Title: Geen diatitel
1- Associational life and political involvement of
Turkish immigrants in Europe - Dirk Jacobs
- Groupe détudes sur lEthnicité, le Racisme, les
Migrations et lExclusion (GERME) Institut de
Sociologie Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - e-mail dirk.jacobs_at_ulb.ac.be
STUDIES, Volume 30, Number 3, May 2004, Social
capital and political integration of migrants,
guest editors Dirk Jacobs and Jean Tillie Jacobs,
D. Tillie, J. (2004), "Introduction Social
Capital and Political Integration of Migrants".
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol 30
(3), 419-427. Jacobs, D., Phalet, K.
Swyngedouw, M. (2004), "Associational Membership
and Political Involvement Among Ethnic Minority
Groups in Brussels". Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies, vol 30 (3), 543-559. Main
question Does ethnic social capital stimulate
political integration of migrants? Fennema
Tillie YES, ethnic social capital stimulates
active democratic citizenship (empirical
phenomenon observed in Amsterdam) Koopmans
MAYBE, BUT local and national political
opportunity structures are the main explanatory
factors for political involvement (it depends
whether the host society allows for it or not)
3- Contributors did the empirical test in Amsterdam,
Berlin, Brussels and Denmark using (mainly)
survey data Turkish were present in all cases - Overall conclusions one might draw
- a) ETHNIC ASSOCIATIONAL LIFE is a double edged
sword (and both Fennema Tillie and Koopmans
have a point) - Ethnic associational life can both stimulate or
hinder democratic citizenship in the host
country, according to the prevalent form of
institutional inclusion from the side of the host
society - for instance strong ethnic associational life is
regarded to be positive in Amsterdam, negative in
Brussels a strong community with dense
associational life is hence more of an advantage
in the Netherlands and more of a disadvantage in
Belgium - b) Involvement in TRADE UNIONS is often a more
decisive factor than ethnic social capital to
explain political involvement on the individual
level - c) resources and orientations of the ethnic
community members on the individual level are
important as explanatory factor on the individual
level - multivariate analysis show the importance on the
individual level of language skills and/or
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6Scatterplot of percentage of unemployed and
percentage of Moroccan and Turkish nationals on
neighborhood-level in the Capital Region of
Brussels (Census data 1991, treatment by IPSoM,
Jacobs Swyngedouw, 2000)
7Participation of Turks, Moroccans and Belgian
nationals in ethnic and cross-ethnic
organizations in Brussels (BMS, 1995-1996).
(between brackets of participants in more
than one organisation)
8Participation of Turks, Moroccans and Belgians
nationals in Brussels (BMS, 1995-1996)
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