Chapter 25: Galaxies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 25: Galaxies


... are in the southern sky in the constellations ... Star Count in a Galaxy One gets an estimate of the number of stars in a galaxy ... knowing the size of the star ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 25: Galaxies

Chapter 25 Galaxies
  • What are galaxies?
  • How are they distributed in space?

Discovery of other Galaxies
  • Using large telescopes one can see clouds of dust
    and gas inside the Galaxy.
  • One can also see other peculiar milky nebulae
    scattered among the stars.
  • Some of these milky nebulae have spiral shapes
  • Others look like squashed spheres or tortured
    messes of material.
  • Three of the milky nebulae are visible as fuzzy
    patches to the naked eye
  • one is in the constellation Andromeda
  • two others (called the Large and Small Magellanic
    Clouds after the first European explorer to see
    them, Ferdinand Magellan) are in the southern sky
    in the constellations Mensa and Hydrus.

Galaxies Discovery Pioneers
  • Work by
  • Edwin Hubble (lived 1889--1953)
  • Milton Humason (lived 1891--1972)
  • in the 1930's established that each of the spiral
    nebulae was another huge star system, called a
  • Galaxy is from the Greek galactos'', meaning
  • Hubble and Humason used large high resolution
    telescopes to measure the distances to the

Other Galaxies
  • Galaxies are
  • organized systems
  • thousands to hundreds of thousands of light years
  • made of tens of millions to trillions of stars
  • sometimes mixed with gas and dust all held
    together by their mutual gravity.

Star Count in a Galaxy
  • One gets an estimate of the number of stars in a
    galaxy by dividing the total luminosity of the
    galaxy by a typical star's luminosity.
  • A more accurate value would result if you use the
    galaxy's luminosity function (a table of the
    proportion of stars of a given luminosity).
  • Or you could divide the total mass of the galaxy
    by a typical star's mass (or use the mass
    function to get the proportions right).

Distances to other Galaxies
  • Distances between galaxies are large and are
    often measured in megaparsecs.
  • A megaparsec is one million parsecs
  • or about 3.3 million light years.
  • Example
  • distance between the Milky Way and the closest
    large galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, is about
    0.899 megaparsecs.

Shapley-Curtis debate
  • Big controversy in the 1910's and early 1920's
    over whether the nebulae called galaxies were
    outside the Milky Way or were part of it.
  • National Academy of Sciences held a debate
    between the opposing sides in 1920.
  • Those favoring a large Milky Way with the spiral
    nebulae inside it were represented by Harlow
  • Those favoring the spiral nebulae as separate
    groups of stars outside the Milky Way were
    represented by Heber Curtis.
  • The Shapley-Curtis debate did not decide much
    beyond the fact that both sides had powerful
    evidence for their views.

  • Edwin Hubble and Milton Humanson set out to
    resolve the debate
  • by using the largest telescope at the time,
  • the 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson,
  • to study the large spiral nebula in the Andromeda

Resolution (2)
  • Because of its large mirror, the telescope had
    sufficient resolving power and light-gathering
    power to spot individual stars in the Andromeda
  • In the mid-1920's they discovered Cepheid
    variables in the galaxy and used the
    period-luminosity relation to find that the
    distance to the galaxy was very much greater than
    even the largest estimates for the size of the
    Milky Way.
  • Galaxies are definitely outside the Milky Way and
    our galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies in
    the universe.
  • Their discovery continued the process started by
    Copernicus long ago of moving us from the center
    of the universe.

Types of Galaxies
  • Edwin Hubble divided the galaxies into three
    basic groups
  • ellipticals,
  • spirals,
  • irregulars.

Types of Galaxies (2)
  • Ellipticals are smooth and round or elliptical.
  • Spirals are flat with a spiral pattern in their
  • Irregulars have stars and gas in random patches.
  • Most galaxies are small and faint so only the
    luminous galaxies are seen at great distances.
  • Very luminous galaxies tend to be either the
    elliptical or spiral type, so they are the ones
    often displayed in astronomy textbooks.

Sequence of Galaxy Classification
  • Hubble (1936) put these groups onto a two-pronged
    sequence that looks like a tuning fork.
  • He thought (incorrectly) that galaxies evolved
    from left to right in diagram.

Not All Ideas are Correct
  • Astronomers now know that it is NOT an
    evolutionary sequence because each type of galaxy
    has very old stars.
  • The oldest stars in any galaxy all have about the
    same age of around 15 billion years.
  • This means that spirals form as spirals,
    ellipticals form as ellipticals, and irregulars
    form as irregulars.
  • However, the tuning fork diagram remains
    convenient for classifying galaxies.

  • Smooth and elliptical in appearance.
  • Have four distinguishing characteristics
  • much more random star motion than orderly
    rotational motion
  • star orbits are aligned in a wide range of angles
    and have a wide range of eccentricities.
  • Little dust and gas left between the stars
  • No new star formation occurring now and no hot,
    bright, massive stars in them.
  • No spiral structure.

Elliptical Sub-classification
  • Most elliptical galaxies are small and faint.
  • The dwarf ellipticals may be the most common type
    of galaxy in the universe
  • (or maybe the dwarf irregulars are).
  • Examples of elliptical galaxies are M32 (an E2
    dwarf elliptical next to the Andromeda Galaxy)
    and M87 (a huge elliptical in the center of the
    Virgo cluster).

Elliptical Galaxies Example 1
  • Messier 32 a dwarf elliptical (E2) satellite
    galaxy of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Elliptical Galaxies Example 2
  • Messier 87
  • giant elliptical (E1)
  • at the core of the Virgo Cluster
  • Grown very large by eating'' other galaxies.

Elliptical Galaxies Example 3
  • Leo I
  • dwarf elliptical
  • E3
  • Local Group.

Elliptical Galaxies Example 4
  • Messier 110
  • dwarf elliptical
  • E6
  • satellite of Andromeda Galaxy.

Spiral Galaxies
  • Flattened disks with a spiral pattern in the
  • Spiral arms can go all of the way into the bulge
    or be attached to the ends of a long bar of gas
    and dust that bisects the bulge.

Spiral Galaxies Characteristics
  • Four distinguishing characteristics of the
    spirals are
  • More orderly, rotational motion than random
  • the rotation refers to the disk as a whole and
    means that the star orbits are closely confined
    to a narrow range of angles and are fairly
  • Lot of gas and dust between the stars.
  • New star formation occurring in the disk,
    particularly in the spiral arms.
  • A spiral structure.

Spiral Galaxies Example 1
  • Andromeda Galaxy
  • M31
  • large spiral galaxy (Sb)
  • near the Milky Way.
  • Note
  • M32 just above it
  • M110 below it.

Spiral Galaxies Example 2
  • Triangulum Galaxy
  • M33
  • Small spiral galaxy (Scd)
  • in the Local Group.

Spiral Galaxies Example 3
  • Messier 81
  • Large spiral galaxy (Sb).

Spiral Galaxies Example 4
  • NGC 2997
  • Large face-on spiral galaxy (Sc).

Spiral Galaxies Example 5
  • NGC 1365
  • barred spiral galaxy (SBbc).

Spiral Galaxies Example 6
  • NGC 3351
  • (M95)
  • Barred spiral galaxy (SBb).

Irregular Galaxies
  • Irregular galaxies have no definite structure.
  • Stars bunched up but the patches are randomly
    distributed throughout the galaxy.
  • Some irregulars have a lot of dust and gas so
    star formation is possible.
  • Some are undergoing a burst of star formation
    now, many H II regions are seen in them.
  • Others have very little star formation going on
    in them (even some of those with a lot of gas and
    dust still in them).

Irregular Galaxies (2)
  • Most irregulars are small and faint.
  • The dwarf irregulars may be the most common type
    of galaxy in the universe (or maybe the dwarf
    ellipticals are).
  • Dwarf galaxies far away are faint and hard to
  • Perhaps if the dwarf galaxies were brighter, E.
    Hubble would have arranged the galaxies in a
    different sequence instead of the two-pronged
  • Examples of irregular galaxies are the Large and
    Small Magellanic Clouds (two small irregulars
    that orbit the Milky Way).

Irregular Galaxies Example 1
  • Large Magellanic Cloud
  • Dwarf irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky

Irregular Galaxies Example 2
  • Small Magellanic Cloud
  • Dwarf irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky

Irregular Galaxies Example 3
  • NGC 6822
  • Dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group.

Irregular Galaxies Example 4
  • IC 5152
  • Dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group.

Irregular Galaxies Example 5
  • NGC 1313
  • starburst galaxy
  • also called a barred spiral galaxy (SBc).

Irregular Galaxies Example 6
  • Messier 82
  • starburst galaxy.

Distribution in the Sky
  • Galaxies are distributed fairly uniformly across
    the sky.
  • Approximately the same number of galaxies are
    seen in every direction

More about Galaxy Distributions
  • The distribution of galaxies is not perfectly
  • They clump together into loose groups.
  • Three-dimensional maps of the universe have
    revealed surprisingly large structures in the
  • Galaxies like to group together and those groups,
    in turn, congregate together.

Distances To Galaxies
  • As for the determination of stellar properties,
    finding the distance to galaxies is essential for
    comparing the galaxies against each other.
  • In order to determine the luminosities and masses
    of the galaxies and the distribution of the mass
    inside the galaxies, one must know their distance
    from our own Galaxy.

Galaxy Distance Determination
  • Use the period-luminosity relation of Cepheid
    variable stars to derive the distance from the
    apparent brightness of the Cepheids.
  • Works only for the nearby galaxies.
  • For galaxies farther away, other standard candle
    techniques involving objects more luminous than
    Cepheids like supernova explosions or supergiant
    stars are used.
  • Luminosities are not as well known or uniform,
  • Greater uncertainty in the derived distances to
    the very distant galaxies.

Rotational Velocities and Luminosity
  • In 1977 Brent Tully and Richard Fisher discovered
    a relation between the rotational velocity of the
    disk and the luminosity of a spiral galaxy.
  • Rotational velocity is found from the 21-cm
    emission of the neutral atomic hydrogen gas in
    the outer parts of the disk.
  • Rotation curve is flat in the outer parts of most
    galactic disks (dark matter!).

  • Parts of a spiral galaxy's disk rotating toward
    us have lines blue-shifted.
  • Part of the disk rotating away from us have lines
  • The 21-cm emission from a galaxy of small angular
    size is the blended result of the emission from
    all parts of the disk.
  • The faster the disk rotates, the broader the
    21-cm emission line will be.

Tully-Fisher relation
  • The Tully-Fisher relation for the infrared
    luminosity is
  • circular velocity 220 x (L/L)0.22.
  • Infrared is used to lessen the effect of the dust
    in our galaxy and in the other spiral galaxy.
  • The luminosity of the galaxy is found from the
    width of the 21-cm emission line and the distance
    is then derived using the apparent brightness and
    the inverse square law.

Distance and Redshift
  • In 1914, Vesto Slipher (1870--1963) announced
    results from spectra of over 40 spiral galaxies.
  • He found that over 90 of the spectra showed
    redshifts which meant that they were moving away
    from us.
  • Edwin Hubble and Milton Humason found distances
    to the spiral nebulae.
  • When Hubble plotted the redshift vs. the distance
    of the galaxies, he found a surprising relation
  • more distant galaxies are moving faster away from

Hubble Law
  • Hubble and Humason announced their result in
  • the Galactic recession speed H ? distance,
  • where H is a number now called the Hubble
  • This relation is called the Hubble Law and the
    Hubble constant is the slope of the line.

Determination of the Hubble Constant
  • With distances measured in megaparsecs (Mpc) and
    the recession speed in kilometers/second
    (km/sec), the Hubble constant is between 60 and
    70 km/sec/Mpc.
  • Value found by using the galaxies that have
    accurate distances measured (Cepheids, etc.) and
    dividing their recession speeds by their

Benefits of the Hubble Law
  • It is easy to find the recession speeds of
    galaxies from their redshifts.
  • The Hubble law provides an easy way to measure
    the distances to even the farthest galaxies from
    the (recession speed/H).
  • For example, if a galaxy has a redshift of 20,000
    km/sec and H is set to 70 km/sec/Mpc, then the
    galaxy's distance (20,000 km/sec)/(70
    km/sec/Mpc) 20,000/70 (km/sec)/(km/sec) Mpc
    286 megaparsecs.

The Center of the Universe ?
  • At first glance,
  • it looks like the Milky Way is at the center of
    the universe
  • it committed some galactic social blunder because
    all of the other galaxies are rushing away from
    it (there are a few true galactic friends like
    the Andromeda galaxy that are approaching it).

Copernican principle
  • Hubble law shows that there is actually not a
    violation of the Copernican principle.
  • More distant galaxies move faster.
  • Galaxies (or galaxy clusters) are all moving away
    from each other
  • The universe is expanding uniformly.
  • Every other galaxy or galaxy cluster is moving
    away from everyone else.
  • Every galaxy would see the same Hubble law.

(No Transcript)
Masses of Galaxies
  • Masses of galaxies are found from the orbital
    motion of their stars.
  • Stars in a more massive galaxy orbit faster than
    those in a lower mass galaxy because the greater
    gravity force of the massive galaxy causes larger
    accelerations of its stars.
  • By measuring the star speeds, one finds out how
    much gravity there is in the galaxy.
  • Since gravity depends on mass and distance,
    knowing the size of the star orbits enables you
    to derive the galaxy's mass.

Masses from Rotation Curvefor Spiral Galaxies
  • The rotation curve shows how orbital speeds in a
    galaxy depend on their distance from the galaxy's
  • The mass inside a given distance from the center
    (orbital speed)2 (distance from the
  • Obital speed is found from the doppler shifts of
    the 21-cm line radiation from the atomic hydrogen

A Mass Problem
  • The stars and gas in most galaxies move much
    quicker than expected from the luminosity of the
  • In spiral galaxies, the rotation curve remains at
    about the same value at great distances from the
    center (it is said to be flat).
  • This means that the enclosed mass continues to
    increase even though the amount of visible,
    luminous matter falls off at large distances from
    the center.
  • In elliptical galaxies, the gravity of the
    visible matter is not strong enough to accelerate
    the stars as much as they are.
  • Something else must be adding to the gravity of
    the galaxies without shining.

Dark Matter Problem
  • That something else is called dark matter.
  • It is material that does not produce detectable
    amounts of light but it does have a noticeable
    gravitational effect.
  • Astronomers are not sure what the dark matter is
    made of.
  • Possibilities range from large things like
    planets, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, black holes
    to huge numbers of small things like neutrinos or
    other particles that have not been seen in our
    laboratories yet.
  • The nature of dark matter is one of the central
    problems in astronomy today.
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