Scenarios
121- You are scheduled to perform a CSE ride, but
during the briefing you notice that another IFC
does not have her name tag or scarf. - How are you going to handle this scenario?
122- You are starting a CSE and your crewmember does
not have their - Passport
- ID
- CrewCard
- Flashlight
- Timepiece
- How will you handle this scenario?
123- After 10,000 feet you observed all of the
Crewmembers in the AFT galley eating their lunch
before service. - How would you handle this situations?
124- The 3 on your CSE flight stows her crew bag in
the second last OHB A/C right or under the seats
in the last row on the aisle. - Walk us through your coaching.
125- An IFC crewmember is on the phone while cleaning
during a turn. - How would you handle this situation?
- What is your follow up?
126- IFC Brian delivers his drink orders without a
tray. - Do you address this?
- Is yes, how do you handle this situation?
127- IFC places her bag in the 1st OHB and allows a
- customer to keep her handbag on her lap.
- What is your response if you observe this?
128- You are performing a CSE for the 2 on a West
coast flight. - Service does not start for 90 minutes. A Customer
rings their call button and asks for a bottle of
water the 1 tells her they will start service
shortly. - Would you address this?
- Walk us through a coaching session on the A/C.
129- You are performing a CSE on the 3 and you
noticed that the OWWE briefing has not been
conducted. - How do you handle this?
130- A IFC has their iPod headset on during the
flight, talking on the phone during
boarding/deplaning and texting while taxiing. - Walk us through your coaching.
131- Your in MCO and after doing your paperwork
(pulled pairing, etc..) your are not familiar
with the crew. - Lets talk about approach.
132- During the middle of a preflight safety check
AO advises they have numerous wheelchairs and
need to board ASAP for an on-time departure. The
IFC agrees and goes to galley to check on
provisioning. - What do we do?
133- During the flight a customer becomes belligerent
and another CM comes to you and ask you what
should they do? - What is your response?
134- Coaching situations?
- What scenarios you would like to walk us through?
135Crewmember Communication Plan
136CSE Dashboard
- Top 5 Yes
- Top 5 Yes w/Coaching
- Top 5 No
- Monthly Dashboard
- Crewmembers
- Inflight Leadership
- JetBlue University
137Top 5 Yes w/Coaching
- 32.Perform Components of Cabin Security Check
- 28.Preflight Portable Oxygen Bottle (POB)
- 27.Preflight Demo Equipment
- 34.Preflight all Jumpseat Seatbelts/Harnesses
- 30.Preflight Lavatories
138Top 5 No
- 2. Up to Date Flight Attendant Manual
- 50.Arm Door(s)
- 4.Working Flashlight
- 45.Complete Cabin Compliance Check after PA but
before closing the boarding door - 80.Disarm Door(s) then Secondary Door, once
blocked in at the gate
139CSEs Conducted by Crew Base
140CSEs per Crew Base Population
141CAR vs. Non-CAR CSEs
142Cabin Safety Evaluations
- To uphold our number 1 Value Safety
- Ensure onboard compliance of Safety
- Ensure onboard compliance of regulatory standards
- Gain a snaphot of what is happening operationally
- Hold Crewmembers to a Safety standard
- Identify areas of opportunities of best practice
and learning
143Cabin Safety Evaluation Program