Title: Galaxies in the XMMNewton and Chandra era
1 Galaxies in the XMM-Newton and Chandra era
- Antonis Georgakakis
- Imperial College
- Overview of galaxies at X-rays
- Emission components (e.g. XRBs, SNR, hot gas)
- Astrophysical significance
- Emission mechanisms
- Cosmological significance
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
3Galaxies at optical Hubble sequence
- Ellipticals
- smooth profiles
- old stars
- Spirals
- spiral arms
- young stars
- Lenticulars
- smooth profile spiral structure
- Irregulars
- amorphous
- young stars
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
4Emission components
- X-ray binaries
- Supernovae remnants
- Hot gas
- Stellar coronae
Accretion of material from primary to compact
secondary (black hole or neutron star) infalling
material heats up to 106K giving off
X-rays Low-mass X-ray binaries primary mass
similar or lower to that of the Sun, slow
evolution High-mass X-ray binaries primary mass
gt3M?, fast evolution timescale Major contributor
to integrated X-ray emission of our Galaxy (50)
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
5Emission components
- X-ray binaries
- Supernovae remnants
- Hot gas
- Stellar coronae
Explosion produces shock wave that accelerates
electrons and heats up material X-rays due to
thermal, synchrotron and bremsstrahlung
radiation. However, small contribution to total
X-ray emission of Galaxy (lt1-2)
Cas-A, T5?106K
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
6Emission components
- X-ray binaries
- Supernovae remnants
- Hot gas
- Stellar coronae
Gas heated by SN explosions trapped in galaxy
potential well. Relativisitc electrons produce
X-rays by bremsstrahlung Major contribution to
total X-ray emission of galaxies (50-100)
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
7Emission components
- X-ray binaries
- Supernovae remnants
- Hot gas
- Stellar coronae
Like the Sun, most stars have atmosphere of hot
plasma (T106K) thermal X-ray emission
However, minor contribution to overall Galaxy
X-ray emission (lt1-2)
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
8Galaxies at X-rays does it worth it?
- X-rays represent a tiny fraction of the energy
output of galaxies - e.g. Arp 220
- most of the energy at the infrared
- X-rays 5dex lower flux!
- This is unlike AGN (e.g. NGC 5548) where X-rays a
dominant component
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
9Galaxies at X-rays why important?
- Hot gas component
- Metal enrichment
- formation history of ellipticals
- Binary star population
- formation evolution
- link to star-formation
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
10Galaxies at X-rays why important?
- Hot gas component
- Metal enrichment
- formation history of ellipticals
- Binary star population
- formation evolution
- link to star-formation
Credit NASA/CXC/SAO/G. Fabbiano et al.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
11Galaxies at X-rays why important?
NGC 1700 merger remnant
- Hot gas component
- Metal enrichment
- formation history of ellipticals
- Binary star population
- formation evolution
- link to star-formation
Credit NASA/Ohio U./T.Statler et al.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
12Galaxies at X-rays why important?
Credit NASA/UMass/Z.Li Q.D.Wang
- Hot gas component
- Metal enrichment
- formation history of ellipticals
- Binary star population
- formation evolution
- link to star-formation
Point sources (X-ray binaries) Diffuse hot gas
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
13Galaxy gallery
- Point sources (mostly XRBs) follow spiral
structure (link to star-formation) - Ultra luminous X-ray sources 10-1000 X-ray power
compared to typical X-ray binaries. - Accretion on intermediate mass black holes,
100-104M?. - How such massive compact objects created?
Credit X-ray NASA/CXC/U. of Michigan/J.Liu et
al. Optical NOAO/AURA/NSF/T.Boroson
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
14Galaxy gallery
- Galaxy fountains
- Bubble of warm (104K red) and hot (107K blue)
gas blown out of the galaxy. - SN explosions or AGN activity
- Metal enrichment of interstellar/intergalactic
medium - Regulation of SF/AGN activity by depleting fule
(cold gas) from galaxy centres
NGC 3979 superwind
Credit NASA/CXC/STScI/U.North Carolina/G.Cecil
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
15Galaxy gallery
- Ellipticals
- X-rays dominated by diffuse emission
- Hot gas distribution inhomogeneous (unlike
optical) - Some stirring mechanism in operation possible
periodic AGN activity
Credit X-ray NASA/CXC/U. Ohio/T.Statler
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
16Summary I
- Galaxies are faint X-ray sources BUT
- X-rays unique diagnostic of galaxies
- the only observational tool to study stellar
binaries - direct census of metal enrichment
- information on galaxy formation/evolution
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
17Binary star orbits
- Roche lobes the volume around a star in a binary
system in which, if you were to release a
particle, it would fall back onto the surface of
that star. - L1 inner Lagrangian point where the gravity from
the two stars is equal. Mass is transferred from
one star to the other through L1.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
18X-ray binaries accretion
- Transfer of mass occur via
- Roche-lobe overflow through L1. An accretion disk
is formed. - capture of the stellar wind of the primary. An
accretion disk may form.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
19X-ray binaries accretion
- Spherical accretion radiation pressure cannot
exceed gravitational pull. - Upper limit in luminosity, LEddington. Scales
with mass of accreting source.
LEddington 1.3?1038 (M/M?) erg/s
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
20X-ray binary luminosities
- X-ray binaries typically have LXltlt1038erg/s
- Flat distribution at faint-end
- max luminosities 1038-1039erg/s.
- Power-law distribution
- Max LX 1040erg/s, i.e. brighter than the Milky
Gilfanov 2004
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
21Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources
- Massive stellar source, M100M?, intermediate
mass black holes - Non-spherical accretion
- Collimated emission, i.e. in a funnel.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
22X-ray binaries accretion
L2?r2?T4, TBB( L / 2?r2? )1/4, Assuming the
Eddinghton limit kTBB6.7?(M/M?)
(R/km)-21/4 Using typical values for accreting
sources NS 1.4M?, R10km ?kTBB2keV WD 3M?,
R5000km ?kTBB0.1keV BH R2GM/c2
- Black-body temperature, TBB typical temperature
of the source if it radiated as black body. - For typical values of compact accreting sources
(white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes)
black body radiation peaks at the X-ray regime.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
23X-ray binary spectra
- Complex X-ray spectra
- Power-law component with G1-2 (hot corona
Compton scattering) - Black-body component at soft energies (lt1keV
accretion disk) - Also variability, high/low states, absorption etc
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
24X-ray binary lifetimes
Evolution timescale time it takes for the star
to radiate the energy produced by H?He
thermonuclear reactions tlifeMc2/L, where M
mass of the star and L its luminosity. Empirical
relation between stellar mass and
luminosity LM3.5, combining the two
tlifeM?2.5, 1M? tlife1010yr 10M? tlife107yr
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
25X-ray binary lifetimes
Evolution timescale time it takes for the star
to radiate the energy produced by H?He
thermonuclear reactions tlifeMc2/L, where M
mass of the star and L its luminosity. Empirical
relation between stellar mass and
luminosity LM3.5, combining the two
tlifeM?2.5, 1M? tlife1010yr 10M? tlife107yr
- primary massive star (gt2M?)
- short-lived (107yr)
- measure instantaneous star-formation rate
- primary low-mass star (1M?)
- long lived (109yr)
- measure star-formation integrated over the
lifetime of the galaxy, i.e. total stellar mass.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
26Summary II
- X-ray binaries X-ray emission via accretion on a
compact object - HMXRBs short-lived, luminous, linked to
star-formation - LMXRBs long-lived, less luminous, linked to
stellar mass
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
27Hot gas
- Gas origin
- mass ejected by old stars
- gas falling back on the galaxy
- Gas heating mechanism
- shock heating
- Supernovae
- AGN feedback?
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
28Hot gas Bremsstrahlung
- Bremsstrahlung or braking radiation emitted by a
charged particle when accelerating in electric
field. - In the case of X-rays, e- in Coulomb collision
charge of Z protons - The resulting spectrum is flat with an upper
cutoff wcut, related to the interaction time, Dt
v/b, or interaction frequency w 1/Dt b/v
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
29Hot gas thermal Bremsstrahlung
- In astrophysically interesting cases, electrons
have velocity distribution. - In the case of plasma with uniform temperature T,
Maxwell distribution - Thermal Bremsstrahlung falls off exponentially at
high energies - Hot gas is radiatively cooling via Bremsstrahlung
?T0.5 and ?np -
- e.g. ellipticals np0.1cm-3 and T107K
- tcool3?108yr (cooling problem)
- spirals np0.1cm-3 and T106K
- tcool8?107yr
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
30X-ray spectra of galaxies
- Elliptical galaxy NGC 4649
- Two temperature hot gas components
- T8?106 2?107K
- 85 of LX
- Power-law, G1.8
- stellar sources (e.g. binaries)
- 15 of the luminosity
Randall et al. 2006
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
31X-ray spectra of galaxies
- Starburst galaxy NGC 3310
- Two temperature hot gas components
- T3?106 7?106K
- 25 of the 0.3-10keV LX
- Power-law, G1.8
- stellar sources (e.g. binaries)
- 75 of the 0.3-10keV luminosity
Jenkins et al. 2004
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
32X-ray emission and star-formation
- Linear relation between X-ray luminosity and
star-formation indicators (e.g. far-infrared
luminosity) for spirals. - X-ray emission can be used as a census of the
star-formation rate (SFR) in late type galaxies. - X-ray/SFR correlation is driven by short-lived
HMXRB population
Ranalli et al. 2003
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
33X-ray emission and star-formation
Grimm et al. 2003
- X-ray binary luminosity function (i.e. number of
sources with luminosity LX) for galaxies with
SFRs in the range0.1-50M?yr-1.
X-ray binary luminosity function scaled by the
SFR of the galaxy. The number of binaries in is
proportional to the SFR N(LXgt2?1038)2.9?SFRM?y
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
34Summary III
- X-ray binaries dominate X-ray emission in spirals
(star-formation indicator) - Hot gas dominates X-ray emission from early-type
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
35Georgakakis et al. 2006a, bGeorgantopoulos et
al. 2005
X-ray selected galaxies and cosmology
- Up to now X-ray properties of galaxies in the
local Universe (i.e. 20Mpc7?107ly) - Chandra and XMM the first X-ray selected galaxy
samples outside the local Universe - Chandra XMM-Newton wide-angle shallow surveys
find galaxies at z0.1 (400Mpc the Universe was
10 its present age) - Chandra Deep Fields identify galaxies to z1
(7?103Mpc the Universe was 50 its present age)
- Study how the X-ray properties of galaxies change
with time, i.e. evolution to z1
z 0.07
Needles in the Haystack Survey
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
36X-ray selected galaxies and cosmology
- Up to now X-ray properties of galaxies in the
local Universe (i.e. 20Mpc7?107ly) - Chandra and XMM the first X-ray selected galaxy
samples outside the local Universe - Chandra XMM-Newton wide-angle shallow surveys
find galaxies at z0.1 (400Mpc the Universe was
10 its present age) - Chandra Deep Fields identify galaxies to z1
(7?103Mpc the Universe was 50 its present age)
- Study how the X-ray properties of galaxies change
with time, i.e. evolution to z1
z 0.298
Hornschemeier et al. 2003
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
37Ghosh White 2001
Starforming galaxies at X-ray wavelengths
- Star-formation evolution studies at X-rays
- Least biased by dust (gt2keV)
- Unlike estimators at other wavelengths, includes
information from low-mass stars (e.g. LMXRBs) - information on the evolution timescales of HMXRB
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
38Galaxy evolution
- Luminosity function F(L,z)
- number of galaxies per unit volume with
luminosity L?LdL - i.e. F(L,z)dLdV number of galaxies with
luminosity L at redshift z - Schechter form for the LF
- F(L) f? (L/L?)a ? exp(?L/L?)
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
39Galaxy evolution
- Count sources to a given flux limit S.
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
40Galaxy evolution
- Count sources to a given flux limit S.
- Use local LF to predict number assuming different
evolution histories, e.g. LX?(1z)p
No evolution model
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
41Galaxy evolution
- Count sources to a given flux limit S.
- Use local LF to predict number assuming different
evolution histories, e.g. LX?(1z)p
Evolution (1z)2.4
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
42Summary IV
- X-ray emission of spirals star-formation
indicator - X-rays provide information on the cosmological
evolution of galaxies - Star-formation evolution free from dust-induced
biases. - Future missions, e.g. XEUS (?100 XMM)
- Star-formation evolution to z2 (imaging)
- Metal enrichment out to z1 (spectroscopy)
- X-ray binary population evolution z1
X-ray Astronomy Summer School, Athens 2006
43Thank you for your attention!
44Galaxies at optical Hubble sequence
- Ellipticals
- smooth profiles
- old stars
- Spirals
- spiral arms
- young stars
- Lenticulars
- smooth profile spiral structure
- Irregulars
- amorphous
- young stars
45Galaxies at optical Hubble sequence
- Ellipticals
- smooth profiles
- old stars
- Spirals
- spiral arms
- young stars
- Lenticulars
- smooth profile spiral structure
- Irregulars
- amorphous
- young stars
46Galaxies at optical Hubble sequence
- Ellipticals
- smooth profiles
- old stars
- Spirals
- spiral arms
- young stars
- Lenticulars
- smooth profile spiral structure
- Irregulars
- amorphous
- young stars
47Galaxies at optical Hubble sequence
- Ellipticals
- smooth profiles
- old stars
- Spirals
- spiral arms
- young stars
- Lenticulars
- smooth profile spiral structure
- Irregulars
- amorphous
- young stars