Title: Galaxy Clusters
1Galaxy Clusters Our Local Group
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3Merging Galaxies
Polar Ring Galaxy NGC 4650
Antennae Galaxy NGC 4038
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6The Latest HST Image
7Advanced Camera for Surveys in detail
8NGC 3079 A Starburst Galaxy
9Hubble's Law And the Expanding Universe
As well as classifying galaxies into different
types, Edwin Hubble observed the spectral lines
of many different galaxies. He discovered that
almost every galaxy is moving away from us!
What's more there is a relationship between the
recessional speed (or redshift) of a galaxy and
distance it lies away from us! Galaxies that
are further away are moving more quickly! So a
galaxy with a large redshift is not only moving
away from us very quickly but is in fact a very
long way away from us!
redshift (z) v / c (l l0)/l
V H0 D
H0 Hubble's Constant gives the age of the
universe! It is believed to be 71 km/s/Mpc
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/Quasi-stellar radio sources
The most distant objects in the known
universe have extremely redshifted spectral lines
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14Active Galactic Nuclei
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