Title: SEI07
Sachin M. Pore, Vipul Prakash and
G.I. Prajapati struct_engg_at_yahoo.co.in,
vipulfeq_at_iitr.ernet.in, giprafeq_at_iitr.ernet.in Dep
artment of Earthquake Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247 667, India
This picture in background is of famous Roorkee
Lion that is along the Ganga Canal
- Problem Definition and Solution
- The information on building stock of the country
reveals that most buildings are four storied,
buildings with five to ten floors can be grouped
as few, while those having more than ten stories
are rare. Among these multistoried buildings, use
of steel frames and/or special moment resisting
frames (SMRF) in concrete is still rare. This
means that majority of our RCC framed buildings
can be classified as medium rise buildings and
requires more attention. In this context, a
module of 4 m side in plan and 3 m in height (4 X
4 X 3) was integrated in space to obtain 30
geometries under three categories as shown below.
Three types of designs (i) Gravity load case
involving only dead and imposed loading (ii)
Design for seismic loading as OMRF type and (iii)
design for seismic loading as a SMRF type were
carried out for each of the frame and the cost
comparison was done between the later two types.
The first case was included to arrive at
preliminary sizing of members. The comparison of
cost for the structural members is shown in
graph below.
? With increase in size of the structure there is
decrease in slope of trend line, indicating that
in general the SMRF designs lead to reduction in
cost by about 20 due to higher response
reduction, though the design provisions are
stringent. ?To verify whether the assumed
response reduction is available, NSP is used in
accordance with ATC 40. ? Table below show the
results for the 3 storied frames, which were
close to the average values for the entire set
IV. Design Practice in India
- ?Emergence of IS 13920-1993, the code of practice
exclusively dealing with design and detailing of
RC members for ductility attracted the attention
of practicing engineers towards the concept of
ductile designs In India, though IS 4326-1976
contained similar provisions. - ?The criteria for earthquake resistant design of
structures is specified in IS 1893 (Part 1)- 2002
(hereafter referred to as IS 1893), published by
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The latest
version of the code, explicitly prescribed the
response reduction factors through reliance on
ductile deformation or frictional energy
dissipation in the cracks. - ?In previous versions of IS 1893 the response
reduction factor was incorporated in the values
for average acceleration coefficient based on the
natural period and damping of the structure.
Being implicit, the response reduction factor did
not require justification. Explicit provision of
the response reduction factor in IS 1893 (Part
1)2002 created the need for its justification.
The codes (1893 and 13920) gave birth to two
main issues - how to ensure the performance of structure in
post elastic range i.e. is it - possible to ensure the assumed level of
reduction of design forces? - (2) What makes a better choice among the OMRF and
SMRF? - ? Absence of formal guidance addressing above
issues led to continuation of use of ordinary
moment resisting frames for medium rise
Comparison of Pushover Analysis For Bare and
Infilled Frames
If the infills are considered to offer a role of
secondary lateral load resisting system forming a
dual system with RC frame, its contribution can
be accounted towards redundancy factor. In this
case the Redundancy Factor Rr is considered as
the ratio of base shear of infilled frame to the
ratio of base shear of bare frame corresponding
to DBE and MCE levels separately.
- It is economical to design the MRF systems as
SMRF. - The drift levels attained in SMRF cases are
higher than the corresponding OMRF cases, meaning
that SMRF option is offering economical solutions
at the cost of reduced lateral stiffness. The
regular configuration show similar distribution
of material consumption. - Performance in DBE remains near end of linear
range of capacity curve in all the cases
considered. However, the reduction factors
evaluated in accordance with the available
literature, are much lower than the factors
specified by the IS 1893 in case of bare frame
analysis even for simple, regular and symmetric
geometric configurations - If the contribution of infills is accounted then
the situation improves but yet is not satisfactory
Acknowledgements The authors gratefully
acknowledge the AICTE and MHRD of Government of
India for funding of this research.
Presented at SEI
2007 Structure Congress Long Beach, California.
May 16-19, 2007