Title: HESESHEIFES08 Seminar
SOAS, London 16 July 2008
2HEFCE staff at this event
3Agenda for the day
- 10.30 11.30 Presentation with QAs on ELQs
- 11.30 11.45 Break
- 11.45 12.45 ELQs continued
- 12.45 13.30 Lunch
- 13.30 15.30ish Other HESES/HEIFES or
HESA/ILR issues (and more ELQs if needed)
4Equivalent or lower qualifications (ELQs)
Data collection issues
- Identifying ELQ students
- Differences between how we determined funding
adjustments and how fundability status changes
from 2008-09 - Differences between exemptions and protected
subjects - Assessing levels of qualifications
- Audit issues
52008-09 funding adjustments
Calculated to produce the savings required using
existing data
- Historical data (2005-06)
- Used JACS and learndirect codes to identify
subjects - Dependent on existing data fields for entry
qualifications and qualification aims - Will not be recalculated annually
- including SIVS allocation (other than inflation)
6Fundability status from 2008-09
Rules that determine whether a student is aiming
for an ELQ, or exempt, may differ from how the
funding adjustments were calculated
- Treatment of some levels of qualifications
- Identification of exempt areas
7Circular letter 07/2008
Changes since April
- MPharm to be treated as an undergraduate honours
level qualification (para 12) - allows us to fund one post-registration PGT
pharmacy qualification - other integrated masters qualifications still
treated as M Level
8Circular letter 07/2008
Changes since April
- Exempt students include
- those on undergraduate and postgraduate courses
for which an NHS bursary is payable (para 6d) - those on a FT UG course leading on successful
completion towards registration with the
Architects Registration Board (para 6i)
9Identifying ELQ students (1)
- All students have to be assessed for ELQness
(not just new entrants) - fundability status reflects those funded through
mainstream teaching grant, and all funding for
non-exempt ELQ students has been taken out. - There is now no concept of unknown and
unknown-level entry qualification for ELQ
purposes - We expect institutions to be able to demonstrate
they have taken a reasonable approach
10Identifying ELQ students (2)
Home EC students who are aiming for a
qualification whose level is equivalent to, or
lower than, a qualification they already hold.
- The qualification aim of the student is
all-important - Those with multiple stated qualification aims
should be treated as aiming for the lower of
those qualifications - In general, use the Framework for Higher
Education Qualifications (FHEQ) to determine a
basic hierarchy of qualifications
11The hierarchy of qualifications (1)
Variations to the FHEQ for ELQ purposes
- Disaggregation within single levels of the FHEQ
is not generally appropriate, but possible
exceptions for - level M Postgraduate Certificates gt Diplomas gt
Masters - level I Ordinary degree
- Credit applies to HEIs only
- students whose qualification aim is institutional
credit should not be treated as ELQ on the basis
of similar level HE credit already achieved
12The hierarchy of qualifications (2)
Postgraduate in time v postgraduate in level
- ELQ policy is about the academic level of a
qualification (aim) - HESES/HEIFES defines postgraduate as a course for
which the normal entry requirement is an honours
degree - integrated masters PG in level, not PG in time
- graduate conversion course UG in level, PG in
time - Exceptions
- PGCE, MPharm
- in future perhaps, depending on review ofFHEQ,
first registrable medicine, dentistry,vet
science degrees
13Exemptions (1)
ELQ students can still be recorded as fundable if
- Are aiming for a foundation degree
- Are on an ITT or INSET course
- Are on an undergraduate course leading to a first
registerable qualification in medicine
dentistry nursing midwifery certain other
named allied health professions social work
veterinary science - Or a post-registration undergraduate course for
the above professions - Or otherwise in a receipt of a (UG or PG)NHS
14Exemptions (2)
ELQ students can still be recorded as fundable if
- Are on an undergraduate course leading to a
professional qualification in youth and community
work - Are on a post-registration undergraduate course
for youth and community workers - Are on a full-time undergraduate course leading
towards registration as an architect - Are in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance
(DSA) - Studying in Northern Ireland with the OU
15Exemptions (3)
ELQ students counting toward co-funded employer
engagement allocations
- Are exempt
- But are still non-fundable in HESES/HEIFES
- because they are not funded through the
mainstream teaching grant, but are subject to
separate monitoring arrangements - They can still be included in co-funded employer
engagement monitoring forms as long as they meet
all other eligibility criteria
16Strategically important vulnerable subjects
SIVS are protected, but not exempt
- ELQ students in SIVS should be reported as
non-fundable unless they are also in an exempt
category (such as foundation degree, in receipt
of DSA etc). - The SIVS allocation relating to ELQ students will
not be recalculated annually for changing student
numbers - it is intended to help maintain overall capacity
in SIVS, be that for ELQ or non-ELQ students
17Institutions determine fundability status for ELQ
Use FUNDCODE field (HEIs) or Field A11 (FECs)
- We will use these fields in re-creating HESES and
HEIFES returns from HESA and ILR data - ELQ students will not be separately identifiable
in HESES/HEIFES - We will test whether institutions have determined
fundability status appropriately through our
audit and reconciliation work
18Auditing fundability status of ELQ students
- Institutions will need to keep audit records of
how they have determined fundability status of
students - We will also test whether institutions are
reporting fundability status appropriately using
combinations of HESA or ILR fields and by linking
data across years - Audits may be prompted if we find, for example,
disproportionately high numbers of students with
unknown entry qualifications being recordedas
19ELQs, fees and student support regulations (1)
See the OPSI web-site (www.opsi.gov.uk)
- Student fees (Qualifying Courses and Persons)
(England) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/778) - defines the courses and students covered by the
variable fee regime, whose fees are subject to
prescribed limits - Now updated by amendment in SI 2008/1640
- exclusion now applies to anyone aiming for an ELQ
whose previous qualification was awarded anywhere - but not those aiming for a foundation degree
20ELQs, fees and student support regulations (2)
See the OPSI web-site
- Education (Student Support) Regulations 2008 (SI
2008/529) - define student support regulations for 2008-09
- do not have an ELQ definition
- Education (Student Support) (No 2) Regulations
(SI 2008/1582) - define student support regulations for 2009-10
- contain an ELQ definition
- eligibility restricted for ELQ students
21Institutional fee charging policies
are generally a matter for institutions
- Compliance with regulations
- Clarity required about fee charging policies
- for all students
- but particularly those in receipt of DSA
22ELQ status can change over the duration of a
ELQ status should be reviewed annually
- Consistent with student fees and support
regulations - To take account of changing circumstances
- a student following two separate programmes of
study receives a qualification for one before the
other is complete - a student becomes disabled
- a student changes their qualification aim
23Changing ELQ status within a year of study
Yes to correct for data error/new information.
No to reflect changed circumstances
- Correct in-year where
- new information emerges about a students prior
entry qualifications, or a students eligibility
for DSA - Do not correct in-year, but correct for the start
of the following year, where - circumstances change, for example a student is
awarded a qualification during the year or
changes their stated qualification aim, which
affectstheir ELQ status
24Meeting funding agreement targets
- FTE targets relating to additional student
numbers have been adjusted to deduct an estimate
of ELQ numbers - Positions in the tolerance band have similarly
been calculated to reflect an estimate of ELQ
numbers - Consistency in how we have adjusted funding and
FTEs - Appeals process
- have we deducted enough in implementingthe ELQ
25Frequently asked questions (1)
- Are ELQ students whose previous qualification was
awarded abroad/by a private institution/unfunded
eligible for funding? - ELQ policy applies irrespective of whereprevious
qualification was achieved
26Frequently asked questions (2)
- Are model 2 LLN students covered by the same
ELQ fundability rules as other students? - Yes. Students aiming for an ELQ should not be
reported in Column 5/5a of HESES and do not count
towards delivery of model 2 LLN ASNs - HESES07 Annex M para 7Provision for students
in Column 5 is non-fundable by virtue only of the
criterion in sub-paragraph 5bi of Annex G. Any
LLN students that are non-fundable by virtue of
the other criteria in paragraph 5 of Annex G
should not be included in Column 5.
27Frequently asked questions (3)
- How do we check whether students have previous HE
qualifications? Will HEFCE data linking help? - we dont expect you will have to check the
previous qualifications of all your students 18
year-old entrants will generally not have an HE
qualification - HEFCE linking could provide some limited help,
but does not go back before 1995-96 and only
relates to students that studied at UK HEIs or
English FECs - we are investigating what kind of look-upservice
might be developed
28Frequently asked questions (4)
- How do we assess the relative levels of different
qualifications, such as professional
qualifications and those awarded abroad? - try www.naric.org.uk UK NARIC is the national
agency responsible for providing information and
advice about vocational, academic and
professional skills and qualifications from all
over the world
29Frequently asked questions (5)
- Will HEFCE adjust institutions funding
retrospectively if it finds through its data
linking that students have under-reported their
entry qualifications? - in considering whether to adjust funding we will
consider whether an institution has taken
reasonable steps to identify ELQ status
appropriately and the scale of any funding
implications that may arise