Title: Formalizing and Enhancing Verilog
1Formalizing and Enhancing Verilog
- Presenter Cherif Salama
- Jennifer Gillenwater, Gregory Malecha,
- Angela Yun Zhu and Walid Taha
- Rice University
- Jim Grundy and John OLeary
- Intel Strategic CAD Labs
Research ID 1403 RIDL-V
A Resource-Aware Programming (RAP) Extension of
2Problem Description
- VHDL and Verilog have useful abstractions like
iterations and parameterized modules - Elaboration replaces abstractions with specific
hardware descriptions - Synthesizability of hardware descriptions cannot
be determined statically before elaboration - Thus, hardware designers avoid abstractions,
which makes written designs longer and less
- Statically verify synthesizability of hardware
descriptions without sacrificing the ability to
use higher level abstractions
4Ripple Adder Example
module adder(s,cout,a,b,cin) parameter N4
input N-10 a,b input cin output
N-10 s output cout wire N0 c
genvar i assign c0 cin for(i0
iltN ii1) full_adder fa
(si,ci1,ai,bi,ci) assign cout
cN endmodule
5Can Synthesizability be Determined Statically?
- Proposed Method
- Use Statically Typed Two-level Languages (STTL)
- Preprocessing is level 0 computation
- The remaining computation is level 1
- Formalize
- Syntax
- Type System
- Preprocessing Semantics
6Formalization - Syntax
- Featherweight SystemVerilog (FSV) A calculus for
a representative core of Verilog - All constructs except parameterized modules and
for-loops are trivially synthesizable, as they
have straightforward hardware equivalents - Formalization done using Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
7Formalization - Preprocessing Semantics
- Formalize the elaboration phase
- Substitute parameters with their actual values
- Evaluate expressions
- Passed as parameter values when instantiating
modules - Controlling for-loops iterations
- Used as indices, ranges, or delays
- Create a specialized module each time a module is
instantiated with different parameter values - Unroll for-loops
- Formalization done using Big Step Operational
8Preprocessing Example
module adder_2(s,cout,a,b,cin) ...
full_adder fa_0 (s0,c1,a0,b0,c0)
full_adder fa_1 (s1,c2,a1,b1,c1)
... endmodule module adder_4(s, cout, a, b,
cin) input 30 a,b input cin
output 30 s output cout wire 40 c
integer i assign c0 cin full_adder
fa_2 (s0,c1,a0,b0,c0) full_adder
fa_3 (s1,c2,a1,b1,c1) full_adder
fa_4 (s2,c3,a2,b2,c2) full_adder
fa_5 (s3,c4,a3,b3,c3) assign cout
c4 endmodule module main() ...
adder_2 d1_0 (s1,cout1,a1,b1,cin1) adder_4
d2_0 (s2,cout2,a2,b2,cin2) ... endmodule
module adder(s,cout,a,b,cin) parameter N4
input N-10 a,b input cin output
N-10 s output cout wire N0 c
genvar i assign c0 cin for(i0
iltN ii1) full_adder fa
(si,ci1,ai,bi,ci) assign cout
cN endmodule module main() ... adder
(2) d1 (s1,cout1,a1,b1,cin1) adder (4) d2
(s2,cout2,a2,b2,cin2) ... endmodule
9Formalization - Type System
- Verify that the correct signal types and
directions are used - Verify that expressions that need to be evaluated
during preprocessing do not depend on wire value - Formalization done using two-level typing rules
- By formalizing FSV as an STTL we proved
- Type Safety Preprocessing of a well-typed
description does not produce an error - Type Preservation Preprocessing of a well-typed
description produces a well-typed description - Preprocessing Soundness Preprocessing Produces a
description that is free from abstractions - In FSV, a description is synthesizable because it
is well-typed and abstraction-free
- Well-Typed
- Abstraction-Free
- Synthesizable
12Are Abstractions Valuable in Practice?
- Using abstractions, we manually re-factored some
practical examples
- Treating Verilog as an STTL, we could
- Formalize elaboration
- Statically check for synthesizability using
typing rules - Safely use abstractions leading to better designs
without compromising synthesizability
14Future Work
- Write various circuits using abstractions and
compare the quality of the generated description
with industrial strength circuits - Use the same framework to statically provide
other guarantees about the hardware descriptions
including matching bus sizes, area, timing, and
15Thank You !