Title: The Xray background in the Chandra and XMMNewton era
1The X-ray background in the Chandra and
XMM-Newton era
Andrea Comastri (INAF-OABologna-Italy) Robert
o Gilli (INAF-OABologna-Italy) Guenthe
r Hasinger (MPE-Garching-Germany) Alessandro
Marconi (INAF-OAArcetri-Italy)
Gilli, Comastri, Hasinger 2006 submitted to
AA Marconi, Gilli, Comastri in preparation
2 - Deep X-ray surveys have resolved some 80 of the
XRB (below a few keV ) but only 50 gt 6 keV
and a few above 10 keV. - Wealth of X-ray and multiwavelength follow-up
available unlikely to be substantially modified
in the next decade or so - Worth to make an effort to constrain the missing
population (Compton Thick AGN) and make solid
prediction for future missions - The missing population may provide an important
contribution to the BH mass function SMBH/galaxy
evolution, accretion rates, Eddington ratios, - Provide robust predictions to be compared with
the currently ongoing efforts to efficiently
select obscured AGN
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5Model scheme
- XRB flux uncertain, so use the more robust
constraints below 10 keV (eg. source counts) to
lock the properties (eg obs/unobs ratio, NH
dist.) of the Compton Thin (log NH lt 24) AGN - Estimate the Compton Thin/Unobs. Ratio by
comparing hard vs. soft XLF. - Absorption distribution from X-ray counts.
- Include continuum slope dispersion.
- Add Compton thick AGN to fit the 30 keV bump
- Verify assumptions/make predictions on Compton
Thick AGN
6Unabsorbed logNHlt21 (plus Compton reflection)
Compton-Thin 21ltlogNHlt24 Compton-Thick logNHgt2
4 Mildly (log NH 24-25) (NGC 6240,
Circinus) Heavily (log NH gt25) (NGC1068)
7Hard XLF Compton Thin unobscured (Ueda
03) Soft XLF unobscured (Hasinger05)
RS thin/unobs. _at_ logLX lt 43 RQ thin/unobs. _at_
logLX gt 45
8Hard XLF La Franca05
9Best fit ratios 4 at low Log Lx lt
44 Luminosities 1 at high Log Lx gt
44 luminosities
10Obscured AGN fraction vs luminosity
Observed Intrinsic (i.e.
folded with selection effects)
11X-ray logN-logS
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13NH distribution
T h i n
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15Obscured AGN fraction vs sample limiting flux
All abs.
All abs.
16- Correction for Compton-Thick sources from XRB
models ? whole - AGN pop considered
- The only free parameters are the accretion
efficiency and Eddington ratio - L e dM/dt c2
- L ? LEdd
17- Determine locus in e-? plane where there is the
best match between local and relic BHMF! - e0.04-0.10 ?0.08-0.5 which are consistent
with common beliefs on AGNs
- The comparison between the soft and hard XLF
indicates that the obscured/unobscured ratio
decreases with increasing Lx No evidence of
redshift dependence. - The NH distribution increases towards high NH
- Large population of Compton-thick AGN (as
many - as Compton-thin, equally splitted between
mildly and heavily). Some of the mildly CT have
been detected in deep X-ray surveys see also
deep IR searches -
- Heavily ? The XRB model gives a suggestion
- BH mass density argument will help CT
space density degenerates with accretion
efficiency and geometry of reflecting thick
matter -
- To be explored CT XLF - NHf(L,z) - IR