Orientation to Decker School of Nursing Graduate Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Orientation to Decker School of Nursing Graduate Programs


... (Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis, 3 credits) Nursing 610 (01) (CRN 24741) (Evidence-based practice, 3 credits) Nursing 540 (CRN 14655) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Orientation to Decker School of Nursing Graduate Programs

Orientation to Decker School of NursingGraduate
  • Fall 2012

  • Welcome to the beginning of your graduate
    education at the Decker School of Nursing. We
    hope that you will find this power point to be
    informative. Please know that we are here in the
    Graduate Program office to assist you in
    navigating through your program.
  • There are some key people that you should know
    in the school, and I will begin by introducing
    you to them.

Joyce Ferrario
  • Joyce Ferrario is the Dean of the School of
    Nursing. Her office is in the Deans Suite,
    Academic Building B, Room 108A.
  • Students may make an appointment to meet with
    the Dean through her secretary, Sharon Stiner
  • Dean Ferrario is a clinical nurse specialist
    with interests is in Gerontology and Psychiatric
    Nursing. She received her Ph.D. in
    Gerontological Nursing from Case Western Reserve

Mary Ann Swain
Dr. Mary Ann Swain (Professor) has many years of
experience in higher education administration
including having served as Binghamton
University's Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs for almost 20 years. Dr. Swain
serves as Chair of the Department of Student
Affairs Administration and holds a tenured
appointment in the Decker School of Nursing where
she is Director of the Doctoral (PhD in Nursing)
Program. Her research interests focus on health
development across the entire life-cycle and the
interrelationships among life stressors, healthy
development, and illness. In addition, she looks
at how to characterize and foster effective
leadership in higher education.  Dr. Swain
possesses degrees from DePauw University (BS) and
the University of Michigan where she received her
PhD in Psychology.
Dr. Mary Muscari is the interim Director of
Graduate Nursing Programs and an associate
professor. She is available by appointment to
assist with program planning and is here to help
you with any issues that occur during your
program. Students may make an appointment to
meet with Dr. Muscari by sending an e-mail to
mmuscari_at_binghamton.edu. She may reached in the
office at 607-777-5411. Dr. Muscari holds a PhD
and postmasters in psychiatric nursing, a
postmasters in forensic nursing, and a masters in
pediatric nursing. She recently earned a masters
degree in criminology.
Mary Muscari
Cindy Altmansberger
  • Cindy Altmansberger is the Assistant Dean at the
    Decker School.
  • Assistant Dean Altmansberger is the go to
    person if you have questions about funding, or
    wish to request funding.
  • Her office is in the Deans Suite, Academic
    Building B, Room 108.
  • Students may make an appointment to meet with
    the Assistant Dean via e-mail at

Rebecca Christophersen
  • Rebecca (Becky) Christophersen is the Clinical
    Site Coordinator for the Decker School. She is
    the person you will work with to complete all
    Decker School Health requirements as well as to
    secure your clinical placements for any course
    that has a clinical component.
  • Any questions regarding health requirements or
    clinical placements should be directed to Ms.
    Christophersen via e-mail at christop_at_binghamton.e
    du. Her office is in Academic Building B, Room

Scott Pionteck
  • Scott Pionteck is the Decker School of
    Nursings resident Informational Technologies
    staff member. He is available to assist students
    with computer issues they may be experiencing in
    the DSON computer pod and help students to secure
    a sign on for the Decker computer pod. Mr.
    Piontecks office is in Academic Building B,
    Room 118.

Jennie Orton
  • Jennie Orton is Assistant to the Graduate
    Program Director.
  • Ms. Orton helps students with program planning,
    registration issues, general advisement,
    questions about correspondence students receive
    from Binghamton University, and can help to
    explain or facilitate compliance with policies
    and procedures of the University, the Graduate
    School, and the Decker School. In short, she is
    often your first stop in problem solving.
  • Her office is in Academic Building B, Room 112a.

Program Overview
IMPORTANT To view a web page using a link that
appears on any slide that followsright click
using your mouseand then select open hyperlink
from the drop-down menu.
Name and/or Address Change
  • Please make sure that any changes to your
    personal data get changed through the Registrars
    web site. Forms for changes are available online
    at. http//www2.binghamton.edu/registrar/students
  • Also notify Jennie Orton via e-mail of any
    personal data changes so that she may update the
    DSON database.

Student Mailboxes
  • All graduate nursing students are provided with
    a student mail file (mailbox). Mailbox files
    are housed in the Student Services office suite,
    AB 114.
  • Graduate student mail folders are located in the
    bottom two drawers of the tall, wide file
    cabinets directly in front of you when entering
    the office suite. Faculty use this means to
    return papers and other important documents.
    Staff use this to distribute important
    information that cannot be sent via Email.
    Students should check their mail file at least
    once per week.

Graduate Student Manual and DSON Handbooks
  • As a Graduate Student you are required to adhere
    to all policies found in the Graduate School
    Manual. The manual is available online at
    Graduate School Manual.
  • Do take some time to review the policies and
    procedures in the Graduate School
    Manualespecially when you have policy or
    procedure questions. The manual is a necessary
    resource for graduate students to be referenced
    throughout your education at Binghamton
  • As a Decker School of Nursing student, you are
    also responsible for the policies specific to the
    Decker School. DSONs handbook is available on
    the web in two sections.
  • Graduate Nursing Handbook (Link should open in a
    separate window)
  • Decker Shared Policy Handbook (Link should open
    in a separate window)
  • Review these manuals for answers to questions or
    clarification on policies and procedures you may
    have throughout your program.
  • Remember to bookmark these sites in your browser
    for future reference.

Health Forms
  • The Decker School of Nursing has more stringent
    health requirements to which students are held
    than is required of the general student body of
    the University. DSONs health forms and
    information regarding the requirements are
    available by clicking here. (Link should open in
    a separate window).
  • Decker Student Health Services accepts the
    Decker Schools health form. We do not accept
    theirs as it does not meet DSON requirements.
  • Complete all DSON health requirements, and
    submit to Certified Background send a copy of
    the health form to Decker Student Health
    Services and keep a copy for yourself.

Graduate School Links to Forms and Information
  • Graduate School often requires that graduate
    students (I.e., prospective, current, and
    graduating students) complete and submit Graduate
    School forms for a myriad of reasons. Check out
    the list of Graduate School forms that are only
    available online and by visiting the Graduate
    School web site.
  • Also check out the New Student home page that is
    located on the Graduate School web site linking
    you to a myriad of resources. This is an
    invaluable resource when starting and throughout
    your educational journey as a graduate student.
  • Remember to bookmark these sites in your browser
    for future reference.

Criminal Background check
  • In order to comply with agency regulations, all
    students are required to complete a criminal
    background check. Specifics on how to complete
    the background check are found here.
  • To read the complete policy, click here. (Link
    will open in a separate window)

Advisement and Major Codes
  • Advisement
  • You will be assigned a faculty advisor based on
    your clinical specialization of study (E.g.,
    Adult/Gerontological, Community Health, Family
    Health, or Psych. Mental Health), as well as your
    clinical role preparation (E.g., Administrator,
    Educator, NP, or CNS). Please make sure that the
    Graduate Program Assistant knows your area of
    specialization if you came in under a generic
    major code so you can be properly assigned to an
  • Major Codes
  • All graduate students need to verify that the
    Graduate School has their intended and correct
    major code(s) of study properly listed in Banner.
    That way when it is time to graduate, the proper
    degree and certificate code(s) will appear on the
    transcript and diplomaand be properly listed for
    NP certification by the state.
  • All students may view their current
    major/curriculum of study as it is listed on the
    academic transcript by
  • Logging onto BU Brain
  • Clicking on the Student Tab
  • Clicking on the Student Record link
  • Check to see whether the transcript accurately
    reflects your clinical specialization (I.e.,
    Family, Community, Geri or Psych) also check to
    see that the functional role is accurately listed
    (I.e., NP, Educator, Administrator, or CNS). All
    certificate codes that you may be additionally
    pursuing should also appear on the academic
    transcript (I.e., Disaster Preparedness, Forensic
    Health, etc.)
  • If the transcript incorrectly lists your major
    and/or certificate codes, or they are
    missingsend an e-mail directly to Teresa
    Spinelli or Mike Hathaway of the Graduate School
    to verify the information and request changes as

Funding Scholarships
  • Descriptions of available funding and scholarship
    opportunities for enrolled DSON Graduate Students
    can be found online.
  • A call for completed funding forms is normally
    sent out in February. Full-time graduate students
    may request funding support for the next academic
    year through teaching and research
    assistantships, fellowships or a federal
    traineeship. Funding is limited and is
    considered on a first come basis. The Graduate
    School mainly supports PhD and DNP students.
    Funding for masters students is quite limited.
    All students requesting funding must complete a
    FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student
  • Part-time students may apply for scholarships.
    There is a separate scholarship form to complete
    as well as a FAFSA. 
  • All funded graduate students must advance
    register for the next semester since the graduate
    school will not provide tuition aid to students
    who are not registered for a full-time course
    load. No funded graduate students may have an
    Incomplete grade at the start of a new term.
    This will also result in termination of funding.
  • If you have funding questions please contact
    Cindy Altmansberger.

Jose Reichel Fund
  • Jose was a staff member who worked in the
    Research Center at DSON. When she passed away,
    she left money to fund students who had to use
    their own money to complete research. If in the
    course of writing a MS thesis, DNP project, or
    dissertation for PhD, you incur small expenses
    such as mailing, mileage, cost of a survey, etc.
    you can apply for reimbursement for these costs
    through the Deans Office. (Typical awards are
    around 200 - 300)

Graduate School Orientation
  • Please be sure you have completed the required
    virtual Graduate School Orientation which is only
    available online. Note that it provides
    comprehensive information on life as a graduate
    student, including information on how to register
    for courses using BU Brain, getting an ID card
    and a parking permit, etc.
  • Be sure you complete all modules including the
    Registration module, Professional Ethics, and
    Graduate Level Writing which can be accessed
    using the link above.

Non-Degree Students
  • Non-degree (non-matriculated) students will find
    they are not able to self-register for courses
    due to system restrictions in place. Contact
    Jennie Orton via e-mail for registration
    assistance after getting the required instructor
    permission. Instructor assignments are listed on
    all courses found via the Schedule of Classes,
    accessible via BU Brain.

  • Many of your courses will utilize the computer
    program Blackboard to post important information
    about your classes. You can access this program
    here. (Link should open in a new window)
  • There is information available on the site to
    help you sign in the first time.

  • The University Emergency number is
    607-777-SNOW. Campus emergency information will
    be updated on there such as University closings,
  • Individual faculty may postpone/ reschedule
    classes due to weather. They will post this
    information on Blackboard, and Jennie Orton will
    send a notice through the graduate listserv as
    she is available and informed to do so.

  • Registration begins on Monday, August 27, 2012,
    for all new and returning graduate students.
    Please e-mail Jennie Orton if you have any
    specific questions about registration after you
    have viewed the module on the Virtual
  • After you complete your registration, check BU
    Brain for your bill. As part of paying your
    bill, you will need to confirm your enrollment
    though BU Brain when you pay your bill. If you
    skip this step, you will be de-registered for
    courses in that particular semester by the

Fall Classes to Register for...
  • All full-time Masters and post BS-to-DNP
    students will register for the following 12
    credits in the fall semester
  • NURS 502 Lec (A 0) CRN 14604 Act (A52) CRN
  • (Advanced Health Assessment - 3 credits)
  • NURS 518 Dis (01) CRN 10071
  • (Advanced Pathophysiology - 3 credits)
  • NURS 600 Dis (01) CRN 14676
  • (Advanced Quantitative Analysis - 3 credits)
  • PLUSone of the following courses depending on
  • Masters Family, Psych, or Geri students
  • NURS 532 Dis (01) CRN 14649
  • (Healthcare Delivery Systems is offered fall
    spring semesters -3 credits)OR
  • NURS Elective
  • (Nursing electives are available fall and spring
    semesters - 3 credits)
  • Post BS-to-DNP students AND Masters Community
    Health students
  • NURS 540 Dis (01) CRN 14655
  • (Epidemiology and Biostatistics offered fall
    only3 or 4 credits)
  • Note Community Health MS students register to
    take N.540 for 3 credits. DNP degree intended
    register to take N.540 for 4 credits.

Classes to register for
  • Part-time masters and post BS-to-DNP students
    register to take the following fall classes
  • NURS 502 (Advanced Health Assessment)
  • Lec (A 0) - CRN 14604
  • Act (A50) - CRN 14620 OR Act (A51) - CRN
  • NURS 518 Advanced Pathophysiology)
  • Disc (01) - CRN 10071

Classes to register for
  • Post MS DNP students will take the following 7-10
    credits in the fall semester
  • Nursing 601 (01) (CRN 14678)
  • (Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis, 3 credits)
  • Nursing 610 (01) (CRN 24741)
  • (Evidence-based practice, 3 credits)
  • Nursing 540 (CRN 14655) for 4 credits or for 1
    credit plus a 3-credit nursing elective
  • (Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 1 or 4
  • NOTE If you have previously completed N.540
    as a community health masters student for 3
    credits, then you need to take N.540 for 1 credit
    (biostatistics content)plusregister to take a
    3-credit nursing elective.

  • Classes begin on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
  • You may view the Schedule of Classes by logging
    into BU Brain.

Program Specific Information
  • Please review the following slides if you are not
    sure which clinical specialization you wish to

  • This program is designed to provide care for the
    population of young adults through the end of
    life. Specific areas covered are healthy aging,
    chronic illness, frail elders, and dealing with
  • Program plans for this program are available by
    clicking here.

Community Health
  • The Community Health program is designed to look
    at the expanding and contracting family as well
    as examining the community as a whole. Students
    look at epidemics, community interventions, and
    population based care.
  • Program plans for this program are available by
    clicking here.

  • This program is designed to prepare advanced
    practice nurses to provide health care to the
    expanding and contracting family. They provide
    comprehensive, age-appropriate, age-specific
    quality primary health care that addresses the
    multiple needs of individuals across the life
    span and their families.
  • They focus on health promotion, disease
    prevention, health education and counseling.
  • Program plans for this program are available by
    clicking here

Family Psychiatric Mental Health
  • This program is designed to prepare advanced
    practice nurses for providing mental health care
    to families and groups.
  • Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
    Practitioners are prepared to provide assessment
    and intervention for patients of all ages within
    the mental health system.
  • Click here to view program plans and

Thank you for choosing the Decker School of
  • We hope you will enjoy your brief time with us.
    Please feel free to contact us anytime to touch
    base or to ask questions. Remember, we are here
    for you!
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