Title: Welcome to EDU 532
1Welcome to EDU 532
- Reading in the Content Areas
- It is designed to provide teachers with knowledge
and practical strategies for improving
reading/learning skills in various content
3Course Objectives
- Realize that reading is both a developmental and
a learning process that spans the curriculum.
Therefore, it must be supported as a tool for the
mastery of any content area. - Understand the importance of activities that
should occur before/during/after reading or
listening. - Create instructional strategies for study guides,
vocabulary and comprehension.
4Required Text and Supplemental Readings
- Required Texts
- Supplemental Readings
5Course Requirements
- Participate in class dialogues, group discussions
and class exercises. - Read all assigned material by the day designated
in the syllabus. - Demonstrate comprehension of reading material as
evidenced by class projects.
6Course Assignments and Evaluation Criteria
- Journal Article Review 20 points
- Mid-term Exam 30 points
- Final Exam 50 points
- Content Area Portfolio 100 points
7Important Note
- Projects are always due on the designated days.
Grades on late projects will be lowered by one
letter. No projects will be accepted if they are
late for five days.
8Attendance Policy
- Each absence will lead to one-half letter grade
deduction in the final grade. - Two late arrivals or two early leaves equal one
absence. - See the instructor for extenuating circumstances.
10How to Ruin an Association
- Please read the story to your partner.
11How to Ruin an Association
- What did you learn about the act of reading as
you did this exercise?
12Michigan Definition of Reading
- Reading is the process of constructing meaning
through the dynamic interaction among (a) the
readers existing knowledge, (b) the information
suggested by the written language, and (c) the
context of the reading situation.
13Michigan Definition of Reading
14Michigan Definition of Reading
- Reader
- Attitude
- Ability
- Interest
- Background knowledge
- Awareness of text
- Text
- Text patterns
- Specialized vocabulary
- Concept density
- Readability
Context        Self-selection       Â
Curriculum assignment        Pleasure       Â
15Ordeal by Cheque
- Please read the checks and construct the meaning
of the story.
16Ordeal by Cheque
- Prereading Activity for Ordeal by Cheque
17Ordeal by Cheque
- What did you learn about the act of
18Traditional Format
Discussion to see if students read and if they
learned proper concepts
19A New Format
Pre-reading Activities Discussion Predictions Que
stioning Brainstorming
Guided Active Silent Reading
Discussion to clarify reinforce extend