Title: District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
1District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
- Understand how to manage a Rotary Foundation
grant - Learn stewardship expectations
- Prepare clubs to implement the memorandum of
understanding - Qualify clubs to receive grant funds
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
3Grant Management
- Ensures that projects
- Are administered with proper financial control
- Adhere to superior technical standards
- Meet the needs of the beneficiaries
- Fulfill their objectives
- Safeguard donors funds
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
4Successful Grant Projects
- Meet community needs
- Have frequent partner communication
- Have implementation plan
- Are sustainable
- Practice proper stewardship of funds
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
- Stewardship is the responsible management and
oversight of grant funds, including - Standard business practices
- Rotarian supervision
- Financial records review
- Oversight of funds
- Reporting of irregularities
- Timely submission of reports
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
6Misuse of Grant Funds
- Clubs and the District are required to track,
investigate and resolve reports of misuse of
grant funds - Have those with concerns of misuse submit reports
in writing to the DRFCC with their signatures to
ensure credibility - No new grants will be approved until the
situation is resolved - TRF may intervene in the process
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
7Qualification Requirements
- Submit signed club MOU
- Attend a grant management seminar
- Club president, president-elect, foundation chair
sign MOU and attend GMS - Be current with District and RI dues
- Be current with all grant reports
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
8Terms of Qualification
- Valid for one year
- Club responsibility for grant funds
- Disclose conflicts of interest
- Cooperate with all audits
- Use grant funds properly
- Implement the club MOU
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
9Maintaining Qualification
- Follow terms of club MOU
- Appoint club member/committee to manage club
qualification - Fully implement stewardship practices to prevent
misuse of funds - Any misuse or mismanagement of grant funds will
result in either suspension or revocation of the
clubs qualification
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
10Successful Grant Projects
- Real community needs
- Frequent partner communication
- Implementation plan
- Sustainable projects
- Proper stewardship of funds
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
11Needs Assessment
- Choose a project that is based on the communitys
need - Assess resources of your club and potential
partners - Talk to the community
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
12Project Planning
- Form a three-person grant committee
- Assign roles
- Implementation plan
- Budget
- Contingency plan
- Document retention plan
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
13Creating a Budget
- Goals of the project
- Realistic
- Competitive bidding
- Reasonable prices
- Disclose conflicts of interest
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
14Setting Goals
- Gather baseline data
- Measurable
- Sustainable
- Qualitative (descriptive)
- Quantitative (numeric)
- Determine method of measurement
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
15Oversight and Reporting
- Identify best practices for managing funds and
record keeping - Identify which documents need to be retained
- Understand conflict of interest
- Understand reporting requirements
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
16Financial Management Plan
- Bank account for funds
- Use checks/bank cards to track funds
- Distributing funds
- Detailed ledger
- Include local laws
- Written plan for transferring custody of bank
accounts when signatories change
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
17Bank Account Requirements
- Separate bank account required for TFR grant
funds - Accounts must be low or no interest bearing
- Grant funds shall not be placed in investment
accounts - No comingling of TRF and local funds
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
18Conflict of Interest
- Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or
personally from a grant - Benefit can be direct (the Rotarian benefits) or
indirect (an associate of the Rotarian benefits) - Reporting Conflict of Interest is part of
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
19Why Disclose Conflict of Interest?
- Rotarians have a reputation for honesty
- It ensures a fair process transparency
- Potential Conflict of Interest doesnt mean
automatic disqualification from participation - TRF Grant Coordinators can help resolve questions
about Conflict of Interest
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
- Document retention worksheet
- Financial management plan worksheet
- Transferring custody of a bank account
- More on Rotary.org
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
21Document Retention
- Retain for a minimum of seven years
- Transfer records to District Office
- Scan originals
- Make copies
- Provide access
- Audit
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
22What You Must Keep
- Signed Club MOU
- Grant Management Seminar attendance record
- Correspondence on Club qualification, including
emails - Legal documents
- Bank information (Account details, statements,
signatories) - General ledger
- Annual financial assessment results
- Reports of misuse of grant funds
- Document retention procedures
- Succession plans
- Other documentation
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
23What You Must Keep
- Application
- Approval Notices
- Grant Agreements
- Grant Correspondenceincluding e-mail
- Club Cash Contribution Forms
- Other fund requests and commitments
- Quotes for materials
Final Report
- Beneficiary Documentation
- Needs assessment
- Agreements
- Vendor Documentation
- Quotes for materials
- Receipts and invoices
- Agreements
- Scholar Documentation
- Receipts and invoices
- Agreements
- Vocational Training
- Documentation
- Receipts and invoices
- Agreements
- Financial Documentation
- Bank statements
- Receipts
- Invoices
- Vouchers
- Inventory list
- Grant Reports
- Support documentation
- Photos
- Project summary
- Closure Letters
- Other Documentation
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
24Grant Document Retention
Grant Approval
Performing the Grant
Closing the Grant
Final Report
- Grant Retention Folder
- Application
- Approved Grant
- Supporting Documents
- DGS Recommendation
Bank Statements
Inventory Control
Interim Reports
Inventory Control
The Rotary Foundation
Acceptance Letter
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
25Rotary Foundation Grants
- District grants
- Global grants
- Packaged grants
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
26District Grants
- Block grant given to district, anddistrict
distributes to clubs - 50 of DDF can be used for district grants
- Formula for awards to clubs based on per capita
contributions to APF for previous year - No TRF match for district grants
- Final Report
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
27District Grant Policies
- District Grants provide greater parameters
and much more flexibility - District Grants provide funding to Rotary clubs
and districts to support local and international
humanitarian and service projects, community
beautification, scholarships, and vocational
training teams relating to the project/mission - Scholarships with no restrictions on the level
(secondary, university, or graduate), length,
location (local or international), or area of
study - Service travel and disaster recovery efforts
- Vocational training teams for both domestic and
international travel, Rotary and non-Rotary
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
28District Grant Policies
- District Grants must
- Relate to the mission of The Rotary Foundation
- Comply with all policies and procedures of The
Rotary Foundation, Terms and Conditions
prescribed by TRF, and District 6650 - Include the active participation of all Rotarians
- Adhere to the governing laws of the U.S. and the
country where the activity is taking place and
not harm individuals or entities - Demonstrate sensitivity towards host countrys
culture - Only fund activities that have been approved in
advance - Comply with the District Conflict of Interest
Policy - Complete all required paperwork in a timely
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
29District Grant Policies
- Only clubs that have been qualified can submit
district grant applications - Non-qualified clubs can participate but cannot
sponsor or submit an application
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
30Applying for District Grants
- Applications for district grants precede the
Rotary year in which they are completed - Deadline for applying 15 February 2013
- Submit to
- PDG George W. S. Hays, DRFCC
- Rotary District 6650 Office
- 203 Cleveland Ave. NW
- Canton, OH 44702
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
31Areas of Focus
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease
Prevention and Treatment Water and
Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic
Education and Literacy Economic and Community
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
32TRF Principles of Sustainability
- Continued impact after Foundation funding is
fully expended - Multiple levels of sustainability which involve
resource management, economic considerations,
cultural norms and social norms - Use of local resources, regional input, and local
knowledge as much as possible - Respect for natural resources and avoidance of
harm to the local environment - Reach the most beneficiaries possible
- Prepare scholars and individuals to contribute to
new and innovative methods in professional fields
within a Foundation area of focus - Prepare participants to increase impact and
improve effectiveness in the communities and
vocations in which they work - Use the input and skills of grassroots
individuals and groups to ensure continuation of
projects and activities
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
33Global Grants
- Online proposal and application
- Identify community needs
- Describe activities and outcomes
- How Rotarians will be involved
- General budget
- Meet goals of one or more area of focus
- Demonstrate sustainability
- Minimum budget of US30,000
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
34Global Grant Financing
- DDF matched 100 with World Fund
- Rotarian cash contributions matched 50 with
World Fund - Contributions credited to donor
- Non-Rotarian cash contributions
- Funds cannot come from other grants
- Funds cannot be raised from beneficiaries in
exchange for a grant
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
- Communication
- Financial management plan
- Record keeping
- Following original plan
- Assists with reporting
- Improves future projects
- Based on goals
- Ongoing process
- Identifies successes
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar
36Global Grant Reports
- Reports
- Progress report within 12 months of first payment
- Every 12 months through the life of the grant
- Final report within 2 months of completion
- Content
- How partners were involved
- Type of activity
- Evaluation of project goals
- How area of focus goals were met
- How funds were spent
- Number of beneficiaries and how they benefited
District 6650 Grant Management Seminar